


This is a copy of a post from the MF Board:

"UPS is the goose that laid the golden egg," Hoffa added. "Thanks to the strength of our unity, we will grab that goose by the neck and get every one of those golden eggs."

Here is a GOLDEN opportunity for the UPS PR department to for once be "proactive" rather than "reactive".

IMHO, we should be taking Hoffa's words and using them to OUR advantage in the media. In 1997, we really never got our message out to John Q. Public as to what we were proposing and why. The IBT
took the initiative and forced us to play catch-up in the media.

SHOUT TO THE WORLD what a UPS Teamster is currently making, but don't limit it to wages - include how many weeks vacation, how many paid Holidays, and how much UPS pays for Health, Welfare and Retirement (the COMPLETE package). Let the world know that part-time employees receive these same benefits. Then tell them what our NON-UNION competitors pay their employees (total package) for the SAME WORK! Let the world
know how many Companies have "gone under" or moved out of the country because of excessive Union demands.

Then, and only then, let the world know that the IBT wants to "...get every one of those golden eggs".

Maybe, just maybe, for once we might get public opinion on OUR side.


In all honesty, I dont think public support was
firmly behind the teamsters during the last strike. Its just that they had better PR, and
better mis-information and half-truths. However,
I think a vast majority of hard working teamsters
learned something from the last
to trust their leadership. A fair contract is
definately due the teamsters, however "EVERY GOLDEN EGG" is ridiculous. Despite what teamster leadership says, UPS management is also responsible for the sucess of UPS, and both deserve to share in UPS' success.

Stock fell 1 penny short of $60 today. Hasnt
closed above $60 since late Jan 2001. Imagine
where we might be without a contract hanging over
our heads? FDX has risen almost 80% since Sept!!!
They are doing a good job with the media and
taking ground volume, so in my opinion they
deserve it. I wonder however when an analyst is
going to downgrade them, and UPS gets hurt....



Looks like FDX is taking a ride on the DOW was slightly under the average increase. Wouldn't it be nice to be in the boat instead of having to be sucked along by the wake!
Time will tell...FDX looks like a great short, tho. It should plummet like a rock soon.^djt


The Golden egg theory and The Cash Cow theory may well be the "The Staws that broke the camels back". It may even end up being "The biting off the hand that feeds you" scenario. It may also be likened to "The companies that went Bellyup because of union demands" list. May be the whole negotiation process will go down as the "up yours" contract.
I hope that none of these plays out, but I ALMOST believe that all of the above are prevailing sentiments perhaps from both sides. I hope not.


Has anyone paid attention to what the job market is like 9-11? I would think that union or not, a job is a precious commodity today.....especially a job that pays well and with great benefits. I understand everyone wants raises and improvements and that's fine, but shouldn't everyone treat this coming contract gingerly? There's a lot more at stake than the last contract. The agreement reached with no strike. I don't want to see either side get greedy. IMHO



I agree 100% of what you have said. But
judging from comments coming from the teamsters
bosses, they don't care. They want EVERY Golden
Egg!!! Talk about greedy...!!!


Nothing the teamsters do or say, no matter how stupid or inflammatory, should surprise anyone. In their mind there will always be a teamsters union. These are people who have repeatedly refused to allow their own employees to unionize, and who have been quick to reduce their own staffs when revenue streams dry up. They don't care about anyone or anything other than themselves. Their dues-paying members are expendable to them. It's a pity the members either can't or won't see this.



Mellon Investor Services will become the new transfer agent for UPS stock. In order to assist with the transition from FU, no class A transactions will be processed starting Wednesday March 20, at 5 p.m. (Eastern time), for all paper transactions and 3:00 p.m. (Eastern time) Friday, March 22, for Direct Stock Transaction Program transactions. It will end Monday, April 8, at 8 a.m. The transition will not affect the timing of the quarterly purchase of shares for the UPS Discounted Employee Stock Purchase Plan. More details to follow in a letter. I guess the bad customer service finally cost them.


Bozo, thanks for the "heads-up". I was planning on transferring some shares to my son so now I'll make sure I have the request form in the mail today so I hopefully will have the confirmation back in time to present to him on his birthday on March 30.



This will not effect any hypo you have with First Union or any other Financial Institution, I would however use this as an opportunity if you have a hypo with First Union to take a look at the competative landscape. There are other banks and Brokerage firms that offer better terms and varying degrees of service ( from individual advisors to automated phone service ) depending on your needs and personal preference.



Missed the pulled post. Just a note to offer support. The world is too dreary a place to be passing up a chance at the lighter side. Keep on posting. Some of us appreciate the effort it takes. Smiles do more to help the soul than any other medicine I can think of.


Your advice: "I would however use this as an opportunity if you have a hypo with First Union to take a look at the competitive landscape. There are other banks and Brokerage firms that offer better terms and varying degrees of service ( from individual advisors to automated phone service ) depending on your needs and personal preference."

From your own experience, do you know of any brokerage firms or banks that stand out in the "crowd" as alternatives to First Union??


TDU and Hoffa.....out of touch, out of business sense, and only out for themselves.