APWA is controlled by a Union-busting Lawyer


Well-Known Member
Kinda like the leadership at APWA was elected..........oh wait, it's who give the most money:thumbup1:

If the APWA is elected (not was). Still in the card signing stage. The donations are individual choices.

Oooooo, you such a tough guy in the safety meeting. Plus bashing your brother BA. I want you as our APWA president since you show so much loyalty to your brother's and sister's:lol:

I never said I was such a tough guy, I just don't believe in having a tea party and not getting to the meat of what a saftey committe is supposed to do. Doesn't mean every point I bring up is right, but I am not shy about hammering the issues.

As far as my brothers and sisters, I have been elected shop steward for 18 straight years, so I must be doing something right. Even if I have a personal issue with someone I throw that aside and give the best representation I can.

I never said anything about being Pres. of the APWA. Also what the heck do you know about my BA? Not a thing that's what! I will speak out against anyone who doesn't do their job, and I sure want ask your permission to do so. I have been involved as a steward for 18yrs. so I know a little about a little when it comes to representation, and if my BA who is on mine/your payroll is doing a poor job, and not representing the members interest but only his own, I will call it as I see it.

I am thankful to have the right of freedom of speech, but I don't believe in abusing it either.

You can sit back and think you're being a loyal union member by not holding your ba's feet to the fire, but that's you not me. If I was a BA, I would expect no less from those I represented, because you're paying the salary of the BA,and all elected officials. You would be surprized how often they sell you out behind closed doors.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think Hoffa had to steal the election so much, as Tom L didn't have the finances i.,e, possibly our money at his disposal, and didn't have much of a campaign imho. Though I did vote for Tom, because I know enough about him to know he would be better than Hoffa, but most didn't know who he was. As noted the turnout was low, so that sure effected it, but I don't trust Hoffa and his crew either so anything is possible. I do know people who were there when the votes were counted. Alot of locals were put under a great deal of pressure by Hoffa jr and his people.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The last IBT Election, I think the dollar figures were Hoffa's campaign spending 3 million to Leedham's $300,000. With only about twenty percent of members taking a minute to check a ballot and drop a postage paid envelope into their mailbox. I'm amazed by the lack of participation.:mad:


Well-Known Member
I hear you scratch-king. I guess people to a degree have thrown in the towel, but not voting doesn't help.


Well-Known Member
Wow, are there no ends to the stuff you people are willing to make up?

Buddy, I made a suggestion at the general meeting a few years ago that they allow a rank and file member to sit in the corner and observe while the votes were being counted.
They told me that I was out of order and to sit down and shut up or they would have me removed, and stated that that would never be allowed. Now if that isn't a sign that they have something to hide nothing is!


Go big orange
Buddy, I made a suggestion at the general meeting a few years ago that they allow a rank and file member to sit in the corner and observe while the votes were being counted.
They told me that I was out of order and to sit down and shut up or they would have me removed, and stated that that would never be allowed. Now if that isn't a sign that they have something to hide nothing is!
Strange, I've been an observer for several elections and there were many onthers who also observed to make sure it was on the up and up. Every election is monitored ya liars.
You APWAers really amaze me with the lies and half truths. You must be taking lessons from TDU.


Senior Member
It was a serious question, but i guess we all know how you buckle under pressure already. You show pure ignorance for your fellow teamster brothers and sisters when you crossed the picket line and withdrew from the teamsters over these issues, but when your asked a serious question you look for the easy way out. So i dont want to hear anymore crying on the pension funding until you do a little homework, alright!
It was a serious question.
My answer was sardonic.
Start in 1959 with the McClellan Commitee and work the timeline up to the present and maybe you would understand my ignorance of the pension issue.


Senior Member
Beacuse up until 1996 freight carried the pensions, and in=m sorry but i had 3 years in at that time. Its nice of you to come to satelites defense, but i thought he was the big bad :censored2: that told all his coworkers he was scabbing to their faces, yet he runs from the computer like a little nancy!
If you read all the posts at BrownCafe, as you have professed, then you might have noticed that I posted I was taking a four day weekend in the Texas Hill Country.
If that is running from the computer, all I can say is.
"Hell, Yes!!!!".
Ain't nothing like being in the old Commanche country viewing wild bluebonnets spread across the horizon. Cold,freshly brewed beer. Clean, clear water flowing over limestone riverbeds. Great Tex-Mex food and visiting family.
Buying more investment property, to supplement my retirement.
If that is running away, then I should change my name to Marathon Man.
No one needs to come to my defense. I have never stated or exemplified myself as a big bad anything.
Call me anything you like. But, please try to use some humor and creative thought with your personal insults.


Browncafe Steward
If you read all the posts at BrownCafe, as you have professed, then you might have noticed that I posted I was taking a four day weekend in the Texas Hill Country.
If that is running from the computer, all I can say is.
"Hell, Yes!!!!".
Ain't nothing like being in the old Commanche country viewing wild bluebonnets spread across the horizon. Cold,freshly brewed beer. Clean, clear water flowing over limestone riverbeds. Great Tex-Mex food and visiting family.
Buying more investment property, to supplement my retirement.
If that is running away, then I should change my name to Marathon Man.
No one needs to come to my defense. I have never stated or exemplified myself as a big bad anything.
Call me anything you like. But, please try to use some humor and creative thought with your personal insults.
Did the apwa ( Ups ) pay for this little get away?


Senior Member
I was asking your opinion if it was right for that is what satelite did. We didnt suffer in 97 walking that picket line, fyi i got married 9-13-97 and was buying my 1st house, while out of work for 19 days with no income, but i stood my ground and im better off now for it. Not to mention hearing my soon to be wife asking me how we were going to afford the wedding and how were we going to close on the new house without me getting paid. I stood against my teamster local in 02 with a handful of fedup members and helped to elect a slate of members who now serve the best interest of myself and fellow members. I wasnt refering to you as a sniveling little girl that was for satelite, but as to you stating that you would scab a picket line and or withdraw from the teamsters, for thgat i will call you a little school girl!
What does his opinion have to do with my decisions? Sniveling little school girl? I have never sniveled and I am not female. I respect Rocky for being able to defend his belief even though I might not agree with it on all points.
If you wish to throw insults, be sure you directly address that person. It makes it easier for rebuttal.


Browncafe Steward
Strange, I've been an observer for several elections and there were many onthers who also observed to make sure it was on the up and up. Every election is monitored ya liars.
You APWAers really amaze me with the lies and half truths. You must be taking lessons from TDU.
I to have observed several election ballot counts, and it is done by an election judge and other officials with no ties to the teamsters. I think its time for you apwa supporters to get your facts right and stop lieing about everything!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Did the apwa ( Ups ) pay for this little get away?
Sweet Jesus, I wish.
I had to channel the funds, thru my offshore account, to our super secret Swiss bank account and convert it in to gold. Sold the gold in Spain for diamonds and smuggled them to France and converted to EUROS. Then shipped the EUROS(via UPS) to Mexico. I had those funds converted back into US dollars. This money was strapped to the back of an illegal and carried to me just south of San Antonio. I do not think it can be traced back to APWA or UPS.
Just to be safe, I paid with cash and used my personal VISA card.


Browncafe Steward
Sweet Jesus, I wish.
I had to channel the funds, thru my offshore account, to our super secret Swiss bank account and convert it in to gold. Sold the gold in Spain for diamonds and smuggled them to France and converted to EUROS. Then shipped the EUROS(via UPS) to Mexico. I had those funds converted back into US dollars. This money was strapped to the back of an illegal and carried to me just south of San Antonio. I do not think it can be traced back to APWA or UPS.
Just to be safe, I paid with cash and used my personal VISA card.
So i take it you didnt use ups to ship the packages? I hope it was at least a union competitor.


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus, I wish.
I had to channel the funds, thru my offshore account, to our super secret Swiss bank account and convert it in to gold. Sold the gold in Spain for diamonds and smuggled them to France and converted to EUROS. Then shipped the EUROS(via UPS) to Mexico. I had those funds converted back into US dollars. This money was strapped to the back of an illegal and carried to me just south of San Antonio. I do not think it can be traced back to APWA or UPS.
Just to be safe, I paid with cash and used my personal VISA card.