Well-Known Member
You just described 60- 70% of high school kids. Nobody said he was a saint. But to describe him as a thug who got what he deserved is definitely wrong and racist. If this kid was a white kid with some baggy pants and a hoody, all you republicans would be up in arms and probably blaming Zimmerman's Latino roots. Zimmerman was twice his age and should have had the wisdom to not pursue Trayvon and let the police handle the situation. But because Zimmerman is a racist, he profiled Trayvon based on how he looked and not on anything Trayvon did. If Trayvon was your son, I bet you would want justice.
You will never get it.
If he was my son --who was suspended from school ---he would have been grounded in the safety of his own home and not wandering around smoking pot --200 miles away --at a mother of another brothers house---It was not until the next day did his "caring" parents even know Trayvon was dead!! That is the crux of the problem !!
Secondly --I am not a Republican --I did not say Trayvon deserved to die --and my family is Hispanic.
If the "Liberals" or Dems or whatever you call yourselves --maybe "progressives" --How about a little love and care for the still living.
Children without fathers --dropping out of school --drugs--gangs--guns --DEATH --thousands of young Black and Hispanic men --many Killing each other ---Wake Up !!
How many jobs in over five years has Obama provided for the Minorities ?? No jobs or opportunities --just basic shelter and food --the same you would give to any slave or prisoner !!
The new Liberal Plantation. Read books from some very educated Blacks --Like Sister Dineen Borelli ---Blacklash !!! Time to get off the Liberal Plantation !!!
Generation after generation --doomed to failure and poverty --and you dare to call the Right Racists --Hows that Hopey Changey working out for you ???

LBJ and the "Great SOCIETY" --Has done nothing over fifty years --but decimate the Black family and enable an impoverished dependant class for their own Political control and power !!
Obama speaks eloquently of "shared sacrifice" While he Golfs,takes muti million dollar Vacations with Rich Whites in Cape Cod and parties with JayZ and Beyoncé !!!