Well-Known Member
Obviously you were not at my barn and PK has the members support. Don't believe me, well I guess the results of the delegate election can shed some light the subject. Truthfully you are no better than Edgar because you just get all hyped up at election time and make up reasons to believe you have a chance. What are you really doing besides typing away on the internet and telling stories? LOL! Remember your predictions at the last local election? I do and you were wrong then and you are wrong now. Teamsters United, Reform952, Bring back the Teamsters slate, Member run slate it's all the same disruption to our local when you are just another one of those guys that (in your delusional mind) think you got what it takes but you just don't. Sorry the truth hurts but really I don't want you to leave, actually I want you to stay so election after election I can put truth and reality in your face. Have a great day chewing on that little "hot pocket".I don't understand "owned" Are your saying he burned bridges and now is scraping the bottom of the barrel to gather support?
Our local has over 8000 members and to only have 5 staunch supporters is pathetic! His business agents don't even campaign with him at their yards! How sad is that? They have to bring the janitor, and a part time organizer to campaign for him!
If he was truly a "devoted" Teamster he'd have 50-100 members out there campaigning! He gets maybe 2 members out of his slate to take the time off and help him you being one! And your not even out there all day! ha ha ha ha !!
When are you gonna "get it" that we are all better working together for the comon good of the members that this crap you spew in our local and JC!
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