

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
How about this. I have to ask as I do not know. And you guys butt heads alot, with management. I was told by my steward that I must sign this 9.5 list in front of the center manager, he demanded it as the list is getting long..........How can that be, its union business, and I was doing it before work not after start time.................So they kept me busy berating me about yester day, and the steward had to leave.
I feel bullied and intimidate. But one thing I have learned is bullies hate other bullies.
If you feel bullied by all means. File a harassment grievance.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Would that make you feel bullied or intimidated, is that normal practice?
It doesn't matter what I think. Personally they'd have to do an awful lot for me to feel harassed.

What matters is what you feel. That's why the language isn't cut and dry. It's to leave room for ones personal feelings.

Once heard about a new center manager who was getting grievances left and right and said "so this is how its going to be? We are going to communicate thru grievances?" The steward had the perfect reply. The center manager was threating everyone's job and he told him you communicate thru discipline and intimidation.


All Trash No Trailer
How about this. I have to ask as I do not know. And you guys butt heads alot, with management. I was told by my steward that I must sign this 9.5 list in front of the center manager, he demanded it as the list is getting long..........How can that be, its union business, and I was doing it before work not after start time.................So they kept me busy berating me about yester day, and the steward had to leave.
I feel bullied and intimidate. But one thing I have learned is bullies hate other bullies.

In my local you meet with the center manager when you get on the list ,and present the document to him.As mine has ZERO leadership techniques he tries to intimidate people getting on the list.
I got back on the list in April and even though he knows that codswallop dosent fly with me he tried,telling me he was going to 'look into my route " to see what he could see. I was gung ho about it,and told him i certainly hoped he would as this route needs changes!

If they try to browbeat or intimidate you LAUGH at them. If they as k you of you find it funny tell them HELL YEAH!
They dont do well with employees that cannot be intimidated

you always come across as a VERY nice person,but sometimes you have to transform from Dr Jekyll to Mr. Hyde . Management THRIVES on people being scared of them


My Senior Picture
How about this. I have to ask as I do not know. And you guys butt heads alot, with management. I was told by my steward that I must sign this 9.5 list in front of the center manager, he demanded it as the list is getting long..........How can that be, its union business, and I was doing it before work not after start time.................So they kept me busy berating me about yester day, and the steward had to leave.
I feel bullied and intimidate. But one thing I have learned is bullies hate other bullies.

ART 37 Section1

(c) The Employer shall make a reasonable effort to reduce package
car drivers’ workdays below nine and one half (9.5) hours per day
where requested. If a review indicates that progress is not being
made in the reduction of assigned hours of work, (i.e the package
driver has worked more than 9.5 hours on three (3) days in a
workweek), the following language shall apply, except in the
months of November and December:

The affected regular package driver may make such a request
to be added to the “9.5 Opt-In List” effective on the first day
of his/her workweek after making the request. The driver
shall notify the manager and steward of his/her desire to
be added to the List. The request must be made within the
time limit for filing a grievance in the applicable Supplement,
Rider or Addendum. Once the driver has signed the List,
he/she shall remain on the list for five (5) months, except for the
period of time specified in the prior paragraph.

It seems reasonable that all parties bear witness to such an agreement.
Why wouldn't you relish the opportunity?

P.S. What the hell do you mean, your steward had to leave???
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10 point

Well-Known Member
When the steward leaves the room you leave too. If you feel intimidated or harassed in any way at any time management talks to you tell them "I feel threatened by your actions and/or statement(s)" and end the conversation.
Document everything. It's important.
And, there's the 800 # for harassment. If you call it the person on the call will ask you if this is a violation of your collective bargaining agreement. Tell them no grievance has been filed and ask for a full corporate investigation on the harassment/intimidation issue.

That will get the ball rolling and you still have time to file a grievance if you want to.
The person taking your 800 phone call will ask you if you've documented this whole issue. Make sure you tell them yes.
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Got the T-Shirt
It seems reasonable that all parties bear witness to such an agreement.
Why wouldn't you relish the opportunity?

P.S. What the hell do you mean, your steward had to leave???

The Central Region has come out with a written process.

"1. Center Level

a. Once a driver has worked three(3) times in excess of 9.5 hours in a

work week the driver shall have the right to request a meeting to

discuss and review the drivers dispatch with the Business Manager

and Union Steward. At this meeting the driver may request to have

their name added to the 9.5 Opt-In List and be placed on the Centers

9.5 Tracking Report."

It goes on, for a total of 2 pages.

All Central Region Locals have a copy. The stewards should get one to.



My Senior Picture
The Central Region has come out with a written process.

"1. Center Level

a. Once a driver has worked three(3) times in excess of 9.5 hours in a

work week the driver shall have the right to request a meeting to

discuss and review the drivers dispatch with the Business Manager

and Union Steward. At this meeting the driver may request to have

their name added to the 9.5 Opt-In List and be placed on the Centers

9.5 Tracking Report."

It goes on, for a total of 2 pages.

All Central Region Locals have a copy. The stewards should get one to.

I got a copy of this letter, but not from my local.
It is my understanding that at this meeting in Milwaukee where the letter was distributed, that the room was greatly divided and that there was still no consensus as to how this would be uniformly implemented in the Central Region.
It's rumored that it will hopefully be tightened up at a special meeting in June in St Louis.
This is a bit disheartening in light of the 9 months it took to get the contract imposed?
Hopefully it doesn't take another 9 months to get us all on the same page.

10 point

Well-Known Member
The Central Region has come out with a written process.

"1. Center Level

a. Once a driver has worked three(3) times in excess of 9.5 hours in a

work week the driver shall have the right to request a meeting to

discuss and review the drivers dispatch with the Business Manager

and Union Steward. At this meeting the driver may request to have

their name added to the 9.5 Opt-In List and be placed on the Centers

9.5 Tracking Report."

It goes on, for a total of 2 pages.

All Central Region Locals have a copy. The stewards should get one to.

"Should get one" is an interesting statement. How long have the locals had this "written process"?
I got a copy of this letter, but not from my local.
It is my understanding that at this meeting in Milwaukee where the letter was distributed, that the room was greatly divided and that there was still no consensus as to how this would be uniformly implemented in the Central Region.
It's rumored that it will hopefully be tightened up at a special meeting in June in St Louis.
This is a bit disheartening in light of the 9 months it took to get the contract imposed?
Hopefully it doesn't take another 9 months to get us all on the same page.
It basically seem like a scam to me.
No reason to distribute these "guidelines" as they're total BS and not what was promised. Additional hoops to jump through won't fix 9.5. The St Louis mtg could should get ugly.
I hope it gets real ugly. Some people in the central region put themselves on the line for this contract and now this. It feels like a slap in the face and a kick in the nuts. They had nine months to figure this out. It's a complete joke.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
IDK What this is all about, I will meet with anyone, anytime.
I am now told we will do it Monday. The center manager is hurt, Frustrated, because no one came to talk to him, before filing. so now he has the list, we have to sign his, then the stewards, then the alternates. I will be there with bells on.

Yes I am late, my numbers, which do not matter are unattainable by any driver who runs the route, including my boss and a seasoned driver.

Everyone around me got help last night, and I did not. If thats not discrimination, its ignorance. I am used to bad areas, but now I am in one that I do not know after 5, and the guys who own the work are home eating dinner by 7.

all the bosses are asking if I filed yet, to the steward, and no I have not, How can I when I have showed up the last 2 morning early, and the steward was in the office, and no one wants to talk to me. How can I sign it if I cannot access anyone. Monday I do it, or I dont leave the building.

They are losing their pack mule.

No one else had a problem signing it, but now its me, what a hoopla. Im not sure who I trust. All I hear is retire, change routes. I have decided I am not leaving til I am ready, they cannot beat me, I am stronger than all of them.

I always try to help, I show up, I dont have wrecks, I am attentive, I dont get hurt, I am liked by my co workers and customers, yet hated by management, and I dont know why. In my career I have filed one grievance, over funeral pay. Who wouldnt.

But with knowledge comes power, thanks to all of you. Im not going to be the red headed stepchild any more. I cannot take the 11 hour days, every day for the last nine.

10 point

Well-Known Member
IDK What this is all about, I will meet with anyone, anytime.
I am now told we will do it Monday. The center manager is hurt, Frustrated, because no one came to talk to him, before filing. so now he has the list, we have to sign his, then the stewards, then the alternates. I will be there with bells on.

Yes I am late, my numbers, which do not matter are unattainable by any driver who runs the route, including my boss and a seasoned driver.

Everyone around me got help last night, and I did not. If thats not discrimination, its ignorance. I am used to bad areas, but now I am in one that I do not know after 5, and the guys who own the work are home eating dinner by 7.

all the bosses are asking if I filed yet, to the steward, and no I have not, How can I when I have showed up the last 2 morning early, and the steward was in the office, and no one wants to talk to me. How can I sign it if I cannot access anyone. Monday I do it, or I dont leave the building.

They are losing their pack mule.

No one else had a problem signing it, but now its me, what a hoopla. Im not sure who I trust. All I hear is retire, change routes. I have decided I am not leaving til I am ready, they cannot beat me, I am stronger than all of them.

I always try to help, I show up, I dont have wrecks, I am attentive, I dont get hurt, I am liked by my co workers and customers, yet hated by management, and I dont know why. In my career I have filed one grievance, over funeral pay. Who wouldnt.

But with knowledge comes power, thanks to all of you. Im not going to be the red headed stepchild any more. I cannot take the 11 hour days, every day for the last nine.
The only "numbers" that matter are the ones >9.5.
Have a good weekend.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
IDK What this is all about, I will meet with anyone, anytime.
I am now told we will do it Monday. The center manager is hurt, Frustrated, because no one came to talk to him, before filing. so now he has the list, we have to sign his, then the stewards, then the alternates. I will be there with bells on.

Yes I am late, my numbers, which do not matter are unattainable by any driver who runs the route, including my boss and a seasoned driver.

Everyone around me got help last night, and I did not. If thats not discrimination, its ignorance. I am used to bad areas, but now I am in one that I do not know after 5, and the guys who own the work are home eating dinner by 7.

all the bosses are asking if I filed yet, to the steward, and no I have not, How can I when I have showed up the last 2 morning early, and the steward was in the office, and no one wants to talk to me. How can I sign it if I cannot access anyone. Monday I do it, or I dont leave the building.

They are losing their pack mule.

No one else had a problem signing it, but now its me, what a hoopla. Im not sure who I trust. All I hear is retire, change routes. I have decided I am not leaving til I am ready, they cannot beat me, I am stronger than all of them.

I always try to help, I show up, I dont have wrecks, I am attentive, I dont get hurt, I am liked by my co workers and customers, yet hated by management, and I dont know why. In my career I have filed one grievance, over funeral pay. Who wouldnt.

But with knowledge comes power, thanks to all of you. Im not going to be the red headed stepchild any more. I cannot take the 11 hour days, every day for the last nine.
Toon, sounds like you've been with this company a while. I've been an employee 27 years and looks like you recognize the games they play. They're trying to get under your skin by playing their games. Stand your ground and get on the list, and don't feel guilty. In my center we have some routes that are off and they know it. They won't time study them and the drivers suffer. Keep your cool and hang in there!


All Trash No Trailer
IDK What this is all about, I will meet with anyone, anytime.
I am now told we will do it Monday. The center manager is hurt, Frustrated, because no one came to talk to him, before filing. so now he has the list, we have to sign his, then the stewards, then the alternates. I will be there with bells on.

Yes I am late, my numbers, which do not matter are unattainable by any driver who runs the route, including my boss and a seasoned driver.

Everyone around me got help last night, and I did not. If thats not discrimination, its ignorance. I am used to bad areas, but now I am in one that I do not know after 5, and the guys who own the work are home eating dinner by 7.

all the bosses are asking if I filed yet, to the steward, and no I have not, How can I when I have showed up the last 2 morning early, and the steward was in the office, and no one wants to talk to me. How can I sign it if I cannot access anyone. Monday I do it, or I dont leave the building.

They are losing their pack mule.

No one else had a problem signing it, but now its me, what a hoopla. Im not sure who I trust. All I hear is retire, change routes. I have decided I am not leaving til I am ready, they cannot beat me, I am stronger than all of them.

I always try to help, I show up, I dont have wrecks, I am attentive, I dont get hurt, I am liked by my co workers and customers, yet hated by management, and I dont know why. In my career I have filed one grievance, over funeral pay. Who wouldnt.

But with knowledge comes power, thanks to all of you. Im not going to be the red headed stepchild any more. I cannot take the 11 hour days, every day for the last nine.

if you work excessive hours after getting on the list you MUST file a grievance to get the excessive OT pay or management will think you are scared.
Before last year I hadnt filed a grievance in at least 10 years,but from June -October of last year and virtually every week since the first of the year i have filed on Monday for the prior weeks Excessive Overtime and it's gotten so routine it's no different than clocking in on the DIAD.
your center manager may browbeat you,but he WILL pay you,and that's all that matters at the end of the day

and.......dont worry about the damned numbers!!!!