Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


All Trash No Trailer
With the hardball negotiations why does UPS feel it's in such a position of strength? I'm thinking

A) Either UPS has an "understanding" with Hoffa that a Strike Vote won't be issued

B)Management feels the average UPS employee is leveraged to his eyeballs and cant afford more than a week unpaid and either wont walk or will only walk for a short time
and can be starved out

C)UPS has an 'understanding' with the Trump administration that in the event of a strike or better yet if a Strike Vote is issued the Trump Administration will force us into Arbitration to avert a strike due to the poetential impact on the economy

D) all of the above
With the hardball negotiations why does UPS feel it's in such a position of strength? I'm thinking

A) Either UPS has an "understanding" with Hoffa that a Strike Vote won't be issued

B)Management feels the average UPS employee is leveraged to his eyeballs and cant afford more than a week unpaid and either wont walk or will only walk for a short time
and can be starved out

C)UPS has an 'understanding' with the Trump administration that in the event of a strike or better yet if a Strike Vote is issued the Trump Administration will force us into Arbitration to avert a strike due to the poetential impact on the economy

D) all of the above
Have you noticed all of the new package cars? I've never seen so many in my entire career.


My Senior Picture
Your experience is limited to a little area. Probably only in one state. People with only 10 years in several places has more experience than one with 32 years in one. Different areas have different cultures.

Full time jobs/pension always work as a slogan. But You are talking about striking over a 1/52 and maybe working on Sunday. The public may not support that after they find out about your wages/vacation/pension/medical/dental/etc.

I am waiting for the “total package “. I was wondering what the slogan could be on the issues you want to stoke over.

I will stop by the line after work. Even though I’m only working because the teamsters didn’t protect my job at ups.
You know absolutely nothing of my experience, so shut up about what you do not know.
I have been all over the country, to every level of the panel system and sold employment insurance to UPSer's in every region.
Through social media, like this site, I have a large network of stewards like myself that I communicate with often.
I can back up what I say.

I have never said one thing on here in support of a strike....yet?
I am also waiting to see what the offer is and don't believe there will be a strike in the end.

I believe that all we are seeing presently is pageantry and fake posturing, with a done deal already in place, just like last time.
They aren't letting us see anything real at this point.
Next will come the hard sell.

What I am not doing is railing against the notion of a strike, as it's the only real leverage we have at the bargaining table.

Do you think the Company (and the IBT for that matter) isn't monitoring this site, and others like Facebook, to see if the threat is eminent and supported by the members?

You are coming off like a scared, selfish, spoiled little boy.
Man up.
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My Senior Picture
Can't say I blame them. Financially I didn't need more than three days. We all see the old timers and how the wear and tear adds up. Only makes sense to do it at top rate.
I can say I blame them, as that is the best time to start juicing up your 401k for early retirement....time being the most crucial variable in that equation.


Well-Known Member
With the hardball negotiations why does UPS feel it's in such a position of strength? I'm thinking

A) Either UPS has an "understanding" with Hoffa that a Strike Vote won't be issued

B)Management feels the average UPS employee is leveraged to his eyeballs and cant afford more than a week unpaid and either wont walk or will only walk for a short time
and can be starved out

C)UPS has an 'understanding' with the Trump administration that in the event of a strike or better yet if a Strike Vote is issued the Trump Administration will force us into Arbitration to avert a strike due to the poetential impact on the economy

D) all of the above
I have thought about C before, mainly due to the bank bailouts. Would we really effect the economy to that point?


Well-Known Member
I have never said one thing on here in support of a strike?
I am also waiting to see what the offer is and don't believe there will be a strike in the end.

I believe that all we are seeing presently is pageantry and fake posturing, with a done deal already in place, just like last time.
They aren't letting us see anything real at this point.
Next will come the hard sell.

What I am not doing is railing against the notion of a strike, as it's the only real leverage we have at the bargaining table.

Do you think the Company isn't monitoring this site, and others like Facebook, to see if the threat is eminent and supported by the members?

You are coming off like a scared, selfish, spoiled little boy.
Man up.

The fact that the union doesn’t protect my job after 29 years. I should not look into alternatives?

I’m not scared, I just understand that a strike would, More than likely end my union employment at ups. It will probably be time to “man up” and move on.

An act of selflessness would be, after a strike, layoffs will be in order of the top down for 1 year.


Well-Known Member
As you may or may not know, our (Upstate NY) pension plan is severely underfunded (46%). There area a group of retirees who have formed a committee to look in to any possible ways to restore full funding. One of the ideas was to organize a protest in front of the office of Assemblywoman Elise Stefanik.

Can you imagine the public backlash when they find out that we are bitching that our former $7K/month pension has been reduced to $5K/month?

There would be zero support for a strike and both the Company and Union know this all too well.

Yet that group of retirees sat down and bargained 30-40 years ago in good faith to give up present-day dollars so in the future they'd have economic security, and now that's been taking away. You seem to have no empathy for the brothers & sisters who have paved the way for you and sacrificed so you could be a company sell-out