I respect your opinions posted on this web site.
The information that you provided today, which I suspect is true, appears to be UPS attempting to free itself (and its employees) from the obligation of paying for the unfunded pensions of retired non-UPS members of the IBT.
If UPS is forced to continue to foot the bill for other companies that either are bankrupt or who simply fail to fund their employees pension fund properly, it is UPSers (both the company and its employees)who suffer - with less money available for pay, health and welfare benefits.
It is simple math - if UPS spends money paying for other companies pension obligations, that is money that will not be available for UPS to reinvest in the business; nor will it be available for enhancements to the employee benefit package. UPS will continue to foot the bill for the IBT mismanagement, and the non-payment of other companies to the Pension fund.
UPSers will pay this price, we will all suffer as a result.
Others may look for a nefarious motive here, but I see a reputable company (UPS) looking out for its and its employees best interest.
My humble opinion.