Why don’t they drill big holes in the bulkhead doors ? It’ll keep boxes from flying through and give the back ventilation.

But what do I know , I’m just a dumb truck driver 😔

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
so I dump the water I’m suppose to drink on my sleeves ?
I get an ice cold water from my cooler and dump it on my hat, sleeves, and cooling towel. And pour some down my back. Every 2 hours. It’s life or death for us here.


Got the T-Shirt
Why don’t they drill big holes in the bulkhead doors ? It’ll keep boxes from flying through and give the back ventilation.

But what do I know , I’m just a dumb truck driver 😔

Actually.... that's not a bad idea.

Too bad, UPS will say they thought of it first.... and had it in development for years.



Well-Known Member
With this AC deal we can kiss a fat raise goodbye. I’d rather have lower stop counts in excessive heat, not having to work as hard would help more than some cool air blowing on you for 20 seconds at a time. Scrap the AC and give me $50 an hour, it would be cheaper for the company.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Funny, it doesn’t sound like you read any of the comments. That would be like if you said five years ago “ funny it doesn’t seem like anyone’s happy that RP CDs don’t have to work Saturday anymore, and they’re going to get overtime under control”
The devils in the details and we don’t know the details yet.
I’ve also stated elsewhere that it’s not an insignificant agreement. I just want to know the details and how it’s going to work.
That's where I am with it. I'm not taking a :censored2: on it, I just don't know what it's gonna cost. If there's something I'm borderline unhappy with, "at least we got air conditioning" isn't gonna sway me.