Mojo, Congratulations!!!! I think you will love the preload world! If you get an interview, you have the chance to ask about the hour thing, and find out was it expected for your salary, mainly the number of hours you are expected to work. The pay had better be more than Ive seen stated here. I was a new PT sup in 1986, and I started at 1275 per month. As you can see that was eons ago, so I would guess it to be around 1600 to start. But mine was based on expected hours of 100 hours per month, and I have read they are now based on 27 1/2 hrs per week so it may be even more than that. But you have the upper hand since you have some facts that I and others never had when going into this position. I dont regret a minute of it, I had a blast, didnt see many 9 oclock movies but i got to finish my degree, which is the real beauty of Part time, and see my kids important functions. And be with them every night. And you will learn so much from dispatching to computer work, personnel, time and people managemnt. You will never be bored! It is the most integral part of the day. And always try to listen as you will soon sort out who cries every day and who has legitimate complaints, and you can be the hero when you fix the problems. Keep us posted.!!