And another example of our fine leadership!


Active Member
i guess a coupla guys are gonna be "drivers Helpers" tomorrow...hahaha...or maybe thay can drive their personal vehicles around....or borrow some of air's vehicles from the airport....hahaha


Well-Known Member
We were required to give up almost all of our rentals today.
My center is now 5 vehicles short to run the plan for tomorrow.
Way to go!
Are you management, if no why in the world are you spending one second even thinking about this? That’s their problem, not yours. They love hourlies like you if you are one. 100% invested. Lolz


Well-Known Member
Are you management, if no why in the world are you spending one second even thinking about this? That’s their problem, not yours. They love hourlies like you if you are one. 100% invested. Lolz

I have n

Are you management, if no why in the world are you spending one second even thinking about this? That’s their problem, not yours. They love hourlies like you if you are one. 100% invested. Lolz

I have never sold my soul to management. Nearly 40 years in driving. What burns me is that I see stupid decisions like this that keep employees away from their family life. My building is one of the " pay the 9.5 greivance" but never cut back on the dispatch centers. It appears that the current occupants in Atlanta are more disconnected from reality than any previous upper management ever has been.