Arizona's anti-imigration law...

Anywhere but TX? :wink2: They can all move to Canada and Klein can entertain them with his considerable wit and repartee.
If they decide to come to Texas at least I hope they ALL stay in Austin...The San Francisco of the Brazos and home of the tree huger brigade . Austin's city moto is " Keep Austin Weird" seriously it is.


Strength through joy
Mexican mayor gunned down inside own office

(CNN) —
The mayor of El Naranjo, Mexico, in the central state of San Luis Potosi was gunned down and killed inside his office Wednesday, officials said.


Strength through joy
Marita Noon: Senators support illegal immigration super highway

By Marita Noon
Twenty-three Senators have recently thrown their support behind an innocent looking bill that will, among other things, create an illegal immigration superhighway, remove access to natural resources, and ultimately strip ranchers of their grazing rights, all under the auspices of “preserving” wilderness.
When New Mexico’s Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall introduced S.B. 1689 in September 2009, immigration was barely a blip on the public’s radar. Over the last year, other issues such as stimulus spending, health care, and cap-and-trade have stolen the spotlight. Their harmless sounding bill, which makes land in New Mexico part of the National Wilderness Preservation System and the National Landscape Conversation System, received virtually no attention. However, it has percolated to the top as the markup of the bill has been approved (23-0) and is headed to the Senate floor.


Strength through joy
Mexican Church Confirms Mexico Abuses Its Own “Immigrants”
Mexican Church confirms my 2006 accusation

In March of 2006, I wrote an open letter to President Vicente Fox in which I accused Mexican authorities of the hypocrisy of blaming the US for abusing Mexican immigrants while abusing their own immigrants — mostly Central Americans — in the most callous manner.
I wrote that the immigrant Central Americans I had spoken with consistently confirmed stories of the Mexican police and border guards stealing the money from male immigrants and raping or molesting immigrant women.
I had spoken with enough Central American immigrants about this to be convinced, but was concerned that there was no authority to cite. After all, the Mexican authorities could not be expected to denounce themselves, and the US authorities were busy supporting “immigration reform,” so the false accusations of Mexican authorities of abuse by the US, i.e., by the border patrol and by any American opposed to illegal immigration, were grist for their mill. An accusation of abuses perpetrated by Mexican authorities would have softened their argument considerably. The media said nothing about this open blight on Mexico.
Hence, information on this abuse was painfully — tragically — slow to come.


Strength through joy
Unions picket Belleville construction site


Close to 30 union members set up a picket line on Tuesday outside of the Motorcycle Mall construction site in Belleville. The picketers – members of Bloomfield’s Local 11 Ironworkers Union and Newark’s Local 32 Insulators Union – are upset that the Washington Avenue construction project is employing non-union workers.
The Local 11 captain, who declined to give his name, said the site’s workers appear to be illegal immigrants, and none of them speak English.


Strength through joy
Border Patrol agents in shootout near Nogales
By Brady McCombs

Border Patrol agents came under fire Sunday evening near Nogales but were not injured.
The incident occurred at about 6 p.m. Sunday when agents were walking in the Bellota Canyon, located west of Nogales about five miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, said Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada. Three to four armed men started shooting at them.
The agents were not hit, and returned fire, Estrada said. None of the agents was hurt. And authorities don’t believe any of the armed men were hit either.
The Border Patrol sent a helicopter and its special response team to the area while Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies combed the area looking for the possible shooters.
Nobody was apprehended, however. The FBI is handling the investigation.
Copyright 2010 Arizona Daily Star. All rights reserved.


Well-Known Member
The ubers knocking Jan Brewer should exercise their right to vote against her..... ?? OH! THAT'S RIGHT! They don't live in Arizona .... but I do! The Latest Rasmussen poll (Sept 7th) has her leading 60% to 38%. Ubers.... that is what we call a landslide! Can't wait for election day! Let's see who is laughing then.

The campaigner in chief is going to have a tough 2 years before he is booted out the door!

Look you ubers will still have San Francisco and Chicago - you can all move there!

She was a train-wreck last week for God's sake. Great material, (you've must have been squirming)..... Go ahead, defend that bold faced liar of a Governor. It just goes to show what Homers the Right Wingers are, in Az...... BTW, she canceled any and all future debates .....I wonder why....Duh

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
She was a train-wreck last week for God's sake. Great material, (you've must have been squirming)..... Go ahead, defend that bold faced liar of a Governor. It just goes to show what Homers the Right Wingers are, in Az...... BTW, she canceled any and all future debates .....I wonder why....Duh

To you, anyone that you consider right wing is a bold-faced liar, bigot, imbecile as well as un-American and a flat out hate-monger. Did I leave anything out? AND I am pretty sure you apply that to anyone whose political beliefs are to the right of you! I figure that you are in the top 10% of the ubers so that is about 90% of Americans who are to the right of you!

I will be voting for Jan in about 54 days as will most of the rest of the voters in Arizona. If you don't like that.... well I am fine with it. Boycott AZ, pout all you want... What you have to understand is that the majority of Zonies don't want you here anyway.

I am a little worried for you because all those "right-wingers" are coming to DC next year. I am afraid your head is going to explode!

My Representative is a Democrat that is losing big in the polls right now. She is so desperate that she is appearing on FOX!! She is distancing herself from the top donkey in charge and that she wants term limits (a good thing) and less government spending and she wants the border sealed. Doesn't sound like a dem does she?

But here is the kicker.... she voted for healthcare! A bill she never read and knew that her district did not support. She will be history in November!


Strength through joy
A fatal federal red-tape delay may have left a suspected illegal alien accused of gunning down two people at a Lawrence birthday party free to roam the country while awaiting a March 2011 deportation hearing, the Herald has learned.
Dominican immigrant Fernando Guerrero-Lara, 27, was awaiting a March 7 preliminary removal hearing in U.S. Immigration Court in Harlingen, Texas, when authorities say he and a second triggerman unleashed a bullet bloodbath at a Labor Day birthday bash at La Guira Restaurant on Broadway in Lawrence.
Guerrero-Lara, charged in Texas with violating immigration law, was scheduled to appear at a so-called master calendar hearing on March 7, a preliminary step toward deportation, said Kathryn Mattingly, a spokeswoman for the Executive Office for Immigration Review.
In addition to killing Juan Suazo of Hyde Park, the gunplay Tuesday claimed the life of Amarilis Roldan of Dorchester, a medical assistant with a 3-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter who was shot in the back of the head while saving her sister’s life.
Both Roldan and Suazo were just 24 years old.
Lali Arias, 22, a relative of Roldan’s, expressed outrage that Guerrero-Lara had not been held in custody in the Lone Star State.
“People come to this country to make a better life, but she was killed by a guy who just didn’t care if he hurt innocent people,” said Arias.
Arias said Roldan rarely went out at night, but decided to join her sister, Arias’ uncle - who is married to Roldan’s mother - and a few others for some fun.
“They were there just having a good time when they suddenly heard shots, and she told her sister to get down,” Arias said of Roldan. “She was just hit by a stray bullet.”


Strength through joy
LOS ANGELES (AP) An angry crowd greeted Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck with boos, whistles and chants of “justicia!” Wednesday night at a community meeting intended to calm residents after the fatal police shooting of a knife-wielding man.
About 300 people are at the meeting at a school in the Westlake neighborhood where 37-year-old Manuel Jimenes was shot to death Sunday by an officer after he allegedly lunged at the officer with a knife.
Beck was jeered after defending officers by reading a witness’s account of how Jamines threatened two women.
Beck said the witness, a neighborhood resident who was not named, reported to three bicycle officers that a man with blood on his hands tried to stab her and pregnant woman next to her.
The woman heard the three officers telling the suspect to drop the knife, then she heard three or four shots, turned around and saw Jamines on the sidewalk, Beck said.
“She referred to the officers as her angels who had descended from heaven … and saved her life and that of the pregnant lady,” Beck said.
The crowd exploded when they heard the witness’s account. One man in the audience called out that the story sounded like it was made up in Hollywood.
Community members, aided by outsiders, took to the streets Monday and Tuesday night and used Jimenes’ death to highlight past injustices and vent ongoing frustrations.


Strength through joy
70% of America Supports Deportation of ILLEGALS

Brad O’Leary: Survey finds 70 percent support for deporting illegal immigrants

By: Brad O’Leary
OpEd Contributor

A strong majority of American voters want serious action taken to solve the illegal immigration problem – including 53 percent who say children born to illegal immigrant parents should not be automatic citizens, and 70% who say it’s important to locate and deport those residing in the U.S. illegally – according to a recent poll by Zogby International.


Strength through joy
‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ considers presidential bid

From CNN Senior Political Editor Mark Preston
Washington (CNN) -
“America’s Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio passed on running for governor earlier this year, but the Arizona lawman who has become a national figure for his tough stand on illegal immigration is not closing the door on a presidential run in 2012.
‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ considers presidential bid

From CNN Senior Political Editor Mark Preston
Washington (CNN) -
“America’s Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio passed on running for governor earlier this year, but the Arizona lawman who has become a national figure for his tough stand on illegal immigration is not closing the door on a presidential run in 2012.
SERIOUSLY??? Now that is funny, Ole Joe's best bet is to stick with what he way he can hang with the big boys.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
SERIOUSLY??? Now that is funny, Ole Joe's best bet is to stick with what he way he can hang with the big boys.

I think he just likes to rile up the media. I agree with you and I think he knows it as well. He just isn't polished enough to be presidential.


I think he just likes to rile up the media. I agree with you and I think he knows it as well. He just isn't polished enough to be presidential.

Think?!?!?!?! Of course he likes to. He loves the media attention. Thus far, even though he has been raked over the coals, he still has a huge percentage of the popular vote.

I will clarify that last statement because someone will twist my words around. As sheriff, he still has a large percentage of AZ's popular vote.


Staff member
A Sara/Joe ticket. Oh, and I thought Sara running was great! Sara/Joe. I'd say that favors Obama even better than Sara/Ted (Nugent).