The IBT has been playing games with our jobs since Hoffa has been there. I understand everyone's concern, but face it, we have no choice. I take that back, the choice is the APWA. Anyone with a position, with the APWA, will be held accountable to their people... including the President. If you, or a group, or your whole building is not satified with your representation, you voice your concern and actions WILL take place, unlike what we have now. As far as "playing games with jobs" what do you think is going on now? We have people across the country, who are suspended or even loose their jobs, when contract language is in their favor. Uncle Buster is laughing at our representation, or lack there of. Again, as I said before, this is a decision each individual is going to have to make. But before you do, think about your family and their welfare! I know what I am going to do! APWA