

Well-Known Member
And, let's all be clear.

No one is pro-abortion.

However, some of us are pro-women.

The divide between us will never be breached/reconciled.

It is what it is.

From where I sit, if you are on the side of restricting women's rights in the first instance, then you have no standing to complain about what occurs in the second and third instances.

None of us can have it both ways.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Again, the SCOTUS just told you to mind your own business.

So.... When are you going to start minding your own business concerning the Second Amendment?

Welcome to the 21st century. Your opinion worked in pre 1950, but today, your logic isnt the law.

Its just your backwards thinking.


Murder is murder whether activist judges say so or not. And whether or not it is 1950 or 2050.

But hey keep beating your chest over this. It must be refreshing to be celebrating that it's ok for little defenseless babies to be murdered. And often times in pretty brutal ways. You must be very proud.

Anyone who is pro-abortion seriously needs a psychological eval. You people are sick. Each and everyone of you should be forced to work in an abortion clinic as well as be required to actually participate and each and every abortion that is performed.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You're mistaken.

No one that's gone through an abortion 'casually' justified ending that potential life.

Likely it was a heart-rending decision that will stick with that individual for the rest of their lives.

On the other side, I find it interesting that pro-life individuals also seem to be anti-contraception, anti-sex-education, anti-poverty abatement measures, anti- basically anything that would lift women out of situations where they are at the most risk for unplanned pregnancies.

In which case, STFU.
With the exception of rape pregnancies are 100% avoidable on the part of the women. And pregnancies are always 100% avoidable on the part of the men. It doesn't take very much to understand that and definitely does not require spending millions of dollars to do so.


Well-Known Member
Oh I am definitely pro-choice. The choice for women to keep their legs closed. The choice for men is to wear a condom and pull out. The choice for both to not even bother having sex until they are responsible enough to do so.

I love the world of conservatives.

Everything is black and white, no shades of gray, and it all comes down to choices that people make.

That's a dream-world.



Nine Lives
I am a fiscal conservative and social libertarian.
While abortion is not a choice I would make, I do support abortion and government funding of abortion.
Over 90% of the women who make the choice to have an abortion are Democrats or low-accomplishers and I support anything to keep these people from propagating.
This is logical and unemotional because the government will pay many times over to support these children and adults that would not have been aborted.
We must do what we can to advance society and the human race and government supported abortions is an effective means to do so.
As the abortion rates have gone up, the crime rate (with a 20 year lag) have gone down.
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golden ticket member
I am a fiscal conservative and social libertarian.
While I am not personally in favor of abortion as a choice I would make, I do support abortion and government funding of abortion.
Over 90% of the women who make the choice to have an abortion are Democrats or low-accomplishers and I support anything to keep these people from propagating.
This is logical and unemotional because the government will pay many times over to support these children and adults that would not have been aborted.
We must do what we can to advance society and the human race and government supported abortions is an effective means to do so.
As the abortion rates have gone up, the crime rate (with a 20 year lag) have gone down.
spay & neuter them.........


Inordinately Right
I am a fiscal conservative and social libertarian.
While I am not personally in favor of abortion as a choice I would make, I do support abortion and government funding of abortion.
Over 90% of the women who make the choice to have an abortion are Democrats or low-accomplishers and I support anything to keep these people from propagating.
This is logical and unemotional because the government will pay many times over to support these children and adults that would not have been aborted.
We must do what we can to advance society and the human race and government supported abortions is an effective means to do so.
As the abortion rates have gone up, the crime rate (with a 20 year lag) have gone down.
Truth is most anti-abortion people aren't pro-life, they're just pro-birth.


nowhere special
Why are you assuming that it was her fault?

Whose fault would it be?

Especially since she did admit it was her fault?

As a teen, Handler says she got pregnant after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend. “I just thought, ‘Why not?’ I can have a baby. Maybe I’ll have twins and give them rhyming names,” she details. “Of course, the idea that I would have a child and raise it by myself at that age, when I couldn’t even find my way home at night, was ridiculous.
Chelsea Handler Reveals She Had 2 Abortions at Age 16 in Playboy Essay