Advice for driver training and test


Too young to have back pain
Also for clarification, I already have a pt job at a hub, as I’m on break typing this. There is no hub that is in a reasonable driving distance from my university


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a stepping stone to mgt. too. Especially college grads. Wasn't he going to be a "seasonal driver" too?
I plan on applying for a seasonal driving position this coming peak. I have been with UPS on and off for about 8 months now (current college student working during breaks.) Is there anything I should know to become a driver or anything that can be a hinderance to getting into the position?

I was recommended to apply by one of the driver supervisors, they thought I would be a good fit. I want to prove them right and make sure I know my stuff.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
Seems so.


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between the 2? I did not realize they weren’t part of the same thing

i want to have a good representation as I want to turn UPS into a career, whether by driving or in a management position. I’m trying to do a bit of everything to really see which direction I want to go. I’m majoring in Global Supply Chain Management and I haven’t decided which route to take yet (as in more driver focused and that side, or an overall global look. Both are just as interesting to me.)

Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
I plan on applying for a seasonal driving position this coming peak. I have been with UPS on and off for about 8 months now (current college student working during breaks.) Is there anything I should know to become a driver or anything that can be a hinderance to getting into the position?

:laughing2: There's a sucker born every minute! Reel 'em in quick!!!