


I vote for popping a couple of cold ones too! Being retired I can do that at lunch too if I so desire.


Nothing to do with the Yellow/roadway UPS buyout (what a joke).
Dell has moved their phone support from India back to the USA. They had many problems with the system, mainly customers understanding the tech support.
My mother in law called Gateway support. She couldn't understand what the tech support person was saying. They transfered her to a supervisor, same problem. My guess the call was taken in India.
Hey go yellow/roadway ups buyout!!!! (what a freeking joke)


I read an article not too long ago that it was getting more and more difficult to emply people in India who spoke english fluently. In fact, due to demand, the cost to employ those fluent in english was sky-rocketing. Not sure if that meant $1.00 per hour, $5.00 per hour or something in between. I guess they are recruiting people who barely speak english now! That should mean that many of those jobs will return to the USA.


I became sooooo frustrated with one of those overseas phone centers I finally said Hey! I pressed 1 for ENGLISH!


PT sups don't get paid by the hour, they are "salaried". I believe you get paid once a month, maybe about $1,100 I think, but I might be wrong.



Not sure what the situation is in Massachusetts, but contractually in the Central Region Supplement of the agreement between the Teamsters and UPS for every seven full time employees hired, six of them must come from the part time employees in seniority order of those who can meet the qualifications.

That means the one out of seven that management can pick from off the streets tends to come from the part time managers or someone who has either connections with someone high in management or superior qualifications . . .

You can see hiring in as a full time driver off the streets while not impossible, is very difficult.

Putting in your dues as a part time employee for UPS is the surest way to become a full time employee of UPS.

However, as insinuated the part time stint is not measured in months.


You are more likely to be struck by lightning then walk into a full time driver job off the the streets, and the few who do have connections upstairs at UPS. Six for one is the rule here to.


Come on out to Northern Virginia. Just in my group, we have hired 4 drivers of the street in the last year. Not sure what the number is for the whole center, or building wide, but things are definetley growing around here.


In my district, we have the 6 for 1 hire ratio meaning: Six inside employees can fill a fulltime position such as Pkg-car or Feeder position vs. one new hire from the street. Those rules in place would root out All those average Joes' thinking they can gain employment through the back door without paying any dues(such as:loading or unloading trucks) for 5 to 10 years. Also, we dont want anyone coming in to UPS thinking they can get a 60k to 70k a year job by just filling out an applilcation! Believe me, getting hired from the street, in my building, is like hitting the POWER BALL!


There were a lot of new hires in the booming late 70s and 80s. Unfortunatly, in the central states, most of them won't be able to retire for an aditional four or five years so add that to the waiting period. In our building, we have one guy ahead of me whos going in May. I'm next and I'm looking at OOOHHHH about 2012. Thats a long time between full time openings, unless there is a huge increase in volume. And the more with less policy going on right now just means more work for the current drivers.
My son has been here a little over two years and wants to wait it out. He already has his degree and they have encouraged him to go into management. I have encouraged him to move on. He has had some great opportunities, all out of state. but he doesn't want to leave his family and freinds(although his wife wanted to take an offer in Florida). Thats not a bad thing but after spending 80 grand on college, I REALLY wish he would find a carreer to use it.


sing along with me...

in the year 2025
will roboto be alive
will he be a clerk at UPS
the answer....yes yes yes


Under the Employee Discount Stock Purchase Plan through Mellon, how quickly can I sell some stick if necessary? What I'm looking for is, how quickly would I get the funds after selling them? What are the tax ramifications?

Also, what's the difference between Class A and Class B stock?




It takes approximately 3 days for it to hit your account.
Try to sell stock you have held over a year (short term capital gains tax implications for stock sold that you have had under a year)
The difference between class a and class b stock is in the voting power. Class a stock are given to UPS people exclusively. Class B can be bought on the open market.


Had an intresting thing happen Fri morning regarding this issue. We had a nice pcm with all the package car drivers present. That's approx 200 drivers. The topic? Sales leads. The disrtict manager and the president of the local both gave talks on the importance of increasing our volume. More volume means more jobs, job security, and helps keep our pension strong. Both made it a point to emphasize the pension part.
I really can't see how the Teamsters can keep UPS from having a say in the pension. UPS knows they have the employees on their side. The Teamsters risk losing everything if they refuse to deal. We have a UPS Teamster 401k plan, why not a UPS Teamster pension plan? It's only a matter of time until UPS gets what it wants.


Mojo, Congratulations!!!! I think you will love the preload world! If you get an interview, you have the chance to ask about the hour thing, and find out was it expected for your salary, mainly the number of hours you are expected to work. The pay had better be more than Ive seen stated here. I was a new PT sup in 1986, and I started at 1275 per month. As you can see that was eons ago, so I would guess it to be around 1600 to start. But mine was based on expected hours of 100 hours per month, and I have read they are now based on 27 1/2 hrs per week so it may be even more than that. But you have the upper hand since you have some facts that I and others never had when going into this position. I dont regret a minute of it, I had a blast, didnt see many 9 oclock movies but i got to finish my degree, which is the real beauty of Part time, and see my kids important functions. And be with them every night. And you will learn so much from dispatching to computer work, personnel, time and people managemnt. You will never be bored! It is the most integral part of the day. And always try to listen as you will soon sort out who cries every day and who has legitimate complaints, and you can be the hero when you fix the problems. Keep us posted.!!


If you are in tech support, you dont report directly to him, do you? So he is no threat to you? take him to lunch and tell him how people feel about him, maybe he is just misunderstood.....How does he discriminate against women, dont see many like those last too long. The upper managment usually get rid of them because of the liability. Maybe what you see as discrimination comes from your perception, which isnt a bad thing, but the women of UPS get just as much abuse as the men, usually no more. And some men are bothered by that. Usually trying to trash a sup in the ERI, trashes the whole process that the ERI is there for, it trashes the whole group, when only one may deserve the rating, which is why when things are bad, with one I just dont take it.

(Message edited by toonertoo on January 30, 2004)

(Message edited by toonertoo on January 30, 2004)


I have been complaining about 0 degrees, how in the heck do you all survive what the weather stations have said your part of the country has been experiencing? Minnesota, N Dakota, and Maine last week all with wind chills of -40 and lower. Do they lower your dispatch, what do you do to get through the day???? Day after day. If your fingers havent fallen off by now, and your eyeballs arent frozen little iceballs, please reply....


thank you. And I also plan on stepping up my schooling, and get it done sooner. Am already looking to add a Spring IIB class to the one I am already enrolled in.
the best thing is getting back involved in my kids life at this age, 6 and 4, missed enough of their growing up already.
As for the pay, I've heard between 1100-1400, plus stock options? we'll see, but it will pay my mortgage, plus, if things do not work out in a few years, it will look good on a resume, though I am hoping that after i finish my accounting BA , I can continue upward in the company, but that is a few years down the line.