Für Meno :)
Don't know about anywhere else in the US, but I do know of many nice houses in my area that are priced at $50K. But then you wouldn't like it around here so look closer to Albany.
Some Americans will indeed lose a little rent money and farmers will have to pay a little higher wage. That is the price one pays for doing business with criminals, plus there is still a temp quest workers program. I don't think there will be that many more foreclosures, maybe a few. What other consequences are you dreaming about?
I'm already getting my oranges and mandarins out of Peru at Safeway.
Because we got a new free trade deal with Peru among many other countries in South America and worldwide (ever since the US went into that deep Bush recession).
You want to hire regular workers to work your farms, and pay them fair (or atleast minimum wages). So much for the export of american fruit and veggies.
Besides that, like other US farmers have done... they will just lease land in Mexico and relocate.
Much cheaper and more profitable.
And it would come up to the American consumer if they want to pay for a head of cabbage made in the USA for $1.00 or the Mexican cabbage for 50 cents.
But, we already know that outcome in advance.