Go big orange
Brother, wasn't there an age requirement till "97"?705 I think 1eyed Jack was talking about officers in the Teamsters.
Krash, 58! You must be a feeder driver? If everyone could go into feeders that would be plausible, but we can't and the masses imho wont likely be able to make it to age 58, physically.
Also, I've seen drivers do it960-62). These where the one's who follow the methods to a T and paced themselves. Granted, it would be a challenge and I can't see a bunch of 61 year old package car drivers on the road. UPS wants production. They'd be lucky if I could run everything on the truck let alone in a timely manner at 61

We had one that was 62 here recently who always looked for extra work because he wanted the OT. I couldn't keep up with the guy.
But on the other hand, I also see guys who are a good ways off from that golden age limping around the building. So maybe some are more physically adapted to the job.
And yes Cole, I is in feeder