

Well-Known Member
Can something can from nothing?
Simple logic demands this does not and cannot happen regardless of how much time you give the nothing to be something.

If you don't buy something can come from nothing -- then that something has to have been created and or made.( something that has never existed is created )
If something is created or made, simple logic demands that there must be a creator or maker.

Again, I don't know of anything else out there. You?

Ok Sherlock, who made your maker?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There is the obvious opening for a new criteria.
One can't remember events that happened before they were approximately 3-4 years old.
The brain changes how it remember's experiences around 4.7 years of age.

Consequently, 'life' is not a viable and reliable criteria ... what is a better criteria for determining when a human baby becomes sentient?
MousMan.. Do you really think I was asking Mr. Ambiguous to remember when he was in utero ?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Perfect reply from a Dimwit Libturd! :teethy:

You don't know if something cannot come from nothing?

Big Bang?

big-bang-theory CAST.jpeg