


I always wanted to invest my monies elsewhere rather than those strictly choices(magellan,s&p500,gov bonds,horizon and so on). I stumpled on the SMA(Self Managed Account), something I personally think UPS dont want everyone to know about in the 401k plan. I stumpled on this in the FAQ(Frequently asked Questions section). This SMA account when established, lets you invest and take risk in the U.S Stock Exchange. I would like to know if anyone knows about it yet??? Because I just received and filled out the SMA Aplication and waiting on its approval.. when approved, I think you need to move/startup the account by moving 2 to 3k of monies from your 401k account to take part in the risk taken investments in the stock exchange.


"geting my revenge every day by sending out my drivers lite on stops"


You seem to be the brown noser but with the drivers instead of management. And taking a $400 payoff for it and being stupid enough to admit it. Sounds good enough for termination to me. So whats the address of your hub so we can send along a note to your center manager that you defy his ability to take action.

Center mgr. name___________________________
City ______________________________________
State________ Zip________________________
Region_______________ District____________
Employee #_________________
Load area _________________
Your name (Leave blank-I'm sure they can figure it out)


The waiting period to be a driver in my HUB is I think 3 years or less. I guess because since a huge majority of the workers are so young, in their late teens or early twenties. Plus the high turnover rate. I haven't been here 6 months yet, and was asked if I wanted to drive, I think it was cover driving, but I'm not 21 yet.


Let us transfer to other hubs.

I dont have any idea what your situation is in Tennessee.

Here, our local covers workers at our hub and at the airport about a mile away. The surrounding buildings all have different locals.

Over the last couple of years the other hubs had lots of layoffs. They had seven year drivers getting bumped to part time. When they found out that we still had two year drivers working theyd want to come here and bump them because they have five more years. But theyre from a different local so its not happening. Our local has made it crystal clear that to work in our hub you will be a member of our local. Im sure the other locals are similar but maybe not since I've never been a member anywhere else.

So at least in our case transferring to another hub isnt a UPS issue.


I agree with deliver_man about Magellan, the fees are way high with it even though the plan pays some of the fees they charge. I'd take that 40% and split it like he said between the Russell 2000k and the S&P 400 which is a mid-cap fund. Of course now that I've given them the se3al of approval they'll probably tank. I wish I had been able to start my 401k as early as you. Also as of Jan 1st you can put 25% into your account.


Can you get some more info on that. My broker was asking me if I could do that. She also told me that from the returns we get on some of the funds like the SP500 and russel, they seem to be a UPS version as opposed to the actuals because the results are not the same.


According to my summary plan description, the self-managed account has been around since November of 1998. Its probably not promoted because of the potentially overwhelming amount of choices to the novice investor. Below is an exerpt from the SMA application on the choices available to the investor:

The Securities available for investment in the Self-Managed Account are generally as follows:
All New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange listed stocks
All NASDAQ listed stocks
Most Corporate and Government Bonds
Approximately 4,000 Mutual Funds from over 300 fund families
(including 800 funds available without transaction costs)
You may not invest in foreign stocks, non-listed limited partnerships, commodities, futures, options, initial public offerings,
non-taxable investments, precious metals or in the securities of your company or its affiliates.** It is also not permissible to
purchase securities on margin or to sell short (sell shares you do not own).



if you trust our government to not change the basics of the roth and if you are confident that your investments will grow ...

max out your roth ira every year.



I don't know how many of you actually remember: But there used to NOT be such a thing as a cover driver. I'm not sure what your situaton is muncher. We have about 3 drivers at my center that are working full time hours and have about 6 to 8 years in as part-timers.

It used to be that when you were needed as a driver, you started driving and if you got 30 days of driving in within a certain "period", you were a full time driver. I don't know who's idea it was to create "cover" drivers: whether company or union, but it never should have happened. This is one of the biggest reasons a lot of you guys are working full time hours.

I was lucky, The driver who was hired just before me was hired under the old way. I was the 1st "cover" driver who went full time. It took me 5 years. I drove full time hours for about 1 1/2 years. I was told once by a local union president: " At least we have you a job driving everyday" I guess that told me who's idea it was.


There are no such jobs here.If a part-timer does 30 full time days in a 60 day period, he then makes his FT book and becomes Full Timer. All of our drivers are full time including the air drivers. They do a 4 hour shift in the morning then finish their day delivering air. Maybe out of 4 air drivers, there might be one pt driver. All cover drivers here are full time all the time.


Gman, I copied/paste this from the ups401k plan:

Frequently Asked Questions

Question :
How does the Self-Managed Account work?

Answer :
The Self-Managed Account (SMA) is a brokerage option that offers you the ability to invest in stocks, bonds and other mutual funds. You have to apply for and set up a separate Self-Managed Account before you can trade stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

You can print an SMA Application from the Plan Forms section of this website or you can request an SMA application by calling the Teamster-UPS National 401(k) Tax Deferred Savings Plan Information Line at 1-800-537-0189. The package includes instructions on completing the application. After youve mailed your completed application to State Street Global Markets, youll receive a welcome letter with your brokerage account number.

Once your account is open, you will need to transfer a minimum of $2,500 from your core investment funds into your SMA. You then call an SMA broker to make trades. You must leave a minimum account balance of $5,000 invested in the Teamster-UPS National 401(k) Tax Deferred Savings Plan core investment funds immediately following your initial transfer to your SMA. All subsequent transfers into your SMA must be a minimum of $1,000.

There is a $50 annual account fee to maintain an SMA, and other transaction fees may apply. The annual account fee will be waived if your transaction fees exceed $50 per year. All fees are outlined in the application package.

All purchases and sales of UPS stock are subject to the UPS Insider Trading Guidelines.


our cover drivers are only full time from june 1-jan. 1. part-time the rest of the year.


Do these guys that work the preload and themn drive get the full ten hours off the clock before coming back to the preload??


The phone centers are moving to India? I thought they were moving to Tampa and Reno? If UPS is moving jobs out of the country, maybe some media attention would make them think twice.


Have you and your peers tried going to your manager about this guy? If you aren't comfortable with that, what about your IE Manager? The rumor is that TSG is being outsourced soon. Is that true? If so, maybe he is concerned about that.


It just so happens that I recently opened a SMA. It was went smoothly--even for me! After you apply, you will receive 2 letters in the mail--one with your username, and one with your password. Once you are registered, and want to purchase, make sure that you leave enough money in your core account to cover expenses.

As far as investing in general, I have 2 pieces of advice:

1)Start early--even if it is just a small amount

2)Make a plan, and stick to it--I can't tell you how much money it cost me by not doing this. Basing your allocations of stocks/bonds on your age--or whatever formula you come up with, is a good idea that I did not stick with all the time. In the 90's I was 100% in the S&P 500, which was great at the time. However, I eventually took a huge loss. By the time I bailed out, it was too late. Had I followed the formula, I would have been in much better shape. The key is to remember to rebalance your allocations, in order to lock in your gains. It is tempting not to do this when the stock market is doing great--It is hard to take money out of stocks when you are making 20% gains!

Someone please correct me if I am off base on this--I am trying to learn too!


I can not beleive that there are so many different situations across the board in how a part timer to full timer is considered. It is the "union" who is allowing these situations. When contracts are settled, that should be an issue that is the same across the board. Who ever heard of being part time some of the year and then full time the other. That's outrageous. The union is really looking out for the well being of it's members. I am a part timer for going on 8 years, and I have been working full time hours for about 3 years now. That sucks!!!! THANKS TEAMSTERS!!!!!

Well, at least the union isn't getting full time rates from me each month.


big difference between nite time clerk work, and unloading them feeders/trailers. what was I thinking?, put them stars on my thighs, and to my back.going to feel this for a couple days/ weeks/ month.
kids better want to go to bed by 7pm tonight.