IDK What this is all about, I will meet with anyone, anytime.
I am now told we will do it Monday. The center manager is hurt, Frustrated, because no one came to talk to him, before filing. so now he has the list, we have to sign his, then the stewards, then the alternates. I will be there with bells on.
Yes I am late, my numbers, which do not matter are unattainable by any driver who runs the route, including my boss and a seasoned driver.
Everyone around me got help last night, and I did not. If thats not discrimination, its ignorance. I am used to bad areas, but now I am in one that I do not know after 5, and the guys who own the work are home eating dinner by 7.
all the bosses are asking if I filed yet, to the steward, and no I have not, How can I when I have showed up the last 2 morning early, and the steward was in the office, and no one wants to talk to me. How can I sign it if I cannot access anyone. Monday I do it, or I dont leave the building.
They are losing their pack mule.
No one else had a problem signing it, but now its me, what a hoopla. Im not sure who I trust. All I hear is retire, change routes. I have decided I am not leaving til I am ready, they cannot beat me, I am stronger than all of them.
I always try to help, I show up, I dont have wrecks, I am attentive, I dont get hurt, I am liked by my co workers and customers, yet hated by management, and I dont know why. In my career I have filed one grievance, over funeral pay. Who wouldnt.
But with knowledge comes power, thanks to all of you. Im not going to be the red headed stepchild any more. I cannot take the 11 hour days, every day for the last nine.