Still not man enough to admit you know nothing more about that incident than what the author wrote? I'm not surprised. I'm a little confused here, who's writing are you calling gibberish? Oh, that's right, my writing is gibberish and your writing is drivel. OK, I am going to type this very slowly so hopefully you can keep up. (it's a joke..ha ha ha) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! LMAO!
You said: "You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of Geraldo Cavada"-The King
I said:"I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted."
then you said:"Where the hell am I mentioning your damn writing skills."-The King
OK, Texan. You’ll have to pay attention one more time like in the past. Paying attention is not a cause of hair loss, don’t worry. I’ve already told ya’ that.
Read slow, here is where it gets complicated for you to follow: I had to guess that you were referring to writing skills for the following reasons:
1. You didn't say what aspects you wanted me to compare. Where the hell did I even ask you to compare anything?
2. Since I said up front that my "side of the story" was a POSSIBLE (that doesn't mean it is carved in stone) scenario, then you surely wasn't talking about my facts. I said I had no facts.
3. Because you obviously have jumped to ridiculous conclusions concerning my education level, you might have been talking about my skill (or lack there of) level.
Here’s the whole problem with you. Read my post:
LOL, it's clear you don't understand the term "Reading between the Lines." That's taught in college, and you didn't even finish elementary school. Come on, Cowboy! Why don't we discuss something you might know something about, like the Quadratic Formula... oops sorry, that's not taught in 4th grade. LOL.
The rest of your post was nothing, you say you wrote the other side of the story, but that's was your uninformed opinion. LOL. You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of :
Geraldo Cadava
A native of Tucson, Arizona, Geraldo Cadava teaches history at Northwestern University. Harvard University Press will publish "The Heat of Exchange," his book about culture and commerce in the Arizona-Sonora border region since World War II.
LOL. Don't make me laugh.
As you can see, there’s a second paragraph. I was taught paragraph structure in 7th grade… sorry, sorry, sorry, I forgot you didn’t get that education. That second paragraph is the answer to this gibberish post of yours, emphasizing the bold sentence which points out your post #2079: I see you are still having trouble understanding what you read. Of all that was in my post you centered on a tidbit of past history? How about discussing something you know something about? Oh yea, I almost forgot, that would be you making up your own version of what someone else said. I believe you call that "reading between the lines".
I hope it’s finally clear that I never mentioned your damn writing skills. I was referring to your “Side of the Story” which is your OPINION! Damn it! I even put it in parenthesis. LOL. Read read, there’s nothing hidden in there, I almost forgot, you always try to make up your own version of what someone else said. LOL.
So, it wasn’t me the one who started criticizing other people’s education or status. Look at your post, and you’ll see. Look, I got nothing against people advising me, but dude, if you haven’t finished Middle School yet and you try to critcize me with that arrogance, come on… At least finish High School.
Oh, by the way, the article is not 34 years old, the story of the article is, but not the article itself. And dilligaf never said the article is 34 years old, she said the story is. Pay more attention to your reading and comprehensiveness. I’m tired your concentration ends up broken up time after time.
Now, do you understand what I meant?
Now, do you understand what I mean?