

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Roe v Wade. The morality is no longer up for debate.

Feel free to practice your religious beliefs, but the legality of abortion is decided.
Thanks for giving me permission to practice religious freedom.
The five things mentioned were not "religious" arguments.
Roe & Wade did not decide the morality of abortion. Roe & Wade just kept people out of jail for murder.

Frankie's Friend

Roe v Wade. The morality is no longer up for debate.

Feel free to practice your religious beliefs, but the legality of abortion is decided.
Decided well before R v W. Changed in a kangaroo court comprised of people who we allowed to be born.

If it just a surgical procedure then why does the woman have years of grief and guilt? And tears.

Label it what you want. It doesnt change the ramifications.

Frankie's Friend

You must be new here.
Go check out the Islam threads.
No one here actually respects religion, it's all a big joke. Don't take everything so seriously. You'll have more fun.
This is Islam?
Some things are not funny. They are offensive because some folks have deep faith in what Jesus did. I'm not asking you to agree or believe but just to respect other people's beliefs.
This is the Current Events forum. Not Blasphemers Anonymous.


Staff member
Maybe you're in the wrong place bro.

You're on the internet.
At an anonymous forum.
In an abortion thread.
WTH did you expect?

Didn't say it wasn't expected. You are assuming too much.

I merely stated my beliefs.

Just because you choose to attack others for expressing differing opinions does not make me "in the wrong place".

I just feel that the quiet majority who still have traditional values should be represented more.

And that's why I stay.


Inordinately Right
Didn't say it wasn't expected. You are assuming too much.

I merely stated my beliefs.

Just because you choose to attack others for expressing differing opinions does not make me "in the wrong place".

I just feel that the quiet majority who still have traditional values should be represented more.

And that's why I stay.
I find it highly likely that if Mary and Jesus existed, she was either raped or had sex out of wedlock.

I'm sorry that bit of common sense offended you.... But not really.