Am I getting ready to get fired?


First day in the trailer scanning, I had 12 misloads and my second day I had 5 misloads. The next day and onward I never had any. Once you have the zips down in your area, it'll all come easy. If you've experience days to where it's messed up in your area, and the sups yelling at you to hurry up, don't work all crazy and not read the package and just start throwing them in. Work at a consistent pace, read, and put it in its proper place.


That’s Craptacular
My center manager's idea of wishful thinking? lol


Look you need too make sure that no one else is loading your truck when you leave or when you are on break! Because a lot of times your part time sup could be loading it or getting someone else too do it! Hang in there and don't quit!


If you work in a hub like mine there is no way in hell they will fire you. We had 8 people walk out after break on Friday, and people are walking out everyday.When we have or PCM it is like a skeleton crew.