A Sara/Joe ticket. Oh, and I thought Sara running was great! Sara/Joe. I'd say that favors Obama even better than Sara/Ted (Nugent).
No need to convince me. I've seen and heard the front running candidates. Bozo it is.Right now I would vote for Bozo the Clown and Homer Simpson over the "obamanation". If you feel we need to have a women in the lead... I can change it to Lisa Simpson and Bozo the Clown!
Right now I would vote for Bozo the Clown and Homer Simpson over the "obamanation". If you feel we need to have a women in the lead... I can change it to Lisa Simpson and Bozo the Clown!
Seems like that's just the way it's turning out.....don't forget they got Oprah too.....rah rah rah !
Hillary was born in Chicago too!
To you, anyone that you consider right wing is a bold-faced liar, bigot, imbecile as well as un-American and a flat out hate-monger. Did I leave anything out? AND I am pretty sure you apply that to anyone whose political beliefs are to the right of you! I figure that you are in the top 10% of the ubers so that is about 90% of Americans who are to the right of you!
I will be voting for Jan in about 54 days as will most of the rest of the voters in Arizona. If you don't like that.... well I am fine with it. Boycott AZ, pout all you want... What you have to understand is that the majority of Zonies don't want you here anyway.
I am a little worried for you because all those "right-wingers" are coming to DC next year. I am afraid your head is going to explode!
My Representative is a Democrat that is losing big in the polls right now. She is so desperate that she is appearing on FOX!! She is distancing herself from the top donkey in charge and that she wants term limits (a good thing) and less government spending and she wants the border sealed. Doesn't sound like a dem does she?
But here is the kicker.... she voted for healthcare! A bill she never read and knew that her district did not support. She will be history in November!
On Saturday my landscaper came over to give me a bill and told my wife and I he had to go to Mexico for a family reunion. He had a stressful look on his face. We asked him if everything is ok? He said yes but he feared for his safety. He said "It is not safe for anyone to travel in Mexico. If they (banditos) think you have any money or valuables, they will ambush you. Just taking a toll road suggests you have money and someone will be waiting for you." We are praying for his safe return. His wife is staying home and she will be visiting her family in Washington when he and his brother come back. He called the banditos and drug lords "criminals". He said that the only way to survive down there is to cower down if the criminals push you.
Viva La Mexico! Yeah! I can't wait for that atmosphere to make it up here in AZ! OH WAIT A SECOND! It has made it up here!!![]()
You don't want to leave out Mr. Obama's pirate friend.... Rahm .... HEY! I was born in Chicago too! Maybe I will run for President! If nothing else, at least my taxes have been paid up!
The left overs will probably be sold at reduced prices. I think the slogan on the shirt goes over the line of decency and would never be sold in a store I owned. There probably would be better worded anti-illegal immigration shirts for sell though. I don't think it is racist, illegal immigrants come in many different races and nationalities.The T-shirt is hateful and should never have been made. Any unsold shirts should be pulled from the shelves and destroyed.
hey hey hey..you and Bill....and monica didn't .......well, never mind.I would never wear it but I admit it made me laugh. Go to any tee-shirt shop in a college town and you will find much more offensive sayings on shirts. I saw a kid in Madison Wisc. on State Street wearing a shirt that said : fxxx you, you fxxxing fxxx. I thought to myself- I bet he don't wear that one at home. ( I have a few in my own closet I bought over the years that I wouldn't dream of wearing now.). One of them has the old UPS logo on it and says United Pot Smokers. ( honestly- I never inhaled)
The T-shirt is hateful and should never have been made. Any unsold shirts should be pulled from the shelves and destroyed.