America the Beautiful

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Did he support biden?

There's a big difference between supporting Biden over Trump and being a Biden apologist. And Maher has clearly been calling out Biden's most obvious mistakes since he's become President. It's what reasonable people who aren't slaves to an extremist ideology do.


Well-Known Member
There's a big difference between supporting Biden over Trump and being a Biden apologist. And Maher has clearly been calling out Biden's most obvious mistakes since he's become President. It's what reasonable people who aren't slaves to an extremist ideology do.
Maher has extremist views like islamophobia.

No i mean did he tell ppl to only vote biden?


nowhere special
Maher will take occasional jabs at the left but he still remains a hardcore leftist. You can pretty much count on him throwing in an attack on Trump too.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Maher has extremist views like islamophobia.

You wish Bill Maher were Islamophobic. A lot of the Afghans who are being raped, killed or brutalized by ISIS or the Taliban right now would agree with him that there are components of extremist Islam that must be called out.

Wokies like yourself who live comfortable lives and don't have to worry about much fight against that only to satisfy yourselves. And it's based on your ignorant worldview.

No i mean did he tell ppl to only vote biden?



Well-Known Member
Maher will take occasional jabs at the left but he still remains a hardcore leftist. You can pretty much count on him throwing in an attack on Trump too.
He supports israel, is islamopohobic, supports corrupt democrsts.

Sounds like a liberal to me not a leftist!


Well-Known Member
You wish Bill Maher were Islamophobic. A lot of the Afghans who are being raped, killed or brutalized by ISIS or the Taliban right now would agree with him that there are components of extremist Islam that must be called out.

Wokies like yourself who live comfortable lives and don't have to worry about much fight against that only to satisfy yourselves. And it's based on your ignorant worldview.

In 2020 did he just say vote biden.

The middle class is dying and im not exempt from that fate. the system is collapsing and im not exempt either.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Any other 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates you know of that would have defeated Trump nationally?
Then maher is corrupt thats unacceptable given biden and the democrats history

In states biden was going to win he couldve said vote 3rd party

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Then maher is corrupt thats unacceptable given biden and the democrats history

In states biden was going to win he couldve said vote 3rd party


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Thats idiotic. u have to draw the line in the sand as both parties get worse every 4 years
Throwing your vote away to a third party candidate is an idiotic way to try and draw a line in the sand. Nobody gives a rip if you voted for one of the dummies you always quote and the change you seek will never come from supporting them.


I'm a star
Throwing your vote away to a third party candidate is an idiotic way to try and draw a line in the sand. Nobody gives a rip if you voted for one of the idiots you always quote and the change you seek will never come from supporting them.

If they get enough votes they get to be on the ballot automatically and get into debates. If you keep voting for the same people, nothing is sure to ever change.