


Here at Whites Creek it is not uncommom for a preloader/cover driver to get 12 hours a day, every day. I did it for 3 years, off and on, and was bringing home $1000 a week sometimes. It's up to the cover driver if they want to work both shifts, or just one of thier choice. I used to only double on Tuesday, Thursdays and Friday for nearly a year. They tell us to stop and not go over 60hrs a week, but then they will look away if they are in a bind. I have worked full time hours at UPS since 1994, but it was only last year that I finally got a full time job. I find it ironic that they only let the part timers get OT now. As a combo they won't let us get hardly any OT. Now I bet I will have a fight on my hands when pension time comes. They won't want to count my years as a part timer working 40hrs a week plus as full time years.

Robert Nitsche


Mojobuc, I am so glad!!! Kids are resilient little humans, and they are learning a very positive work ethic, by watching you go through what you are. And that you are doing it for them. When I went on the preload I explained to my kids, although they were probaly a little older than yours, that if I took the job, it would mean they would have to get themselves off to school every day, but in turn I would make more money, they would have more things, and money for activities, and I would be home every night to run them around. They never missed a day, it made them very responsible young adults. And a few years ago my youngest got to be a helper at Christmas, and then he really understood why I came home tired every night!! So congrats I am happy for you and yours!! Nice to hear something positive!!


That is the sad part, even though your making a decent living, and working full time hours, you are probaly going to get screwed on your pension even more than we are, as your classification is probaly still part time, and basically you will be like 97 1/2 before you can retire. I feel for you, its so unfair.


traveler, you are right, I just do my best to buy American when at all possible. I think most of us do, I cringe when I buy a TV, Cell phone, VCR, and yes Cars too. For the moment I buy cars that are old, Although I have a new GMC, for dependability, which it is not anyway. It breaks down more than my 80 Berlinetta. I prefer pre 1980, as there is less to work on that needs to be done at a dealership. And most parts are still readily available, but probaly not made here anymore either. It isnt that I really dislike Walmart, all the people seem nice, and glad to have a job, but I dont want them to be the only choice to shop at. I guess to some my feelings are rather naive, but I am going to keep trying to keep what is still here, here.


Isn't the part time pension paid out of a UPS retirement fund??? I believe you will get two checks, one teamster for full time and one UPS for part time. It's all figured out by a math equation.

As I sit here and think about it, since the teamstes have cut the annual pay out from 2% to 1% of what is contributed, and part times are not in the same fund and recieve half credit and I assume half the contribution, do they actually get the same money towards their pension as a full timer now? If UPS continues the 2% instead of dropping it to 1% like CS, part timers make out on the deal .This is kind of complicated and if you don't understand the theory it doesn't make sense, but I think it's right.


I have a nephew who buys purely American made and boast of it constantly. His father was in Mexico (Works for GM and they sent him to a plant down there) and was looking for something to bring him for a souveneer. Oddly enough, he found a cheap little coffee cup with the name of the Mexican town on it and when he looked at the bottom of it, it said "Made in USA". We all got a laugh out of that.


And all along I thought a D.R.I.P. was the guy I work for! I tease! Been waiting for this, I used my last dividend check to get in some Super Bowl pools. Needless to say a few more shares of stock would be a better investment. BM


Looks like learner clothing store is now signed up on basic, had two of them today! anyone else seem them?


Just a hypothetical question,
If China went on strike,or decided not to send anything to the U.S. would we be screwed?


where have you been dude.....that stuff has been in the system for months!!


Hey Dudes I am a cover driver, mainly do industral routes, don't see much resi work.


Not much for the comfort of a crowd, I noticed things tend to degrade into a pointless complaint session with too many people.

Yeah we have talked with the manager. I think he wants to help, but I don't know there is much he can/will do. I think in the end he will see something in done, but when is another story. The upside is the Sup keeps lying to the manager, which can't but help our cause.

I have heard that HR has taken a more vested interest in our problems. It seems they rightly have concerns over loosing people and trashing the ERI. Hopefully that will help.


all good. stand up and demand respect whether in a crowd or by yourself. While it takes time you can change the guys behavior or help him pursue a career change.


gman--I understand your theory, and have been recently comparing the numbers. The part-time pension benefit is $55 per month, per year of service. Even before our future benefits were lowered, a part timer would receive over half of our $100 benefit. Now, with our's being lowered to $88(?), the difference is even less. When you consider that our future benefits will be lowered by 6% per year, under the age of 62, the difference becomes even closer.

I have half seriously considered locking my CS pension in at 27 years, and going back to part time!


Some of you have already been doing the math. I tried to prove, about a month ago, that a part timer is now better off under the pension plan than a full timer. The numbers tell the story.

Oh, and by the way; who Administers the part timers pension? UPS!!!!!!


PT Supervisors here(@ Jax, FL Hub) have to work a free double sort if any of their employees lose scanner equipment ... 1 double sort for a laser head and 5 for a scanner

A supervisor on one of the sorts had to do 3 doubles because one of his employees had 700 mistoggles.

I was wondering if this was happening anywhere else?

They sent me to go cover an area an hour after the sort started and at the end of the sort the "scanner dude" said we were missing a laser head... I wasn't even there to issue the scanners...and now..
They want me to double!

I never agreed to these terms when I was promoted so how can they do this?


and here I am looking to become a p/t sup.

That does not sound very ethical.


Good question rushfan, I am thinking unfortunately, YES>, but then we would have entrepeneurs start making (manufacturing) stuff here again.....



Can that be done?Do you really get an opportunity to take a part-time position?I was always led to believe that there was no going back.Now you really got me thinking about that myself.It sure would be tempting if true.