"Why do the doubters accept that melted steel from the towers and WTC7 could come from office fires and office type furniture ranging near 1000 degress, but it takes 2500 degrees to weaken steel?"
Now my question is, as you have already explained to some degree , that the buildings were financially in poor shape , is how can you be sure that the planned steel for these buildings was the correct material installed ?
Could they have used an inferior type thus explaining why they failed ?
After all the load factors probably did not include the extra shock from the impact of the planes along with the increased weight from the water being pumped onto the burning floors.
Very true, with respect to the twin towers. Some of the steel did not have the fireproofing that other floors had. This was a design flaw. However, with WTC 7, it had all the required fireproofing material on the steel and a sprinkler system as well. Once the small fires started, the sprinkler system initiated putting most of the fires out long before the entire buidling fell down.
I think the selection of the towers made perfect sense, its an older building of original design, it didnt take much to take it down. The steel was older, and maybe not the best at the time. If they chose, lets say, the empire state building, they couldnt have pulled it off. The building is packed 24/7 unlike the towers which were mainly empty.
With the towers, we can agree that the impact and subsequent flames caused most of the fire damage, but if the fires were so intense as the report claims, why were there people alive in the very hole that the airplanes made into the towers?
For several long minutes, people were hanging on the edge of the very hole that the airplanes made, so if it was as hot to incinerate everything, how did these people survive?
Something else assisted the buidlings in going down. The planes were merely a diversion to distract everyone from the actual damage that was being done in the basement and lower floors. Once those floors were compromised, the top floors would make the building unbalanced to the point where it fell.
Look at this photo of a piece of the steel found at the trade tower site....tell me what you think caused this perfect cut into the steel.
WTC 7 had the best steel in the industry. It was the latest in modern designs. The thing to remember is the speed in which the buildings fall. Lets assume nothing nefarious happened and only the planes caused the damage to the towers. Given this scenario, as the very top of the tower started to come down, it would strike the floor below it, then the next one , and so on, and so on, as each floor hits the next, the floor hitting the next has to gradually slow down as it takes more time to destroy the next floor.
In time measurement, something dropped from the top of the towers would take about 8.5 seconds. If you let a bowling ball drop over the side and nothing in its way other than air, it would take 8.5 seconds. The towers both came down in freefall speed. This cannot be disputed.
Had the buidlings just collapsed from the planes, large chunks of building would have fallen off in big pieces, but the towers blew into small chunks on every floor.
You have to consider how many welds, bolts, wires, brackets, crossbeams, horizontal and vertical beams are placed together and how strong that makes the structure. They would all have to fail at the same time at each joint of the entire building from basement to top in order to reach FREE FALL SPEED.
While this does not prove WHO did anything, it shows that more questions need to be asked, it shows that a deeper investigation should have been done.. Testing on metals should have been done long before all the debris was shipped off to china for destruction.
Only good pieces of metals were kept and used for study. The rest was quickly placed on barges and ships and either sunk into the sea or shipped to china for melting.
The answers really lie in the metals, brackets , welds and joints and we wont get to see those any longer.
Speed of travel, its science, and somehow, three buildings on the same day defy that science despite it never happening in history. Think about it.