
Well-Known Member
No I don’t. republicans can be decent enough people on a personal level.

But they are bigots when thinking about other groups of Americans. And the government and their vision of America is based on that bigotry.

And it is the only thing that matters to them. Policy is irrelevant.

And I just have found repeatedly over the years that republicans don’t actually care about policy. They’ll defend the Iraq war for a decade and then drop it like it never mattered.

They’ll be rabid on debt and deficits mattering and destroying the future and then drop it like never mattered.

They’ll be defending the sanctity of marriage against gay marriage and then drop it like it never mattered.

They’ll champion moral sexual behavior and then go on to champion a man that pays off his mistresses while his wife is pregnant.

I came to the conclusion that stuff never mattered to republicans. But The racism always does.
Have you never heard that politics makes strange bedfellows? Do you honestly believe hypocrisy only lies with one political party? Trump has just talked about gun control. Think Republicans are happy? The same Democrats who have raked him over the coals for two years are thrilled. If the Dems take over Congress after the midterms and Trump signals he'll work with them, watch how fast they'll act conciliatory towards him. If you think hypocrisy is the hallmark of only one party you're going through life with blinders on.


Well-Known Member
Have you never heard that politics makes strange bedfellows? Do you honestly believe hypocrisy only lies with one political party? Trump has just talked about gun control. Think Republicans are happy? The same Democrats who have raked him over the coals for two years are thrilled. If the Dems take over Congress after the midterms and Trump signals he'll work with them, watch how fast they'll act conciliatory towards him. If you think hypocrisy is the hallmark of only one party you're going through life with blinders on.

Again, I don’t think republicans actually care about that stuff. I have given examples. It’s not only hypocrisy it’s that they never really cared.

Again comparing the two party’s.

I see the Democratic Party as a multiracial party whose main base are united around being treated illegally within American society and they see Democratic policies as a way to address that stuff. I see these groups in the Democratic as having different priorities that sometimes butt up against each other which creates huge conflicts and a lack of cohesion. I also see that democratic voters are much less trusting of the wealthy and capitalism working fairly or American institutions working fairly. I also see the Democratic Party dominated by rich old white people, who are much more concerned and have much more faith in with making sure American capitalism and American institutions work.

So this creates huge conflicts with Democrats and their base who are Not exactly liberal but would like to see Democrats be more aggressive in changing certain institutions or correcting the excesses of capitalism. This leads to democratic elected officials not going far enough in the eyes of their base.
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Well-Known Member
Have you never heard that politics makes strange bedfellows? Do you honestly believe hypocrisy only lies with one political party? Trump has just talked about gun control. Think Republicans are happy? The same Democrats who have raked him over the coals for two years are thrilled. If the Dems take over Congress after the midterms and Trump signals he'll work with them, watch how fast they'll act conciliatory towards him. If you think hypocrisy is the hallmark of only one party you're going through life with blinders on.

The Republican Party I see as very very homogeneous. Meaning the republican base is mostly over 35 year old white people.

I think white Americans in general are deeply concerned with maintains their domination of American society. I think white Americans in general view other racial groups as inferior and corrupt and they fear these groups gaining power in American society. This is the main focus of republican politics.

Secondarily I think white Americans want the government to help people like themselves and not other Americans.
Generally republicans believe in American institutions and capitalism as long as those things serve them and no one else.
These are also concerns that some white Americans in the Democratic Party have as well.

I think the Republican Party leadership is made up of rich old white people. Who have a radical vision of American
Economic life. They’d like to get rid of income taxes, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, the minimum wage, environmental regulations, safety regulations, no help paying for college unless you join the military, etc.

This is a viewpoint shared by almost no Americans.

So republican elites focus on hot button issues socialism, gay marriage, affirmative action, crime, immigration, etc aimed at letting prejudiced republican voters know we are on your side against those hordes of other Americans.
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El Correcto

god is dead
The Republican Party I see as very very homogeneous. Meaning the republican base is mostly over 35 year old white people.

I think white Americans in general are deeply concerned with maintains their domination of American society. I think white Americans in general view other racial groups as inferior and corrupt and they fear these groups gaining power in American society. This is the main focus of republican politics.

Secondarily I think white Americans want the government to help people like themselves and not other Americans.
Generally republicans believe in American institutions and capitalism as long as those things serve them and no one else.

I think the Republican Party leadership is made up of rich old white people. Who have a radical vision of American
Economic life. They’d like to get rid of income taxes, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, the minimum wage, environmental regulations, safety regulations, no help paying for college unless you join the military, etc.

This is a viewpoint shared by almost no Americans.

So republican elites focus on hot button issues socialism, gay marriage, affirmative action, crime, immigration, etc aimed at letting prejudiced republican voters know we are on your side against those hordes of other Americans.


Well-Known Member
Or if you dig a little deeper you'll find he wants people with good training and resources instead of people who will be dependent on government assistance. We are no longer in a position to welcome everyone with open arms and throw money at them. You can't double the national debt and pretend things can go on as before. If you'd get off the racism hobby horse and face reality you'll be a lot happier.

Oh you mean if we pretend that he didn’t actually say what he said.
Yeah let’s pretend he didn’t say he wants immigrants from Norway and not Haiti.

Let’s pretend that saying he wants immigrants from Norway was not about race and was about skills. Yes. He said nothing about skills he said he just wanted immigrants from Norway and not Haiti but clearly if we pretend and dig deep that means he wants skilled immigrants. Lol

Look man Trump’s racism is right there. It is not hidden. He said exactly what he meant.

As far your other point about being dependent on government assistance that’s complete bs.

First, so called government assistance programs are tiny. The TANF, housing vouchers, Foodstamps, and WIC are less than 3% of the federal budget. Government assistance programs that aid the poor are not causing debt.

Why do republicans keep lying and worrying about these tiny programs?

That’s right because republicans perceive that these programs help black and brown Americans. They perceive that immigrants from those countries will flood America and because they generally perceive those people as lazy, dumb, etc, they don’t want the government helping.

Secondly. Immigrants are more likely to be employed than native born Americans.

Again republicans take pretend concerns. Low skilled lazy immigrants are all going on welfare government and government and increasing the debt to mask racial bigotry.

Notice no concern about the debt when republicans passed an income tax cut that they think will increase the national debt 1.5trillion. We can afford that no problem. But immigrants from the wrong kinds of nations. Oh no they are too lazy and will just get on the government dole and ruin everything.

It’s all very predictable.

I keep saying republicans in general think very negatively about non white Americans and they don’t want more of them here because they believe they’ll destroy the nation.

I keep saying republicans are racist. It is what it is.
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Well-Known Member
Oh you mean if we pretend that he didn’t actually say what he said.
Yeah let’s pretend he didn’t say he wants immigrants from Norway and not Haiti.

Let’s pretend that saying he wants immigrants from Norway was not about race and was about skills. Yes. He said nothing about skills he said he just wanted immigrants from Norway and not Haiti but clearly if we pretend and dig deep that means he wants skilled immigrants. Lol

Look man Trump’s racism is right there. It is not hidden. He said exactly what he meant.

As far your other point about being dependent on government assistance that’s complete bs.

First, so called government assistance programs are tiny. The TANF, housing vouchers, Foodstamps, and WIC are less than 3% of the federal budget. Government assistance programs that aid the poor are not causing debt.

Why do republicans keep lying and worrying about these tiny programs?

That’s right because republicans perceive that these programs help black and brown Americans. They perceive that immigrants from those countries will flood America and because they generally perceive those people as lazy, dumb, etc, they don’t want the government helping.

Secondly. Immigrants are more likely to be employed than native born Americans.

Again republicans take pretend concerns. Low skilled lazy immigrants are all going on welfare government and government and increasing the debt to mask racial bigotry.

Notice no concern about the debt when republicans passed an income tax cut that they think will increase the national debt 1.5trillion. We can afford that no problem. But immigrants from the wrong kinds of nations. Oh no they are too lazy and will just get on the government dole and ruin everything.

It’s all very predictable.

I keep saying republicans in general think very negatively about non white Americans and they don’t want more of them here because they believe they’ll destroy the nation.

I keep saying republicans are racist. It is what it is.
You're one sick dude


Well-Known Member
Have you never heard that politics makes strange bedfellows? Do you honestly believe hypocrisy only lies with one political party? Trump has just talked about gun control. Think Republicans are happy? The same Democrats who have raked him over the coals for two years are thrilled. If the Dems take over Congress after the midterms and Trump signals he'll work with them, watch how fast they'll act conciliatory towards him. If you think hypocrisy is the hallmark of only one party you're going through life with blinders on.
If dems take over they will impeach and convict if they have the numbers.


Well-Known Member
They might but they'd have to clearly show he broke the law. Impeaching because they don't like him won't fly.
Not true, they are the finder of fact, even if they aren't facts. Articles of impeachment will be offered, they will decide by vote. You may want to consider it a nullification of President Trump. Truth will not matter with them, as it doesn't now. They don't have to show jack.
They get the numbers he's gone. My prediction.


Well-Known Member
Not true, they are the finder of fact, even if they aren't facts. Articles of impeachment will be offered, they will decide by vote. You may want to consider it a nullification of President Trump. Truth will not matter with them, as it doesn't now. They don't have to show jack.
They get the numbers he's gone. My prediction.
Impeachment is a legal process. They have to abide by the law. Republicans were after Bill Clinton's hide too. But they couldn't impeach until they had him lying under oath.


Well-Known Member
Never had a BJ?

never lied about one which was the point I responded to.

here's the strange thing about this issue that escapes you libs. If you don't cheat on your wife and sexually harass a subordinate while on the job then you may never have to lie about a BJ.


Well-Known Member
never lied about one which was the point I responded to.

here's the strange thing about this issue that escapes you libs. If you don't cheat on your wife and sexually harass a subordinate while on the job then you may never have to lie about a BJ.
Your history would imply otherwise, unless it was just hand jobs.