Hello, I am a new employee and I am not sure what to do about this situation. They have me doing recycling which involves walking a cart full of boxes back and fourth for four hours straight. The first day they put me to work I started getting pain at the base of my big toe. I believe it is called sesamoiditis and it takes six weeks to heal IF you let your foot rest which is not an option for me. I also must have hurt my thumb yesterday because I have all the symptoms of arthritis. The back of my knee is killing me too. I really need this job to pay for college but I am afraid my body won't even work by the end of the year. If I ask them to put me in a different department, such as small sort, will they let me? If I pretend that I just got the injury today what will they do? Because I dont want them saying that I did not get injured there when it is so obvious. My body has never had this many injuries at once. Also can anyone provide tips for keeping myself safe? Thank you.