Arizona's anti-imigration law...


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by KingofBrown

LOL. Is this the Glenn Beck rally you're talking about, Lifer? LOL. I don't know how come you like Glenn Beck. Was this a religious rally or what was it all about? I couldn't get it. What it seems is that this guy is outraged because of the mosque, or because our President is African-American...

The subject was restoring honor to America....but I wouldn't expect you to understand that!


Well-Known Member
LOL, Cowboy. So now you understand I never mentioned your damn writing skills? So stop running in the same wheel little hamster. LOL.
Your education? Sure I know, you’ve already said you quit your education when you were 13, and you reflect that. So, at least finish Middle School before criticizing someone else, Texan. LOL. You’re such a special guy.

I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted." The Cowboy.



Well-Known Member
LOL. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Another joke? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You’re such a good comedian, Lifer. Hahahahahahahaha!

… ough, damn it! I couldn’t stop laughing… OK. Go throw your political mantra somewhere else, dude. I’ve already told ya’ that’s a bad strategy.

I can’t believe, being that old, all you have learned is the color red. And it’d be absurd to take your point of view on this topic, when you call Illegal Immigrants cockroaches. Now, I finally understand why people like Arpaio and Thomas get elected in your place.

Little Dude,
When I read your posts I think of the BO.... a lot of psycho-babble with no real substance. Sometimes I wonder if Obama is on a drinking binge as well! :w00t: !!

Here is a question for ya little dude .... How do you starve an Obama Supporter?
Answer---> You hide his food stamps under his work boots!!! Has anyone done that to you yet?

:salute: Hope & Change..... November 2010!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. We should have started a Honor Rally or of some kind, in 2003 or at least 2005. But, still I really don't understand what the heck that rally was all about. I find it something closer to like a religious demonstration or some like that. For me everything this Big Fat Mouth Beck says is BS. I really don't understand why some of you guys like this guy.

Restore honor from what ?
From the Bush years ?

Originally Posted by KingofBrown

LOL. Is this the Glenn Beck rally you're talking about, Lifer? LOL. I don't know how come you like Glenn Beck. Was this a religious rally or what was it all about? I couldn't get it. What it seems is that this guy is outraged because of the mosque, or because our President is African-American...

The subject was restoring honor to America....but I wouldn't expect you to understand that!


Strength through joy
( – Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said requests by Arizona law enforcement personnel and Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) for 3,000 National Guard troops along the state’s border with Mexico have been answered so far with 1 percent of that number deployed there this week.
“We have a whopping 30 [National Guard troops] this week that are showing up,” Babeu told “It’s less than a half-hearted measure designed to fail.”
But the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has placed 15 signs along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 that links San Diego with Phoenix and Tucson warning travelers of drug cartels and human trafficking operations.
“DANGER – PUBLIC WARNING, TRAVEL NOT RECOMMENDED,” read the signs placed along Interstate 8. “Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed. Stay Away From Trash, Clothing, Backpacks, and Abandoned Vehicles.”
“BLM Encourages Visitors To Use Public Land North of Interstate 8,” the signs say.
“I think the American people are outraged that we can fight wars half-way around the world, send our nation’s treasury and our most precious resources – our American heroes that serve in the military — and yet here in our own country somehow they believe it’s okay for us not to have a secure border,” Said Sheriff Babeu.
“And that it’s okay to put up signs in my county and parts of America to surrender parts of our country to foreign born criminals,” Babeu added, “warning our own American citizens to stay out.”


Strength through joy
(Daily Caller)Labor leaders, liberal religious leaders and the NAACP will hold a rally on the National Mall on October 2, one month before the fall midterm elections, in an attempt to show they too have political clout and momentum in response to last Saturday’s massive gathering of Tea Party types led by Fox News host Glenn Beck.
“The AFL-CIO is determined that the Tea Party and its corporate backers are not going to get the final word,” said AFL-CIO executive vice president Arlene Holt Baker. “We will expect tens of thousands of union families to come.”
“We are fueled by hope and not hate,” Holt Baker said.
The AFL-CIO announced the rally Wednesday as part of an advertising blitz they are launching this coming Labor Day weekend, though AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka declined to say how much the organization is spending on the TV ads.


Here is a pic, just by Flaggstaff


Yes, outside of Flagstaff. What's your point? 20 minutes north of Flagstaff your in high desert.


Well-Known Member

The Justice Department suit, filed in federal court in Phoenix, said the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has been uncooperative with the probe. The suit said that Arpaio’s office receives millions of dollars in federal funding and is required to cooperate with federal investigations as a condition of receiving those funds.

“I thought we were really close to getting this resolved,”-Arpaio
Joseph, what's the thing you don't understand about -Showing Your Papers-? Damn it!-The King.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Hey Barry, You're Not Fooling All of Us On Immigration:

-- Just in the last last week two actions by the Obama administration have come to light. A defacto amnesty is being established where deportation cases are being dropped against illegal aliens who have already been arrested. In another case, a non-citizen, who committed several felonies ranging from perjury to voter fraud, was coached by the Department of Homeland Security on how to purge evidence of these actions from his record so that he could still be granted citizenship.

-- The Obama administration has brought several lawsuits to try prevent states from discouraging illegal aliens from entering the country. One is well-known and aims to stop Arizona from requiring police to ask for some type of ID -- no matter what their accent or looks -- of anyone who is "technically ‘arrested’" by police. In May, another lawsuit was brought against Arizona over its law revoking state business licenses for companies that regularly violate immigration laws. The Obama administration’s stance is especially odd since business licenses routinely are conditioned on a crime-free record and such rules have always been determined by the states. The administration hopes to make immigration law the single exception of a law allowed to be broken.

-- Consider Obama's recent decision to hire former Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt to head the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of State and Local Coordination. But Hurtt has been a long-time strident supporter of "sanctuary city" policies, where some cities simply let illegal aliens live without any worry about the police ever checking their immigration status.

-- The Department of Education and the U.S. Border Patrol apparently boycotted Arizona over the state's new immigration law by canceling planned conferences that were to be held in the state. While the administration denies this, Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords told Fox News a month ago: "We have the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Education that had planned for meetings, had then canceled those meetings with the reason given that it was because of the immigration law."

-- In July, the Obama administration announced it would start ensuring illegal aliens the same protections as citizens as far as labor laws go. Illegal aliens can complain to Department of Labor about minimum wage or overtime work rule violations without risking deportation. The Department of Labor even makes public service announcements in Spanish: "You work hard, and you have the right to be paid fairly. And it is a serious problem when workers in this country are not being paid every cent they earn. Remember, every worker in America has the right to be paid fairly, whether documented or not. So call us."

Read more here:
LOL, Cowboy. So now you understand I never mentioned your damn writing skills? So stop running in the same wheel little hamster. LOL.
Your education? Sure I know, you’ve already said you quit your education when you were 13, and you reflect that. So, at least finish Middle School before criticizing someone else, Texan. LOL. You’re such a special guy.

I never compared my writing skills to the author of the news article you posted." The Cowboy.
Well, now you are telling outright lies, I never said that.
Still don't have the integrity, huh?


Strength through joy
Obama Backdoor Amnesty May Be ILLEGAL

Draft alien-detention rules could run afoul of the law, senators say

By Stephen Dinan

The Obama administration could be breaking the law if it follows through on guidance that would mean the government detains fewer illegal immigrants, two top Republican senators said in a warning letter to the Department of Homeland Security this week.
In recent memos, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which controls interior enforcement and detention of illegal immigrants, has proposed new rules for what cases agents should pursue and which deportation cases should be dropped. Those policies could violate federal laws requiring that some illegal immigrants be detained, the lawmakers charged.


Strength through joy
Obama Abandons “Rule of Law”

METCALF: Our failing immigration courts

Again, the Obama administration abandons the rule of law
By Mark H. Metcalf

One month ago – without notice to Congress, without a word to the American people – the Department of Homeland Security began dismissing from U.S. immigration courts the cases of thousands of illegal aliens. The department says it will focus its efforts on removing criminal aliens. Aliens without serious criminal histories – 250,000 by some estimates – will be left alone. This policy closely follows last August’s announcement by the department that it would not deport fugitive aliens – aliens who skipped court or disobeyed orders to leave the United States. These policies assure that more illegal immigration will follow – with illegals confident that the administration, which refuses to secure this nation’s borders, will not remove those who enter and remain illegally.
This latest move by Homeland Security is unprecedented. What it is doing by wholesale dismissals is done routinely by immigration courts on a perceptive case-by-case basis every day. Aliens in deportation proceedings have for years asked courts to consider “other grounds” that would allow them to remain in the United States. The telltale failure of this policy is that no aliens who received those dismissals were pursuing “other grounds” of relief when the department initiated this scheme. Proof of failure is sure to come when few aliens return to court to seek the relief the department claims is present.


Well-Known Member

The Justice Department suit, filed in federal court in Phoenix, said the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has been uncooperative with the probe. The suit said that Arpaio’s office receives millions of dollars in federal funding and is required to cooperate with federal investigations as a condition of receiving those funds.

“I thought we were really close to getting this resolved,”-Arpaio
Joseph, what's the thing you don't understand about -Showing Your Papers-? Damn it!-The King.

Proof that something needs to be done with the criminal aliens in this Country. They have convinced the Government to sue the Government in Government court over using Government money to enforce Government laws.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Thanks for sharing Diesel. This is hilarious. LOL. Yeah Janice, answer the damn question! LOL.

I understand that she can't be smart, she's been endowed with excessive beauty. If only she would have at least an IQ of 50 she'd be the perfect girl. Damn it!
