Yeah, your biggest friend Reagan got shot at, too !
Got to protect yourself against government, your own words !
Here us more Rhetoric for you.
The American Creed:
"I Believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a reublic; a soveriegn nation of many soveriegn states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed thier lives and fortunes. "I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; support its constitution; to obey its laws; respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies." William Tyler Page
I think people have forgotten what the founders really ment by giving us a free country. To me they ment they gave us the founding structure to build on with a strong foundation. I think the genration below me have gotten about what it is to be free and have to work at want you want in life and not be handed to you by anyone or anything. The ones below me are so far removed from hardship they would not know how to otain the things they need to make the very basic foudation for life. I DO NOT think is so far fetched that out founding fathers could not invision what our great counrty can do and what it can give. If not then they would not have placed so many safe measures in the bill of rights and the constitution. We all have our on views of what our country should be and agree and disgree. That is what makes our freedoms so wonderful we can tell each what we think and feel and not be placed in a cell. I love my country and will die for it and will never be shamed to call myself American. I will never be made to feel bad for my views or what I see to be true for myself. I will no longer be over talked by someone who wants to only hear what they say. I come from a mixed background of Native Americans and whites. Some people in this country I feel have forgotten the faces of our fathers and mothers meaning from what race you hale from we all should be proud of the fact you are free and you can be anything you want it this great country of ours. It needs to run by the people not the very ones who say they know better because they hold public office or they can text or blog or tweet thier boby parts to others who may not want to see them. I for one believe in the right to have arms and to keep in my home and on my person. Im niether DEM or REP. but I do know this if we the American people do not get back our very values that we say we hold in 20 years it will not longer be here. My life needs to run me and me alone.