804 shop steward


Well-Known Member
You drivers that voted for row b, screw you, now you grow a P.O.B"s . And put your signature on the paper. My days of filing grievances are over. That is why you see so many super's working, row a isn't filing grievance and row b is to scared!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I can only hope it's not a Row A driver. I hope it"s a Row B. This is what you wanted, we have no union, now deal with it!!!!
Our rep here in the Nassau Hub is pretty good. He is new and fighting a very evil and corrupt manager. This manager openly lies and has his own set of rules. He also is scared of his primary full time supervisor and allows this kid to harass and curse at employees. This manager has been demoted , has part time and full time management quitting on his watch left and right and from what I hear has several corporate complaints against him. But our union rep has the business agent in the building at least once a week to try and help and I always see them arguing with this manager. Some reps do a lot of good like mine, some are useless. The last one we had here actually took food bribes from management if you could believe that. I am glad the times have changed and we have someone that actually stands up for us now. Baby steps.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
my steward is top notch and has been for over 20 years. he's a friend of mine and probably the most honest, level headed and fair person I've every had the pleasure of calling a friend. i have faith our union will strengthen it self. i knew it would take some time for the new slate and the current shop stewards to develop a relationship and a trust for one another. its been a year and i think at this point all differences should be put aside so we can all focus on preserving our jobs and our health and welfare. for better or worse UPS has changed and is still changing to a different company than it was and we have to adjust to that. a pivotal new contract is coming in 2013 and we can't waste the next two years bitchin at each other.


Well-Known Member
my steward is top notch and has been for over 20 years. he's a friend of mine and probably the most honest, level headed and fair person I've every had the pleasure of calling a friend. i have faith our union will strengthen it self. i knew it would take some time for the new slate and the current shop stewards to develop a relationship and a trust for one another. its been a year and i think at this point all differences should be put aside so we can all focus on preserving our jobs and our health and welfare. for better or worse UPS has changed and is still changing to a different company than it was and we have to adjust to that. a pivotal new contract is coming in 2013 and we can't waste the next two years bitchin at each other.

Paul, is this the steward the said Tim should strike to Atlanta because of the contractual reduction in staff where nothing was violated? Just asking.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
Paul, is this the steward the said Tim should strike to Atlanta because of the contractual reduction in staff where nothing was violated? Just asking.

i did mention he was level headed i think. no, hes smarter than that. hes never made that statement to me. but he has come up with great ideas to enforce rules we already have to push back a little and not make this layoff an easy procedure. and he gave these ideas to our leaders. is there still friction between stewards and our new slate? yes there is. is that friction counterproductive to strengthening out local? yes it is. i just hope we can rally together at some point before to much damage is done that we cant fight back from.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
I understand Paul, but I do remember you saying that your steward siad what I wrote. I do agree with your post.

no disrespect, but please sir in all of my 12 posts where did i say my steward said we should strike? all i said in my first ever post was that i would like to see my union leaders putting up a STINK. ya know, maybe hand out some fliers letting the members know of the company profits and the layoffs. telling members to be strong, rally and fight back with grievances. stuff like that. im sorry, but i dont think the only time i should be handed something walking out the guard booth is when someone wants my vote


Well-Known Member
no disrespect, but please sir in all of my 12 posts where did i say my steward said we should strike? all i said in my first ever post was that i would like to see my union leaders putting up a STINK. ya know, maybe hand out some fliers letting the members know of the company profits and the layoffs. telling members to be strong, rally and fight back with grievances. stuff like that. im sorry, but i dont think the only time i should be handed something walking out the guard booth is when someone wants my vote

I just found the post and it ws siredline, another lay off air driver. Sorry, got you two confused. No need to call me sir ;)

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
lol no problem. im sure its not to hard to figure out who i am and my steward if you work in melville. i only want to protect his reputation.


Well-Known Member
You said if the union keeps letting ups walk people out, ups management walked a b.a. Out, niel , out of the suffolk bldg. And old corn in beard ( tim ) and the other a.h. ( pete can't tell the truth) did nothing, nothing. Say it with me nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
please , they are walking out their own supervisors on Brush.....THIS COMPANY IS A JOKE , FIRING GUYS THAT ARE DOING WHAT THEY WERE TAUGHT AND TRAINED TO DO !