
Well-Known Member
kinda reminds me how some people think america protects the world...

KT NELSON‏ @KrangTNelson 9h9 hours ago

hey check out this totally normal person u would definitely want hanging out with ur children



Pretty sure I would not want to send my kids to a school where Rambo is wandering the halls.


Well-Known Member

Peter Joseph‏ @ZeitgeistFilm 5h5 hours ago

Peter Joseph Retweeted teleSUR English

Ut-oh. Once Norway does THIS the force of governmental tyranny will finally be free to take over society and turn everyone into death-metal playing slaves. The power-theory of fighting government with reserved arms, as propagated by rednecks of the American South, MUST be right?!

Peter Joseph added,


Norway To Ban Semi-automatic Weapons
4 replies 14 retweets 32 likes


Well-Known Member
I hope this is a lesson to people who debate republicans on here when they act faux outraged over this issue.

They don't give a damn about it and so they lie and pretend to a large degree and create these irrelevant debates. If this gun thing was so important, then what Trump said would absolutely enrage these republicans, but they simply do not care.
There is no getting around this simple fact, if guns truly mattered then what Trump said is a huge threat a much bigger one than the opinions of high school students.

Here is what republicans truly care about outside of the ultra wealthy who just want government to function solely for their benefit, rank and file republicans see certain groups of Americans as net negatives and huge threats to the survival of America.

Generally, republicans believe these groups to be criminal, lazy, dumb, immoral, violent, irresponsible and they believe the Democratic party to win elections is enabling more of these kinds of people to come here and overtake and change American society and culture.

Republicans want those groups of Americans controlled and put in their place by the government, they don't want them helped by the government, they want to maintain the old hierarchy in American society. Now because of America's history a lot of this stuff is just racist and xenophobic beliefs about those other Americans. Although, republicans also want to control women's bodies and with whom they have sex, and they are generally extremely distrustful towards younger Americans as well.

At the core of every republican policy debate it is about dominance and power and about who counts and who doesn't.

Any other policy debate that isn't directly or indirectly about that stuff they don't care about. It is mostly just pretend.


Well-Known Member
I learned this about republicans following the Iraq war. For well over a decade, republicans defended that disastrous war. I'd get into all kinds of debates with republican co-workers about that war and again for well over a decade they defended it. I really believed they cared about the policy outcome of the Iraq war.

Trump runs for President and to destroy Jeb Bush, he attacks GWBush and the Iraq war. Trump basically parrots the most anti-Iraq war talking points, stuff I had been saying for years. He stressed repeatedly that he was against the war before it began, he stressed that the war was a huge mistake that we should have never fought it, and said Bush created ISIL. It was total repudiation of all of the "policy" reasons republicans supposedly supported that war.

And my republican co-workers didn't give a damn. They no longer defend the Iraq War, and they weren't upset with Trump because the Iraq War didn't matter to them. It was thing to argue with "democrats" about who were just attacking their guy GWBush, but the actual policy outcomes of the Iraq war don't matter one bit to republicans. They do not care and that's why they dropped defending that war once Trump came along.

Republicans do not care about policy.
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Nine Lives
I hope this is a lesson to people who debate republicans on here when they act faux outraged over this issue.

They don't give a damn about it and so they lie and pretend to a large degree and create these irrelevant debates. If this gun thing was so important, then what Trump said would absolutely enrage these republicans, but they simply do not care.
There is no getting around this simple fact, if guns truly mattered then what Trump said is a huge threat a much bigger one than the opinions of high school students.

Here is what republicans truly care about outside of the ultra wealthy who just want government to function solely for their benefit, rank and file republicans see certain groups of Americans as net negatives and huge threats to the survival of America.

Generally, republicans believe these groups to be criminal, lazy, dumb, immoral, violent, irresponsible and they believe the Democratic party to win elections is enabling more of these kinds of people to come here and overtake and change American society and culture.

Republicans want those groups of Americans controlled and put in their place by the government, they don't want them helped by the government, they want to maintain the old hierarchy in American society. Now because of America's history a lot of this stuff is just racist and xenophobic beliefs about those other Americans. Although, republicans also want to control women's bodies and with whom they have sex, and they are generally extremely distrustful towards younger Americans as well.

At the core of every republican policy debate it is about dominance and power and about who counts and who doesn't.

Any other policy debate that isn't directly or indirectly about that stuff they don't care about. It is mostly just pretend.
I learned this about republicans following the Iraq war. For well over a decade, republicans defended that disastrous war. I'd get into all kinds of debates with republican co-workers about that war and again for well over a decade they defended it. I really believed they cared about the policy outcome of the Iraq war.

Trump runs for President and to destroy Jeb Bush, he attacks GWBush and the Iraq war. Trump basically parrots the most anti-Iraq war talking points, stuff I had been saying for years. He stressed repeatedly that he was against the war before it began, he stressed that the war was a huge mistake that we should have never fought it, and said Bush created ISIL. It was total repudiation of all of the "policy" reasons republicans supposedly supported that war.

And my republican co-workers didn't give a damn. They no longer defend the Iraq War, and they weren't upset with Trump because the Iraq War didn't matter to them. It was thing to argue with "democrats" about who were just attacking their guy GWBush, but the actual policy outcomes of the Iraq war don't matter one bit to republicans. They do not care and that's why they dropped defending that war once Trump came along.

Republicans do not care about policy.
You are one funny Dude.
I think you and @rickyb should get together.
Mental age and political persuasions appear identical.


Well-Known Member

There are some 310 million firearms in the United States, including 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles and 86 million shotguns. The number of military-style assault weapons in private hands—including the AR-15 semi-automatic rifles used in the massacres at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., and at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.—is estimated at 1.5 million. The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world, an average of 90 firearms per 100 people.

“Total gun deaths in the United States average around 37,000 a year, with two-thirds of those deaths being suicides, leaving approximately 12,000 homicides, a thousand of those at the hands of the police,” writes Dunbar-Ortiz. “Mass shootings—ones that leave four or more people wounded or dead—now occur in the United States, on average, at the pace of one or more per day. Disturbing as that fact is, mass shootings currently account for only 2 percent of gun killings annually. The number of gun deaths—37,000—is roughly equal to death-by-vehicle incidents in the United States per year.”

chris hedges


Nine Lives

There are some 310 million firearms in the United States, including 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles and 86 million shotguns. The number of military-style assault weapons in private hands—including the AR-15 semi-automatic rifles used in the massacres at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., and at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.—is estimated at 1.5 million. The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world, an average of 90 firearms per 100 people.

“Total gun deaths in the United States average around 37,000 a year, with two-thirds of those deaths being suicides, leaving approximately 12,000 homicides, a thousand of those at the hands of the police,” writes Dunbar-Ortiz. “Mass shootings—ones that leave four or more people wounded or dead—now occur in the United States, on average, at the pace of one or more per day. Disturbing as that fact is, mass shootings currently account for only 2 percent of gun killings annually. The number of gun deaths—37,000—is roughly equal to death-by-vehicle incidents in the United States per year.”

chris hedges
Nothing to worry about except ...



Well-Known Member
I hope this is a lesson to people who debate republicans on here when they act faux outraged over this issue.

They don't give a damn about it and so they lie and pretend to a large degree and create these irrelevant debates. If this gun thing was so important, then what Trump said would absolutely enrage these republicans, but they simply do not care.
There is no getting around this simple fact, if guns truly mattered then what Trump said is a huge threat a much bigger one than the opinions of high school students.

Here is what republicans truly care about outside of the ultra wealthy who just want government to function solely for their benefit, rank and file republicans see certain groups of Americans as net negatives and huge threats to the survival of America.

Generally, republicans believe these groups to be criminal, lazy, dumb, immoral, violent, irresponsible and they believe the Democratic party to win elections is enabling more of these kinds of people to come here and overtake and change American society and culture.

Republicans want those groups of Americans controlled and put in their place by the government, they don't want them helped by the government, they want to maintain the old hierarchy in American society. Now because of America's history a lot of this stuff is just racist and xenophobic beliefs about those other Americans. Although, republicans also want to control women's bodies and with whom they have sex, and they are generally extremely distrustful towards younger Americans as well.

At the core of every republican policy debate it is about dominance and power and about who counts and who doesn't.

Any other policy debate that isn't directly or indirectly about that stuff they don't care about. It is mostly just pretend.
You're a one trick pony. Think it'll sway the debate with all the rabid vitriol?


Well-Known Member
You're a one trick pony. Think it'll sway the debate with all the rabid vitriol?

What debate? Republicans in general are bigots whose political motivations are based on maintaining power for a certain group of Americans at the expense of everything else.

republicans don’t give a damn about solving problems. They don’t give a damn about debates.

They want a whiter nation. With white Americans in a permanent majority and in power. That’s it. There is nothing else there. I have looked.

Republicans don’t actually care about policy. I have seen it over and over again.

I have example after example.

Don’t ask don’t tell.

Gay marriage

The debt and deficits

The Iraq war

The whole GWBush presidency.

I am telling you if I would have said Jared would be doing business deals out of the White House and Republicans wouldn’t care you would have called me a liar. Yet here we are.

If I would have said republicans will be attacking the fbi and not caring about a foreign government attacking our election and not caring that the sitting president was refusing to enforce sanctions against that government you would have called me a liar. Yet here we are.

I am saying outside of hating other groups of Americans. Oh republican elected officials do care about creating a plutocratic economic system designed to benefit only the richest Americans. I don’t think republicans care about anything as it relates to public policy. It is all meaningless to them. What is there to debate?

Pretend concerns and pretend positions that will be abandoned very quickly?


Well-Known Member
What debate? Republicans in general are bigots whose political motivations are based on maintaining power for a certain group of Americans at the expense of everything else.

republicans don’t give a damn about solving problems. They don’t give a damn about debates.

They want a whiter nation. With white Americans in a permanent majority and in power. That’s it. There is nothing else there. I have looked.

Republicans don’t actually care about policy. I have seen it over and over again.

I have example after example.

Don’t ask don’t tell.

Gay marriage

The debt and deficits

The Iraq war

The whole GWBush presidency.

I am telling you if I would have said Jared would be doing business deals out of the White House and Republicans wouldn’t care you would have called me a liar. Yet here we are.

If I would have said republicans will be attacking the fbi and not caring about a foreign government attacking our election and not caring that the sitting president was refusing to enforce sanctions against that government you would have called me a liar. Yet here we are.

I am saying outside of hating other groups of Americans. Oh republicans elected officials do care about creating a plutocratic economic system designed to benefit only the richest Americans. I don’t think republicans care about anything as it relates to public policy. It is all meaningless to them. What is there to debate?

Pretend concerns and pretend positions that will be abandoned very quickly.
That you earnestly typed all that in response with the same tired spiel works for me. Earn that vitriol!


Well-Known Member
That you earnestly typed all that in response with the same tired spiel works for me. Earn that vitriol!

I feel no vitriol towards republicans. I am just very clear about what they represent.

Republicans view politics as domination and power. They view certain groups of Americans as a net benefit and other groups of Americans are net drains on American society. They want to structure our society to benefit the deserving and punish the undeserving.

Given American history they generally view “white” Americans as beneficial and deserving and everyone else as foreign or a net drain.

This is all that republicans actually care about protecting America from those other Americans.

The rest of this stuff does not matter to republicans.


Well-Known Member
I feel no vitriol towards republicans. I am just very clear about what they represent.

Republicans view politics as domination and power. They view certain groups of Americans as a net benefit and other groups of Americans are net drains on American society. They want to structure our society to benefit the deserving and punish the undeserving.

Given American history they generally view “white” Americans as beneficial and deserving and everyone else as foreign or a net drain.

This is all that republicans actually care about protecting America from those other Americans.

The rest of this stuff does not matter to republicans.
You feel no vitriol? Seriously? Is that spittle coming out of the corners of your mouth as you furiously type away, smearing all Republicans as liars, haters, and bigots?


Well-Known Member
That you earnestly typed all that in response with the same tired spiel works for me. Earn that vitriol!
This is why republicans love trump.

Because more so and more directly than any other republican President, trump directly attacks these groups he hates and says he doesn’t want them here. He wants people from Norway in America not people from Haiti.

That message is all that matters to republicans.


Well-Known Member
You feel no vitriol? Seriously? Is that spittle coming out of the corners of your mouth as you furiously type away, smearing all Republicans as liars, haters, and bigots?

No I don’t. republicans can be decent enough people on a personal level.

But in general republicans are bigots when thinking about other groups of Americans. And the government and their vision of America is based on that bigotry.

I think republicans feel that their America is dying. I think they feel like they are losing the cultural war that everyone is against them.

So I think to maintain power, they have convinced themselves that lying to save America is good. Lying to defeat those who would destroy America is good. I also think republicans believe that certain racial groups are inferior in some ways and if given more power they’ll destroy America but that’s its politically incorrect to say that out loud.

These beliefs are what unites republicans are all that matters to them. Policy is irrelevant.

And I just have found repeatedly over the years that republicans don’t actually care about policy. They’ll defend the Iraq war for a decade and then drop it like it never mattered.

They’ll be rabid on debt and deficits mattering and destroying the future and then drop it like never mattered.

They’ll be defending the sanctity of marriage against gay marriage and then drop it like it never mattered.

They’ll champion moral sexual behavior and then go on to champion a man that pays off his mistresses while his wife is pregnant.

I came to the conclusion that stuff never mattered to republicans. But The racism always does.
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Well-Known Member
This is why republicans love trump.

Because more so and more directly than any other republican President, trump directly attacks these groups he hates and says he doesn’t want them here. He wants people from Norway in America not people from Haiti.

That message is all that matters to republicans.
Or if you dig a little deeper you'll find he wants people with good training and resources instead of people who will be dependent on government assistance. We are no longer in a position to welcome everyone with open arms and throw money at them. You can't double the national debt and pretend things can go on as before. If you'd get off the racism hobby horse and face reality you'll be a lot happier.