The Old age problem is going to get worse before it gets better. At least the Greedy boomers tended to have children. The Newer generation is getting old but not having children to socialize thier retirement cost. So thier quality of life will suffer. Im seeing more and more older childless single men in thier 50s "JUST STARTING " labor intense jobs like Fedex- many have health issues. Immigration could supplement a population decline, but it wont be that much helpful if those ppl live in ethnic colonies or only can work low wage jobs.
I think, if you told ppl, that most of your old age cost will be health related, I think we would vote and save differently. Idk why they call it "insurance" as most ppl at that age see healthcare as an entitlement,a right not subject to any actuary impediments. Again its very difficult to have "other ppl should pay for my healthcare", when those "people" are not being born in suitable numbers.
Then u have actualy cost. Why is Cost soo high, Nobody seems to mention the barriers to entry to become a healthcare provider/clinican. Im sure there are ppl on this very forum that have the IQ to become something more in-demand than a driver or manager, but have faced numerous "barriers to entry" to enter said field. I find some of the barriers to enter fields such healthcare or skill trades troubling. 250k student loan debt to become a Physician. $330 per MCAT, hundreds more jsut to apply. 500+ unpaid volunteer hours to become a PA. Unpaid clinical Rotations in nursing school. Interviews, Essays, Letter Refferences, Shadowing. Sure,these barriers it might sure you are serious about healthcare, but most adults simple dont have time nor the resources to be pre-qualified in this manner anymore. Qualification should be skills, abilities and performance
Thats not to mention the expensive administrative middleman between the patient and providers that has to be paid for. I believe this is a big reason why healthcare cost are so high
Srry 4 being off topic