America the Beautiful

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I get a kick out of these stupid ass Canadians talking sht about America. You slimy little bastards have nothing to do but smoke dope and corn hole each other for 9 months of the year. The rest of the time you chase your sisters around trying to nail them. Why? Because you can. Thanks to the good old US of A that protects your worthless asses. If it wasn’t for the US the Russian bear would have eaten you and sht you out. You can whine about American capitalism and how bad we are, but the fact is you and a whole bunch of other ingrate countries out there owe your very existence to us. Who would help you if not for us? That fagdom England? France? You need us to stand guard, you want us watching over you. We do it and ask for nothing in return, though a thank you would be nice. I won’t hold my breath waiting for it. Oh and your prime minister Trudeau? He s as gay as it gets the little fruit cake.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I get a kick out of these stupid ass Canadians talking sht about America. You slimy little bastards have nothing to do but smoke dope and corn hole each other for 9 months of the year. The rest of the time you chase your sisters around trying to nail them. Why? Because you can. Thanks to the good old US of A that protects your worthless asses. If it wasn’t for the US the Russian bear would have eaten you and sht you out. You can whine about American capitalism and how bad we are, but the fact is you and a whole bunch of other ingrate countries out there owe your very existence to us. Who would help you if not for us? That fagdom England? France? You need us to stand guard, you want us watching over you. We do it and ask for nothing in return, though a thank you would be nice. I won’t hold my breath waiting for it. Oh and your prime minister Trudeau? He s as gay as it gets the little fruit cake.

@rickyb will have to tell us what Chomsky or Ron Paul say about this post since Mike Gravel just died.


Well-Known Member
I get a kick out of these stupid ass Canadians talking sht about America. You slimy little bastards have nothing to do but smoke dope and corn hole each other for 9 months of the year. The rest of the time you chase your sisters around trying to nail them. Why? Because you can. Thanks to the good old US of A that protects your worthless asses. If it wasn’t for the US the Russian bear would have eaten you and sht you out. You can whine about American capitalism and how bad we are, but the fact is you and a whole bunch of other ingrate countries out there owe your very existence to us. Who would help you if not for us? That fagdom England? France? You need us to stand guard, you want us watching over you. We do it and ask for nothing in return, though a thank you would be nice. I won’t hold my breath waiting for it. Oh and your prime minister Trudeau? He s as gay as it gets the little fruit cake.
the only thing u are protecting is $ and the myth that justifies your empire.

citizens of past empires had same feelings about it if that helps.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus


Well-Known Member

I don’t agree with a lot of things Bill Maher says, but he is 100% accurate on this. The woke, America haters have no clue how good we have it here in comparison to most of the world.
Actually we do. get a breath mint!


Well-Known Member

I don’t agree with a lot of things Bill Maher says, but he is 100% accurate on this. The woke, America haters have no clue how good we have it here in comparison to most of the world.
Bill Maher is a smug little liberal bitch with no conception of what's funny, but yeah he is usually on-point with regard to woke :censored2:.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Actually we do. get a breath mint!

And you try so hard too.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

I don’t agree with a lot of things Bill Maher says, but he is 100% accurate on this. The woke, America haters have no clue how good we have it here in comparison to most of the world.

It's hilarious how butthurt the hard-left of Reddit are today over Maher's show last night. It was probably the best one I've seen in a while.

Hes an islamophobic maroon

He's not a fan of Islam's treatment of women like incels who hate women and wish they could do anything that they wanted with them are.

obama, biden, clinton apologist

Guess you haven't been watching the show.


Well-Known Member
It's hilarious how butthurt the hard-left of Reddit are today over Maher's show last night. It was probably the best one I've seen in a while.

He's not a fan of Islam's treatment of women like incels who hate women and wish they could do anything that they wanted with them are.

Guess you haven't been watching the show.
I see clips from who he invites or crap he will say.