This is a copy of a post from the MF Board:
"UPS is the goose that laid the golden egg," Hoffa added. "Thanks to the strength of our unity, we will grab that goose by the neck and get every one of those golden eggs."
Here is a GOLDEN opportunity for the UPS PR department to for once be "proactive" rather than "reactive".
IMHO, we should be taking Hoffa's words and using them to OUR advantage in the media. In 1997, we really never got our message out to John Q. Public as to what we were proposing and why. The IBT
took the initiative and forced us to play catch-up in the media.
SHOUT TO THE WORLD what a UPS Teamster is currently making, but don't limit it to wages - include how many weeks vacation, how many paid Holidays, and how much UPS pays for Health, Welfare and Retirement (the COMPLETE package). Let the world know that part-time employees receive these same benefits. Then tell them what our NON-UNION competitors pay their employees (total package) for the SAME WORK! Let the world
know how many Companies have "gone under" or moved out of the country because of excessive Union demands.
Then, and only then, let the world know that the IBT wants to "...get every one of those golden eggs".
Maybe, just maybe, for once we might get public opinion on OUR side.