First of all, I labeled no one. If you included yourself into one segment of my post, then you attributed yourself to that particular segment.
When you said "...most gun owners are just plain wierdos who stockpile weapons for the great domestic apocolypse that they are told is coming..", you most certainly labeled most gun owners. and you did so with little to no proof, just your opinion.
I know plenty of sport shooters and in fact, one of my best friends runs a gun repair business. In my area, there are NO hunters as there is NO place to hunt.
As Moreluck point out, most hunters don't hunt in their own back yard. I bet you would be surprised at the number of people in your gated community that hold hunting licenses.
Of all the people that I know with guns, the majority have stockpiles of handguns and rifles and shotguns. The constant argument coming from them is the same as I have heard on this board.
Are they all weirdos waiting on the apocalypse?
Self protection. Even in a town like mine where you never hear of a burgulary where people were awakened by an intruder, those with guns make the same claim that they would shoot the intruder.
You actually believe that no, none, nada burglaries happen in your town or you just don't hear about them? Why have a gun if you are not willing to use it on an intruder to protect yourself and your family?
I even have a UPS on road supervisor who makes claim that he has a gun at every window, at every door, under his pillow and in his kitchen. We make fun of him constantly for his over reaction to self defense.
I agree that's a bit over the top in self defense. I see that being rude to other people isn't just an online thing for you.
Why live in that kind of fear? Who is he afraid of? Why not just move to a place where this kind of fear doesnt exist?
Again, I do not live in fear, I am prepared if I ever should have to defend self and family.
If I had to live in a place where I had to "plan" on fighting an intruder with a gun because where I lived was a commonplace for this type of activity, I would simply pick up my family and move to a safer neighborhood.
That's fine for you, but not everyone can afford to pickup and move.
As I have said many times, I DONT LIVE IN FEAR. I wont pretend to defend myself with guns so in the event that a criminal will choose my home to rob I will be prepared.
I hope that you can live the rest of your life and never have to face an intruder in your home.
Prevention would be my first choice. Alarms, locks and home security would be my first priority. This is a wiser investment versus a gun battle.
Of course prevention is the first choice, DUH, but it isn't the last or only choice.. However, when a criminal sets off you alarm by kicking in your locked door, the cops may not get there in time to save your life.
If I had to live in a bunker to feel safe, then am I really safe?
Didn't you say you lived in a gated community? Probably complete with private security guards (AKA rent-a-cops), double or triple locks and an alarm wired to every door and window. Sounds a little like a bunker minus guns. And you say your aren't afraid? Then why all the above?
The concept that I would be safer because I have guns in my home is something I reject.
And the concept that living in a gated community makes you safe is something I reject.
Living in fear isnt something I accept as a lifestyle. I reject that concept.
You have already accepted the concept.
As I said, if you want guns for sport shooting or to hunt for something to eat then I support the use. If you want guns because you chose to live in an area where you feel unsafe, and you are anticipating an epic gun battle with an intruder then you might be facing a situation like this:
Since the stats dictate that most people are murdered by someone they know and this guys "buddy" had been kicked out of the house for suspicion of theft and had a tire iron in his hand, it would be logical that the intruder had something more on his mind than a late night snack.
Just a few lines of the story is available, so unless you are a physcic you nor I know anymore details. There's many scenarios that could justify the use of the firearm. You don't know the details, just reacting to the first line of the story.
"Detectives are treating the incident as an accidental shooting and no charges will be filed, according to officials."
Accidents do happen, is that the fault of the gun? Is this hunter a obsessive gun nut gone off the deep end?
These are the more common types of gun incidents rather than "epic gun" battles with intruders.
I guarantee you that in each of these cases, not one of them would qualify mentally to own a gun, yet they have them .....for protection.
So now you are a certified shrink that can diagnose people from a story in the newspaper?
Where i am, I have laughed at those I know personally when they give me the business about protection..
Glad to see you are consistently rude, Now I won't take it so personally.We live in a gated community with roving guards on patrol in cars.
So do people in prisons.
Almost every home here as a security system on the grounds so stockpiling guns for as protection is ridiculous at best.
No one has said YOU should own even one gun, much less stockpile them.
But heck, if you all live in places where this is a necessary part of your lives (to live in constant fear) then who am I to stop you.
As I have said many times, I don't live in fear I am prepared for the unknown. I still believe that your gated community is as much a fear factor as you claim my guns to be.
We all chose where we live.
Not all people have that opportunity and you dang well know it.
Here's a few links you left out.
Gated communities are safe huh"