Arizona's anti-imigration law...



2 faced like americans ? Don't care about the northern border like Mexico doesn't ?

But the southern borders only ?

No we care about the borders, we just don't care about what goes on on the other sides: this pertains to the the land south of us and the land north of us.

You really hate Americans don't you? As you go fade into an alcohol aided sleep at night and as you are looking at CNN , is your last thought "I hate them , I hate all Americans"?


Strength through joy
Felons by the thousands among infiltrating hordesDocumentary also uncovers alarming link between illegal aliens and radical Islamists

© 2010 WorldNetDaily


Jerry Misner, left, and Stan Wald of Eyefull Video Productions in their Tucson studio Tens of thousands of convicted felons, including murderers and sex offenders, regularly are breaching the United States national boundary along just one section of the shared line with Mexico, according to a revealing new documentary called "Southern Exposure: Battle for the Border."
Eyefull Video Productions, located in the migration hotbed of Tucson, Ariz., has produced a made-for-TV special about the U.S./Mexico border crisis. It suggests that the invading hordes also may have an agenda of damage to the U.S. far beyond ordinary crime such as robbery, looting and even homicide.
No we care about the borders, we just don't care about what goes on on the other sides: this pertains to the the land south of us and the land north of us.

You really hate Americans don't you? As you go fade into an alcohol aided sleep at night and as you are looking at CNN , is your last thought "I hate them , I hate all Americans"?
You know, it really is funny in a sick kind of way, that people that want so badly what America has to offer hate Americans. That even goes to people that have generations of citizenship here, like the people running the democratic party.


You know, it really is funny in a sick kind of way, that people that want so badly what America has to offer hate Americans. That even goes to people that have generations of citizenship here, like the people running the democratic party.

And would be speakin of our southern neighbors or our northern ones? :happy-very:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Mexicans hope "La Barbie" arrest may be turning point

Edgar "La Barbie" Valdez, a Texas-born 37-year-old, held back a smile as he was led handcuffed by masked federal police before reporters, flanked by fellow suspects, sophisticated weaponry and plastic packages of drugs.
Wearing a green polo shirt, jeans and sneakers, Valdez, nicknamed "La Barbie" for his fair complexion, grinned openly as authorities discussed his capture outside of Mexico City on Monday evening.
"He has been detained, and this operation closes a chapter in drug trafficking in Mexico," senior federal police official Facundo Rosas later told local broadcaster Televisa.
It is unclear whether Valdez' arrest, Calderon's second coup this year against cartels, can staunch rampant drug violence that threatens Mexico's image as it struggles out of recession and seeks to hold on to tourist revenues.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
No offense taken. We are simply not impacted one way or another by illegal immigration.

OH! But you are impacted! My comments are in reference to the Federal level which impacts all of us. You are paying (taxes) for the security (or lack of security) for our border. Every time Arizona (and other states) request Federal funds for housing - education - roads - crime supression- police & fire services etc!etc! (infrastructure) you are paying. This money could be spent to pay down the deficit but it is going to bail out states that cannot support the illegal population that exists there. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

I know you will see this!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

First off, if you're gonna post this, at least acknowledge that this case is 34 years old. To do otherwise is disingenuous. Todays world is FAR different that what it was 34 years ago.

I disagree that the Hanigan case reminds us that immigrant mexicans are more likely to be the victims of crimes rather the the perpetrators. The majority of AZ citizens, and especially border citizens are not vigilantes. They are trying to protect their lives and their property from an influx of illegals. The illegals crossing the border are just that, illegal. They are perpetrating a crime. Many of them, but not all, are carrying that crime to the nth degree. They are bringing drugs across, destroying lives and property. They are trafficking in humans, holding hostages for ransom. And before you say that the mexicans that are being held against their will for payment are indeed victims, stop and think. How did they get there? They put themselves in that position by trying to get across the border illegally. They made themselves the victims. It was their choice.


The use of 'migrant' in the article denotes the time frame. Migration was an accepted and widely practiced thing in the 70's and many years prior and post to. The migrants came here to work and returned home.

It is safe to say that the word 'migrant' is not applicable in todays world. Immigrant would be the more acceptable term.

Great job researching this info. The uber-left posters continue to lose credibility with crap like this. I am numb to the continual charges and demonization that anyone right of the uber-left is some sort of fanatic. I can't wait for November to get here!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
But you are......when states like CA. AZ. & TX. are burdened by the illegal immigrants in their schools and medical gets used quickly. Then when these states need rescued, the entire U.S. bails them out and that's your tax dollar. "No man is an island".......Thomas Merton was right.

:oops: I was three pages behind! I should have caught up my reading before posting!!! I should have known you would answer this! My bad!!!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Ironically, that angry hatefull driver of that SUV, is on the way to pick up their kid at Christian School. Wouldn't surprise any of us if they had a set of Teabagger nuts hanging from the trailer hitch as well.....yippee ky yay m-n effer.... :cowboy:

Again - another check mark to show how the uber-libs think that being hateful only goes one way! So Dies - how is denigrating the Tea Party by using your derogatory term "Teabagger" not hateful???? .... I would love to hear that explanation.

That reminds me.... I am brewing a fresh pot of tea! I need to get a cup!


Für Meno :)
Another reason why the US trade deficit keeps getting larger :

U.S. farmers go where workers are: Mexico

CELAYA, Mexico — Steve Scaroni, a farmer from California, looked across a luxuriant field of lettuce here in central Mexico and liked what he saw: full-strength crews of Mexican farm workers with no immigration problems.
Farming since he was a teenager, Scaroni, 50, built a $50 million business growing lettuce and broccoli in California's Imperial Valley, relying on the hands of immigrant workers, most of them Mexicans and many probably in the United States illegally.
But early last year he began shifting part of his operation to rented fields here. Now, about 500 Mexicans tend his crops in Mexico, where they run no risk of deportation.

The Department of Labor has reported that 53 percent of the 2.5 million farm workers in the United States are illegal immigrants, though growers and labor unions say as much as 70 percent of younger field hands are illegal.

Scaroni expects to recover his start-up costs because of the lower wages he pays farm workers here, $11 a day as opposed to about $9 an hour in California, although Mexican workers are less productive in their own country, he said.
"It's not a cake walk down here," he said. "At least I know the one thing I don't have to worry about is losing my labor force because of an immigration raid."

Well thanks UPS Lifer ! First time I ever have gotten bad reps for a news article that hasn't been written by me !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I can't help it that 50-60% of the employed there have gotten free healthcare, and the others live on emergency centers.
That is your system you have built for yourselfs. Knowing that you still need to pay for the others as well.

I usually get confused when I read your posts... this one is no exception? Here is my take - You Americans made this problem for yourself but let me (klein a non-American) tell you that you need to fix it my way.
I wonder.... do you work as ahrd on fixing Canada's problems as you do on fixing America's challenges?

You know, it's a very simple issue, actually.
Do it like the province of Quebec, they can hold a refererdum and then break away from the USA if they win it.
Could be the first state of the USA to break away, and they could then introduce their own laws.

When I lived in Southern Cal, we talked about splitting the state. I would have LOVED to see Southern Cal as a separate state. Who knows, I might still be there. I would love to see SoCal-AZ-TX-CO-UT-AK-KS break away and form there own country. Of course, we could add a few states and maybe take the northern part of New Mexico where Taos is to tie Texas to AZ and SoCA. Any other states that are willing to stand up for state's rights are also welcome! Besides... we then become eligible to be part of the Obama Apology Tour AND we will get foreign aid that we don't EVER have to pay back.

2 faced like americans ? Don't care about the northern border like Mexico doesn't ? But the southern borders only ?

The word "americans" needs to be capitalized. Don't they teach you that in Canadian schools? Or do they sacrifice that part of your education to teach you American History and Current Events and Civics?
BTW - If you have a knife wound or a bloody nose - The knife wound (southern border) is going to get more attention than the bloody nose (northern border). Canadians don't really want to sneak into the US... but we do have to worry about terrorists coming south from Canada.

Well thanks UPS Lifer ! First time I ever have gotten bad reps for a news article that hasn't been written by me !

Any time I can help!

BTW - I have no problem with you coming to Phoenix. I will introduce you to Sheriff Joe. As I have said before, we can get you some great accommodations CHEAP...including pink underwear and all meals included. I will be happy to pay for it myself!


Für Meno :)
I was in Northern California in the early 90's.
I know the north wanted to leave the south.
I have relatives there. I had no clue, but heard it staright from the source, myself.

Mostly it was over the fresh water issue, but also drianing the north of tax money to pay for the south.
To this day they probaly still don't get along.

Thats very odd, for that to happen in one single state, but it does exist.

Currently, I don't need tgo worry about Canada's problems, but we are more focused here on the USA problems.
You are our largest trading partner, and if the USA falls ill, it effects us big time, too !
But, you folks just don't seem to get it.
It effects everything, even the price of oil, gas, and all other natural resources.
The less those are worth, the less Canada earns.
Same with the low US dollar, the more it devaulates, the less goes here.

That is our major concerne and problem.

All others are small (like immigration, healthcare, and what to do with refugees sneaking in by the boat load).

Our major problem is the US economy !


Well-Known Member
100 years ago? OK, good. What a good information according to the article’s time frame, thanks. I recommend you to go back and finish your elementary school classes, before you give those type of remarks toward any person.



golden ticket member
time I can help!

"...BTW - I have no problem with you coming to Phoenix. I will introduce you to Sheriff Joe. As I have said before, we can get you some great accommodations CHEAP...including pink underwear and all meals included. I will be happy to pay for it myself!..."

That would be "all inclusive", right?


Well-Known Member