Arizona's anti-imigration law...

What the heck are you talking about, Texan? Read my statement again: You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of Geraldo Cavada- The King.
And now look at your response: I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted.
Where the hell am I mentioning your damn writing skills. I got no other option than to steal a couple of sentences from all your gibberish: I like reading your drivel because it makes me laugh. So go on and make something else up, it's funny.
Still not man enough to admit you know nothing more about that incident than what the author wrote? I'm not surprised.
I'm a little confused here, who's writing are you calling gibberish? Oh, that's right, my
writing is gibberish and your writing is drivel.
OK, I am going to type this very slowly so hopefully you can keep up. (it's a joke..ha ha ha)

You said: "You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of Geraldo Cavada"
I said: "I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted."
then you said:"Where the hell am I mentioning your damn writing skills."

Read slow, here is where it gets complicated for you to follow: I had to guess that you were referring to writing skills for the following reasons:
1. You didn't say what aspects you wanted me to compare.
2. Since I said up front that my "side of the story" was a POSSIBLE (that doesn't mean it is carved in stone) scenario, then you surely wasn't talking about my facts. I said I had no facts.
3. Because you obviously have jumped to ridiculous conclusions concerning my education level, you might have been talking about my skill (or lack there of) level.

Now, do you understand what I meant?
LOL. Stop watching things like ScarFace. Mexico needs to get a handle on their problems and not by sending them over here.

LOL. What's coherent? Getting facts form FAIR, and saying that illegals are draining our resources up? That's the only BS you guys place besides the demonizing of illegals. Like the Texan Illegal Immigrant who drank the blood of his step-son, or whatever, after he killed him; or things like that.

There is a part of me that does care anytime anyone is murdered.
Really, why don't you open a thread that talks about the murders in the country?
I've got to say I am nor surprised you had to ask "What's coherent?", you sure do not demonstrate any level.
What's the drivel about scarface? Why would you bring up an obvious B grade movie? Sorry, I don't see a connection with my statement that you placed after that comment.

Concerning the following: There is a part of me that does care anytime anyone is murdered.
Really, why don't you open a thread that talks about the murders in the country?

I said I cared, didn't say I was obsessed.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Free lodging, makes me laugh.
I bought my very first property in so called "West Berlin" in my 20's.

Now , I have a $400.000 property fully paid off.
4 acres... makes me laugh too.
Gee.... just the cabin at the lake is that size alone (I'm only partial owner in it), but it's free to use..... it belongs to the "Klein family".

What happened??? Your Bragging....

My avatar has a shot of that property. I was just there last week.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I can't help it that 50-60% of the employed there have gotten free healthcare, and the others live on emergency centers.
That is your system you have built for yourselfs. Knowing that you still need to pay for the others as well.

You know, it's a very simple issue, actually.
Do it like the province of Quebec, they can hold a refererdum and then break away from the USA if they win it.
Could be the first state of the USA to break away, and they could then introduce their own laws.

2 faced like americans ? Don't care about the northern border like Mexico doesn't ?

But the southern borders only ?

Well thanks UPS Lifer ! First time I ever have gotten bad reps for a news article that hasn't been written by me !

Well, it is a great vacation spot. Airlines have set up vacation packages, Cruiselines include it.
Wonderful beaches, can't beat them.
And I think I would be killed by a shark much more likely, then some drug gang comming to the beach and shooting.

When you are down there have a tequila or two or three or four, on me!


Drove thru Arizona already (from the Grand Canyon), thru Flagstaff and other small towns.
Nothing but dessert.
No desire to go back there.

If you think that Flagstaff is nothing but desert then you must have been sleeping. Flagstaff is Ponderosa Pine country. 7,000' elevation. Not anywhere near to being desert. We have no desire to see you back.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
If you think that Flagstaff is nothing but desert then you must have been sleeping. Flagstaff is Ponderosa Pine country. 7,000' elevation. Not anywhere near to being desert. We have no desire to see you back.

Maybe Klein was in a "Likor" induced haze while going thru Flagstaff so its understandable that he only saw desert.


Strength through joy
Deal Would Provide Dialysis to Illegal Immigrants in Atlanta

Thirty-eight end-stage renal patients, most of them illegal immigrants, would receive the dialysis they need to stay alive at no cost under a rough agreement brokered Tuesday among local dialysis providers and Atlanta’s safety-net hospital, Grady Memorial.
The deal, if completed, would end a yearlong impasse that has come to symbolize the health care plight of the country’s uninsured immigrants and the taxpayer-supported hospitals that end up caring for them. The problem remains unaddressed by the new health care law, which maintains the federal ban on government health insurance for illegal immigrants.


Strength through joy
Utah deporting illegal immigrants in record numbers

By John Hollenhorst
Audits: ICE turning blind eye to undocumented workers


Immigration inspectors poring over the hiring paperwork of a California company last summer found that 262 employees — a whopping 93 percent of the total workforce — had “suspect” documents on file.
At an Illinois service company, auditors found dubious documents for nearly 8 in 10 of its 200-plus employees.
Inspectors examining records at a Texas manufacturing firm found suspicious paperwork for more than half of the 107 employees on the payroll.
But the companies didn’t pay a penny in fines. None of the employers was led away in handcuffs. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials didn’t even issue them a formal warning, the agency’s internal records show.
Instead, they were instructed to purge their payrolls of illegal immigrants. Armed with assurances that the employees with suspect documents were fired — or, in the Texas case, “self-terminated” — the ICE auditors closed the cases.


Well-Known Member
Still not man enough to admit you know nothing more about that incident than what the author wrote? I'm not surprised. I'm a little confused here, who's writing are you calling gibberish? Oh, that's right, my writing is gibberish and your writing is drivel. OK, I am going to type this very slowly so hopefully you can keep up. (it's a joke..ha ha ha) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! LMAO!

You said: "You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of Geraldo Cavada"-The King
I said:"I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted."
then you said:"Where the hell am I mentioning your damn writing skills."-The King

OK, Texan. You’ll have to pay attention one more time like in the past. Paying attention is not a cause of hair loss, don’t worry. I’ve already told ya’ that.

Read slow, here is where it gets complicated for you to follow: I had to guess that you were referring to writing skills for the following reasons:
1. You didn't say what aspects you wanted me to compare. Where the hell did I even ask you to compare anything?
2. Since I said up front that my "side of the story" was a POSSIBLE (that doesn't mean it is carved in stone) scenario, then you surely wasn't talking about my facts. I said I had no facts.
3. Because you obviously have jumped to ridiculous conclusions concerning my education level, you might have been talking about my skill (or lack there of) level.
Here’s the whole problem with you. Read my post:
LOL, it's clear you don't understand the term "Reading between the Lines." That's taught in college, and you didn't even finish elementary school. Come on, Cowboy! Why don't we discuss something you might know something about, like the Quadratic Formula... oops sorry, that's not taught in 4th grade. LOL.

The rest of your post was nothing, you say you wrote the other side of the story, but that's was your uninformed opinion. LOL. You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of :
Geraldo Cadava
A native of Tucson, Arizona, Geraldo Cadava teaches history at Northwestern University. Harvard University Press will publish "The Heat of Exchange," his book about culture and commerce in the Arizona-Sonora border region since World War II.

LOL. Don't make me laugh.

As you can see, there’s a second paragraph. I was taught paragraph structure in 7th grade… sorry, sorry, sorry, I forgot you didn’t get that education. That second paragraph is the answer to this gibberish post of yours, emphasizing the bold sentence which points out your post #2079: I see you are still having trouble understanding what you read. Of all that was in my post you centered on a tidbit of past history? How about discussing something you know something about? Oh yea, I almost forgot, that would be you making up your own version of what someone else said. I believe you call that "reading between the lines".

I hope it’s finally clear that I never mentioned your damn writing skills. I was referring to your “Side of the Story” which is your OPINION! Damn it! I even put it in parenthesis. LOL. Read read, there’s nothing hidden in there, I almost forgot, you always try to make up your own version of what someone else said. LOL.
So, it wasn’t me the one who started criticizing other people’s education or status. Look at your post, and you’ll see. Look, I got nothing against people advising me, but dude, if you haven’t finished Middle School yet and you try to critcize me with that arrogance, come on… At least finish High School.
Oh, by the way, the article is not 34 years old, the story of the article is, but not the article itself. And dilligaf never said the article is 34 years old, she said the story is. Pay more attention to your reading and comprehensiveness. I’m tired your concentration ends up broken up time after time.

Now, do you understand what I meant?
Now, do you understand what I mean?



Well-Known Member
I've got to say I am nor surprised you had to ask "What's coherent?", you sure do not demonstrate any level. LOL. Why don’t you really take my advice and finish Middle School? You can’t read sentence by sentence, ignoring the whole idea; I’ve already taught you that, but you need special classes, I guess. Lets read: LOL. What's coherent? Getting facts form FAIR, and saying that illegals are draining our resources up?
What's the drivel about scarface? Why would you bring up an obvious B grade movie? Sorry, I don't see a connection with my statement that you placed after that comment.

Concerning the following: There is a part of me that does care anytime anyone is murdered.
Really, why don't you open a thread that talks about the murders in the country?

I said I cared, didn't say I was obsessed.

Oh, cool. So Lucy is obsessed because he opened this thread. OK.



Well-Known Member
Settle down little dude - You will have a stroke if you keep it up!Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! This is funny! LOL. What a good joke, Lifer, you really are ingenious and orginal. LOL. I can’t stop laughing. LOL. OK, OK… Hahahahahahaha! Dude, I can’t stop laughing, give me a second… ough, here we go… LO… OK OK… L… ough. I know, .... it must be the Glenn Beck rally that has you in such an uproar! LOL. I don’t give a shoot about Glenn Beck or Dobbs or whoever. Stop your political mantra toward me. It’s just a bad strategy. I can't blame you for that. Oh! I am very flattered that you went back to 5-9-2009 to pull info to discredit me. Couldn't you find anything closer to today's date?

I stand by my cockroach statement but only in the context of how I meant it. Criminal aliens who rape illegals and lock them up in drop houses - kidnap them for ransom or just drop them in the middle of the dessert, are all cockroaches. They are no different than child molesters and women beaters and any other terrorist or gang member. Don't forget that most of these insects are drug mules or dealers also!

As far as I am concerned you can call an illegal alien anything you want. I prefer cockroach myself!- Lifer.

LOL. Dude, I don’t know if I want to laugh or feel sorry for you. How can you still be defending those type of remarks, that one I placed above in particular? You explanation is not even in context of what you meant. Come on!

Ohhhh and when you start using education to mock TRP ... you have gone over the deep end ... Of course, the dems leader, Howard Dean does the same kind of thing. What a sad state of affairs. Intelligence is the ability to gather knowledge and skills. As far as I am concerned intelligence is a strong combination of wisdom and common sense. I have found that a plethora of educated people lack wisdom and common sense. If you don't believe me... just look at the White House and Congress! I will stand up for TRP over any of them.
Again, I don’t give a shoot about your political mantra. One thing I know about wisdom is that it grows by time and age. And by reading your remarks about “cockroaches,” and your political passion, I would have thought you’re a very young child.

Your remarks about Texas, Texans and cowboys just shows your intelligence or lack of.... there are a great number of us who have a HIGH regard for that state. Be careful what you say. The Texas school system is one the best in the entire US

I have never criticized any state or people, or called anyone cockroaches . Please point to me where I have criticized the state of Texas. Wait, I guess I’m insulting Cowboys if I call TRP that way, maybe that’s what you meant, I don’t know.
I’ve never said the Texas school system is bad or anything. And, although your credibility is on the ground, I can even take your word as Texas having one of the best school systems in the country. The problem here is that the Cowboy didn’t have the chance to attend that great school system. And he wants to give me classes of reading comprehensiveness, what bummer, isn’t it Lifer? LMAO.



Well-Known Member
"I don't know where this Hollywood reporter got this from," said Arpaio. "First of all, I'm better looking than Don Johnson is anyway, but I think that's below the belt."


Well-Known Member
Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox was the holdout.
Wilcox fundamentally disagrees with the sheriff's enforcement of illegal immigration and always votes "nay" on funding and donations that appear before the board.
Recently, Stapley has also expressed concerns with the sheriff's immigration enforcement tactics.



Maybe Klein was in a "Likor" induced haze while going thru Flagstaff so its understandable that he only saw desert.

No, what I think might have happened is that the fine folk of Flagstaff had advance warning of his traveling through the town so that all the inhabitants hid until he passed through. So to klein , the town appeared to be "DESERTed"


Für Meno :)
No, what I think might have happened is that the fine folk of Flagstaff had advance warning of his traveling through the town so that all the inhabitants hid until he passed through. So to klein , the town appeared to be "DESERTed"

Here is a pic, just by Flaggstaff



Well-Known Member

LOL. Is this the Glenn Beck rally you're talking about, Lifer? LOL. I don't know how come you like Glenn Beck. Was this a religious rally or what was it all about? I couldn't get it. What it seems is that this guy is outraged because of the mosque, or because our President is African-American. The Big Fat Mouth guy. As if I would pay any attention to this guy. Look at 10:40. LOL. But, I love it at 19:00.
Still not man enough to admit you know nothing more about that incident than what the author wrote? I'm not surprised. I'm a little confused here, who's writing are you calling gibberish? Oh, that's right, my writing is gibberish and your writing is drivel. OK, I am going to type this very slowly so hopefully you can keep up. (it's a joke..ha ha ha) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! LMAO!

***You said: "You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of Geraldo Cavada"-The King
I said:"I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted."
then you said:"Where the hell am I mentioning your damn writing skills."-The King
I've already answered this, I can't help it if you are incapable of understanding what I said.

OK, Texan. You’ll have to pay attention one more time like in the past. Paying attention is not a cause of hair loss, don’t worry. I’ve already told ya’ that.

Read slow, here is where it gets complicated for you to follow: I had to guess that you were referring to writing skills for the following reasons:
1. You didn't say what aspects you wanted me to compare. Where the hell did I even ask you to compare anything?
2. Since I said up front that my "side of the story" was a POSSIBLE (that doesn't mean it is carved in stone) scenario, then you surely wasn't talking about my facts. I said I had no facts.
3. Because you obviously have jumped to ridiculous conclusions concerning my education level, you might have been talking about my skill (or lack there of) level. never worried about hair loss, Nice try, no cigar.
Here’s the whole problem with you. Read my post:
LOL, it's clear you don't understand the term "Reading between the Lines." That's taught in college, and you didn't even finish elementary school. Come on, Cowboy! Why don't we discuss something you might know something about, like the Quadratic Formula... oops sorry, that's not taught in 4th grade. LOL.

The rest of your post was nothing, you say you wrote the other side of the story, but that's was your uninformed opinion. LOL. You want to compare your side of the story (opinion) with the one of :
Geraldo Cadava
A native of Tucson, Arizona, Geraldo Cadava teaches history at Northwestern University. Harvard University Press will publish "The Heat of Exchange," his book about culture and commerce in the Arizona-Sonora border region since World War II.

LOL. Don't make me laugh.

As you can see, there’s a second paragraph. I was taught paragraph structure in 7th grade… sorry, sorry, sorry, I forgot you didn’t get that education. That second paragraph is the answer to this gibberish post of yours, emphasizing the bold sentence which points out your post #2079: I see you are still having trouble understanding what you read. Of all that was in my post you centered on a tidbit of past history? How about discussing something you know something about? Oh yea, I almost forgot, that would be you making up your own version of what someone else said. I believe you call that "reading between the lines".

I hope it’s finally clear that I never mentioned your damn writing skills. I was referring to your “Side of the Story” which is your OPINION! Damn it! I even put it in parenthesis. LOL. Read read, there’s nothing hidden in there, I almost forgot, you always try to make up your own version of what someone else said. LOL.
Is there some reason you are ignoring the word POSSIBLE in my original post as well as highlighting the same word in another post? I are also ignoring the fact that I said I had NO FACTS about that incident. In all of your so self-exalted education does that not mean the scenario was not presented as a fact?

At least you can admit that YOU have no more FACTS than I do about that incident. I doubt you have the integrity to do so.
So, it wasn’t me the one who started criticizing other people’s education or status. Look at your post, and you’ll see. Look, I got nothing against people advising me, but dude, if you haven’t finished Middle School yet and you try to critcize me with that arrogance, come on… At least finish High School.
Oh, by the way, the article is not 34 years old, the story of the article is, but not the article itself. And dilligaf never said the article is 34 years old, she said the story is. Pay more attention to your reading and comprehensiveness. I’m tired your concentration ends up broken up time after time.

Oh by the way, the age of the story (the actual incident) is more relative than the age of the article.

Now, do you understand what I meant?Now, do you understand what I mean?

Why sure I understand what you mean, I just don't agree with you.

I must admit you have done and admirable job of twisting things around and trying to degrade my level of education (which BTW, you have no idea what level that is)

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

LOL. Is this the Glenn Beck rally you're talking about, Lifer? LOL. I don't know how come you like Glenn Beck. Was this a religious rally or what was it all about? I couldn't get it. What it seems is that this guy is outraged because of the mosque, or because our President is African-American. The Big Fat Mouth guy. As if I would pay any attention to this guy. Look at 10:40. LOL. But, I love it at 19:00.

Little Dude,
When I read your posts I think of the BO.... a lot of psycho-babble with no real substance. Sometimes I wonder if Obama is on a drinking binge as well! :w00t: !!

Here is a question for ya little dude .... How do you starve an Obama Supporter?
Answer---> You hide his food stamps under his work boots!!! Has anyone done that to you yet?

:salute: Hope & Change..... November 2010!