
Well-Known Member
So are we still pretending that republicans actually care about guns?

Understand how calmly republicans reacted when the trump said screw due process, I just want to take guns. Notice how they responded when trump appeared to disagree with the nra in that televised meeting.
Did they pretend that trump’s words meant he was anti 2nd amendment?
Did they pretend that trump was going to come take all their guns away based on him saying screw due process?
Did they even care that trump said what he said about guns?

Constrast that muted to none existent reaction from republicans to how they hyperventilated whenever President Obama said anything about gun control.

Again if this stuff mattered, republicans would have erupted at trump who said a far more anti gun rights thing than President Obama ever said.

But again this all pretend for republicans. that’s why they don’t care what trump said about guns.


Well-Known Member
So are we still pretending that republicans actually care about guns?

Understand how calmly republicans reacted when the trump said screw due process, I just want to take guns. Notice how they responded when trump appeared to disagree with the nra in that televised meeting.
Did they pretend that trump’s words meant he was anti 2nd amendment?
Did they pretend that trump was going to come take all their guns away based on him saying screw due process?
Did they even care that trump said what he said about guns?

Constrast that muted to none existent reaction from republicans to how they hyperventilated whenever President Obama said anything about gun control.

Again if this stuff mattered, republicans would have erupted at trump who said a far more anti gun rights thing than President Obama ever said.

But again this all pretend for republicans. that’s why they don’t care what trump said about guns.
We "hyperventilated" because Obama was anti-gun and we knew he truly wanted to take guns away from owners. Trump is just sounding ideas.


Inordinately Right
This country is a work in progress. Stripping away every vestige of the past will not change the past. Just let's the haters control everyone else. Or try to.
I never said we should get rid of it ttku.
Doesn't mean I need to pretend it isn't a song with racist verses written by a racist slave owner.


Well-Known Member
I love when people attack one group by holding up another group as more noble. The British went on to subjugate hundreds of millions of people around the world. They're the reason much of the world conducts business in English.

We're all aware of our racist past. But the national anthem, at least the part we sing, has a universal theme that all can embrace, even if the writer didn't intend it as such. Erasing it and every other reminder of past sins won't change anything. And does great disservice to all the minorities who've proudly served in the military, as well as the countless whites who died ending slavery once and for all. No, what happened in the past isn't the real issue. It's using whatever club they come up with to beat whites over the head. This will never stop, mainly because it's aided and abetted by white liberals who take glee in attacking all institutions. Nothing is good enough unless they say so, and they'll never give up that power, such as it is.


Inordinately Right
It's using whatever club they come up with to beat whites over the head.
Oh yes, really nailed it there Jane.
It's so tough to be a rich white guy in America. I mean, everyone is out to get me!

How freaking narcissistic do you have to be, to think that the black lives matter movement, is actually all about you. Republicans and their imaginary persecution complex. Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, really nailed it there Jane.
It's so tough to be a rich white guy in America. I mean, everyone is out to get me!

How freaking narcissistic do you have to be, to think that the black lives matter movement, is actually all about you. Republicans and their imaginary persecution complex. Give me a break.
The BLM was founded on a false premise, that whites, especially white cops, are killing black men in great numbers. More than 90% of black murders are committed by blacks, and whites don't even commit all the rest. There will never be racial harmony in this country because guys like you won't let it happen. We've covered this before, and that you would bring up BLM says you want to push that narrative because it scores points with your fellow libs. The truth isn't politically correct. Which is why we have college kids all over the country literally going berserk trying to modify the culture to their liking instead of acknowledging reality.


Well-Known Member
I love when people attack one group by holding up another group as more noble. The British went on to subjugate hundreds of millions of people around the world. They're the reason much of the world conducts business in English.

We're all aware of our racist past. But the national anthem, at least the part we sing, has a universal theme that all can embrace, even if the writer didn't intend it as such. Erasing it and every other reminder of past sins won't change anything. And does great disservice to all the minorities who've proudly served in the military, as well as the countless whites who died ending slavery once and for all. No, what happened in the past isn't the real issue. It's using whatever club they come up with to beat whites over the head. This will never stop, mainly because it's aided and abetted by white liberals who take glee in attacking all institutions. Nothing is good enough unless they say so, and they'll never give up that power, such as it is.
well written.

id say minorities fighting in wars is an extension of such racism. also poor and middle class fighting in wars is an extension of class war. how many rich people or senators sons fight these wars?

whats your point about the brits? i dont know alot about them other than the fact they were the dominant empire prior to the american empire.

what happened in the past is a major issue because the past creates the future.

yea i dont know what should be done with the national anthem. things change and its ok to admit what was done or written is nothing worth continuing to sing if thats the case.


Inordinately Right
The BLM was founded on a false premise, that whites, especially white cops, are killing black men in great numbers.
More than 90% of black murders are committed by blacks
Off topic deflection.
There will never be racial harmony in this country because guys like you won't let it happen.
You know what kind of people suggest that if we just ignore racism it will go away? Racists.
We've covered this before, and that you would bring up BLM says you want to push that narrative because it scores points with your fellow libs.
You're speaking nonsense. I didn't bring up Kapernick and you're more of a "lib" than I am so eat my butt Jane.
Which is why we have college kids all over the country literally going berserk trying to modify the culture to their liking instead of acknowledging reality.
College age kids are participating in the national discourse so they can be a part of creating a better future for their country. Which is why so many crybaby boomers like you are going berserk.


Well-Known Member
The BLM was founded on a false premise, that whites, especially white cops, are killing black men in great numbers. More than 90% of black murders are committed by blacks, and whites don't even commit all the rest. There will never be racial harmony in this country because guys like you won't let it happen. We've covered this before, and that you would bring up BLM says you want to push that narrative because it scores points with your fellow libs. The truth isn't politically correct. Which is why we have college kids all over the country literally going berserk trying to modify the culture to their liking instead of acknowledging reality.
blacks endure a police state. its worth protesting.


Well-Known Member
well written.

id say minorities fighting in wars is an extension of such racism. also poor and middle class fighting in wars is an extension of class war. how many rich people or senators sons fight these wars?

whats your point about the brits? i dont know alot about them other than the fact they were the dominant empire prior to the american empire.

what happened in the past is a major issue because the past creates the future.

yea i dont know what should be done with the national anthem. things change and its ok to admit what was done or written is nothing worth continuing to sing if thats the case.
You should read some history. The British dominated countries with troops. There was a saying "The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire." Look up British Commonwealth of Nations. That list plus a few others like India was their empire. It's why the British Pound is so valuable today. They've got the gold to back it up. As much as y'all hate on the U.S. we never did what they did. And I don't hate the British, they're our greatest ally. But talk about skeletons in the closet!