Dump Sylvester
Dump Liam Dump TDU Dump Sylvester Dump the whole slate 

I hope there 50 guys in referee uniforms on at the GM meeting! Whistles, flags and signs! Etc!!
Tim said board would be voting on what to do with Liam this week!!! What will happen to Boy Wonder???
Come on son!
It is sad but the 250 are on a hit list and slowly we will have the Maspeth 249... Maspeth 248... Maspeth 247......... management can't wait to have Tim in the building to defend them on bogus changes.
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Sometimes you have to take a step back, to take two steps forward.How the hell would you know if the "250 are on a hit list"? And how would you know how management feels about "Tim in the building"? I don't know if you attended the Sunday membership meeting, but those Maspeth 250 members who did attend and spoke out seemed pretty damn proud of the action that they took! They also seemed pleased that this issue is resolved and they're going back to work! It appears that those who are now wailing that the sky is falling are the same "members" who were convinced that the Maspeth 250 were doomed and would never return! This was an ugly situation, but the Maspeth 250 and Local 804 got through it! The customer videos were great! The political support was great! The petitions were great! If there is any retaliation, Local 804 will deal with it! I really hate to say it...but it appears that some of you had hoped for a much worse outcome to serve your own political agenda! Those of you who feel that way may pay dues to the Teamsters...but you're not brothers of mine!
Sad part is 250 drivers now have a 10 day suspension in their Pittsburgh. Now watch the company pick them off one by one.
There was not many drivers there who supported the walkout there @ the GM meeting! Unless your going to say the people with the blue shirts were them and that was not the case! There were drivers from several buildings wearing those blue shirts!
I enjoy the TDU spin @ 804. If you don't believe the members are upset your clueless! You actually have the most dangerous group against you now! The silent majority! There not gonna say anything to your face! There gonna say high and bye! Then put the screws to you later.
Time for damage control!
There was not many drivers there who supported the walkout there @ the GM meeting! Unless your going to say the people with the blue shirts were them and that was not the case! There were drivers from several buildings wearing those blue shirts!
I enjoy the TDU spin @ 804. If you don't believe the members are upset your clueless! You actually have the most dangerous group against you now! The silent majority! There not gonna say anything to your face! There gonna say high and bye! Then put the screws to you later.
Time for damage control!
Oh...so now you're counting on Richard Nixon's famous "silent majority"? Whatever happened to the 50 guys in referee uniforms, the whistles and the signs you were hoping for before the meeting? How about the Maspeth drivers who took the mic and strongly supported Liam? Not part of your "silent majority", huh? And the 30 or so guys wearing shirts in support of Liam? Again...not part of your "silent majority", huh?
You just aren't going to get it, member 60blowhard! The Maspeth 250 engaged in a job action because they were sick and tired of UPS violating the contract! They were sick and tired of the push button gestapo mentality of UPS management! They were pushed to the limit when one of their co-workers was being harassed for production after being hit by a car on the job and spending 9 days in a coma! The Maspeth 250 took a stand! Yes...it was a tough stand to take...not one for the weak-kneed or faint of heart, but it was UPS that pushed these guys into taking that stand. And it was UPS that was forced to back down in the end!
Labor battles like this sometimes happen when a rogue employer doesn't realize that he's just crossed the line. It takes some serious backbone to stand up and put it all on the line! The Maspeth 250 showed that they have that backbone. I'm not convinced that your "silent majority" is up to the task. Their silence was deafening at the membership meeting! Very much like your own...sorta' like the silence of the lambs.
Blue and bold! Looks like you mean business now. What will Tim do...stay tuned for future posts from "Clowns with keyboards"It is over for your boys, they are going to be the lambs in the next election. They were elected the last election not by the majority of 804 members but because three slates ran. If they figure out that they need to unite to save this Local your boys will hear from the SILENT MAJORITY !!!
And then I will have to change my screen name, unless they do what your boys did when given the chance. You pay dues Spider but your not a Teamster.
It is over for your boys, they are going to be the lambs in the next election. They were elected the last election not by the majority of 804 members but because three slates ran. If they figure out that they need to unite to save this Local your boys will hear from the SILENT MAJORITY !!!
And then I will have to change my screen name, unless they do what your boys did when given the chance. You pay dues Spider but your not a Teamster.
But not for healthcare?Sometimes you have to take a step back, to take two steps forward.