America the Beautiful

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
"I'm not going to be rooting for any team just because it's some country that I live in"

I mean that's how spectator sports are supposed to work, that's why you root for teams: because they happen to be near you or where you're from. That's it. It's not a referendum on their internal policies, it's people seeing who's better at running around and throwing stuff or whatever.
The little bastard snowflakes

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Mom and Dad are both police officers. His mom served in Afghanistan.He is really a great kid, very caring of other people. Always ready to help his team mates Just recently when another student opened an empty lunch box he shared his lunch and reported it to the teacher so the kid wouldn't go hungry.
I am taking him to Independence Mall this summer to see the Liberty Bell,Congress Hall,Betsy Ross House,and the Constitution Center. That and flounder fishing LOL
God bless your family! Thank them for serving for me

Off the leash

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

This is an awesome opinion piece by an immigrant who knows how great America is.
The comeback would be that obviously people from countries better than America wouldn't immigrate here.
The "you haven't traveled much" comeback also cuts both ways: if you've just vacationed in northern Europe, yeah, you might come back and say well maybe America is not actually the greatest. But if you were deployed in say sub-saharan Africa, you're going to come back and say that this is the best country in the world. The fact is, more of the world is like the latter than the former.
We might be :censored2:ed up in a lot of ways, but every single person on this forum is well into the top 1% of wealthiest people in the world, and that says a lot. We should all be thankful to be here.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
The comeback would be that obviously people from countries better than America wouldn't immigrate here.
The "you haven't traveled much" comeback also cuts both ways: if you've just vacationed in northern Europe, yeah, you might come back and say well maybe America is not actually the greatest. But if you were deployed in say sub-saharan Africa, you're going to come back and say that this is the best country in the world. The fact is, more of the world is like the latter than the former.
We might be *ed up in a lot of ways, but every single person on this forum is well into the top 1% of wealthiest people in the world, and that says a lot. We should all be thankful to be here.
Here here!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
All of Europe is gay