
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There should be a special place in Hell for people like him.

There is! Karma is a bitch. It will come back to get you in this life or the next. None of us are perfect but there are those animals who are down right evil. Karma won't let you escape!

I am pro-life but I have supported a woman's right to choose. I have always believed that this was not my fight. If you want to commit suicide or murder, you are going to do it, one way or another. You have to answer to your maker.

However, I now feel differently about the entire subject because of this evil doctor. Who will stand up for these unborn babies if I don't. Technology and a liberal society has changed everything....and I don't mean that in a bad way. You can watch a baby sucking a thumb in the womb; and no woman is shamed today if they become pregnant out of wedlock. Unless the mother's life is threatened, there is no debating the subject. The impregnated egg will become a human being.


Staff member
As long as you agree to defend the child with such vigor after birth, I find your change of heart admirable.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
There should be a special place in Hell for people like him.
I thought about this an asked myself , should he receive the death penalty ? But if you truely believe, he will get his just due when he meets his maker.How can only the sick of mind do what he did to those innocents ? If he is sane the knowledge he will never be free again is nothing but a drop in the ocean to what lies in store when his end comes. I cannot help but feeling a little guilty about this man .We pray,we give money to prolife causes ,we go to mass on the feast of the Holy Family,we even write and call our liberal jerk congressman to vote against pro-choice ,but only do it once a month ,once every 6 months ,maybe once a year,then we go about our normal busy lives and people like this horrible man kill more babies under the umbrella of a law that lets our country commit murder. I think we all have some explaining to do when our time comes.
Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’


Well-Known Member
Let's be clear,

What this man did was not 'under the umbrella of a law'... any law in this country. This guy is a criminal.

Whether you agree with abortion or not, this guy is an outlier and he'll get the justice that's reserved for him.

I do find it interesting though that both sides of the abortion-debate are claiming this (outlier) case and spinning it for their 'side'.


Strength through joy
A fitting punishment would be to make him the prison doctor for all those that wish to change their genders . No need to out source these operations to expensive hospitals, all work can be done on site & at a huge costs savings . So what if he makes some errors , everyone has a learning curve.


Well-Known Member
Convicted Pa. abortion doctor gets life in prison

Damn ! I was looking forward to someone snipping his spinal chord !!

Of course, thats because youre a good christian, right?



You effing hypocrite. Your nothing but a blow hard anti capitalist bleeding heart ostrich. All you got in this group is what your left wing nut anti American 'news' sources spoon feed you! Then you peddle off to anyone in here that will pat you on the back for all you've plagiarized! Your a clueless biased POS with a closed mind. Move along everyone. No change here either.

"Peace!" :/

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You effing hypocrite. Your nothing but a blow hard anti capitalist bleeding heart ostrich. All you got in this group is what your left wing nut anti American 'news' sources spoon feed you! Then you peddle off to anyone in here that will pat you on the back for all you've plagiarized! Your a clueless biased POS with a closed mind. Move along everyone. No change here either.

"Peace!" :/

This is the mantra of the EELLs. I am not sure which one is president of the group of 4.

I actually appreciate it when they write long posts, I skip right over them which keeps my feelings from surfacing. Some of the less wordy posts are like watching a sideshow at the circus, you know the one... the bearded lady.

The rantings remind me of some of the worst that this earth has to offer, such as the Boston terrorists, Jodi Arias, and the Cleveland's Arias Castro but that is what the EELLs are all about.

The silver lining :cloudy-little: I get out of this - is that only in America are our First Amendment Right to free speech is protected and I appreciate the BC mods for being fair and balanced.

​A reasonable and fair-minded person sees right through the EELLs.


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by roadrunner2012
Can none of the former alter boys spell 'altar' properly?

The altar where you worship is being altered right now !!!


Well-Known Member
As long as you agree to defend the child with such vigor after birth, I find your change of heart admirable.


Spell out what you infer. All of us are protected by law against criminals that would do us harm or murder. Do not confuse murder with love and support.

I believe in any humans right to life --I do not support having to raise and pay for children other people have bought into this world.

There is no conflict in my beliefs---deadbeat "DADS" or "Moms" should be held accountable.

Rediculous to say if you do not believe in abortion --you must DEFEND ??? -a baby that belongs to others ?? What does that mean exactly ???

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Spell out what you infer. All of us are protected by law against criminals that would do us harm or murder. Do not confuse murder with love and support.

I believe in any humans right to life --I do not support having to raise and pay for children other people have bought into this world.

There is no conflict in my beliefs---deadbeat "DADS" or "Moms" should be held accountable.

Ridiculous to say if you do not believe in abortion --you must DEFEND ??? -a baby that belongs to others ?? What does that mean exactly ???

Nicely put!


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Spell out what you infer. All of us are protected by law against criminals that would do us harm or murder. Do not confuse murder with love and support.

I believe in any humans right to life --I do not support having to raise and pay for children other people have bought into this world.

There is no conflict in my beliefs---deadbeat "DADS" or "Moms" should be held accountable.

Ridiculous to say if you do not believe in abortion --you must DEFEND ??? -a baby that belongs to others ?? What does that mean exactly ???

​Nicely Put!


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Loony leftist logic on display. Like the bumper sticker that reads, "Don't believe in abortion? Don't have one!"

That's like saying, "Dont believe in the Holocaust? Don't have one!"