Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
Obama's aunt: 'Obligation to make me citizen'
"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen." Those are the words from 58-year-old Zeituni Onyango of Kenya in a recent exclusive interview with WBZ-TV.
Onyango is the aunt of President Barack Obama. She lived in the United States illegally for years, receiving public assistance in Boston.
Onyango had violated the law, and she knew it.

"I knew I had overstayed" she told WBZ-TV's Jonathan Elias when the two sat down one-on-one.
In 2004 a judge ordered Zeituni Onyango out of the country, but she never left. She stayed, hiding in plain sight. In 2005 she attended her nephew's swearing in as the junior Senator of Illinois. In 2008 she was invited to, and traveled to D.C. for President Obama's inauguration.
Onyango hired a top immigration lawyer from Cleveland to help fight her case. We asked how she afforded that lawyer, when she claimed poverty.

"When you believe in Jesus Christ and almighty God, my help comes from heaven," she responded.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama's aunt: 'Obligation to make me citizen'
"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen." Those are the words from 58-year-old Zeituni Onyango of Kenya in a recent exclusive interview with WBZ-TV.
Onyango is the aunt of President Barack Obama. She lived in the United States illegally for years, receiving public assistance in Boston.
Onyango had violated the law, and she knew it.

"I knew I had overstayed" she told WBZ-TV's Jonathan Elias when the two sat down one-on-one.
In 2004 a judge ordered Zeituni Onyango out of the country, but she never left. She stayed, hiding in plain sight. In 2005 she attended her nephew's swearing in as the junior Senator of Illinois. In 2008 she was invited to, and traveled to D.C. for President Obama's inauguration.
Onyango hired a top immigration lawyer from Cleveland to help fight her case. We asked how she afforded that lawyer, when she claimed poverty.

"When you believe in Jesus Christ and almighty God, my help comes from heaven," she responded.

Reading the whole article will really make your blood boil!!! The arrogance of illegals in America is disgusting and our president just does not get it. Remember this from Obama:

Aunt Zeituni, as she has come to be known, first surfaced in the public light in 2008, in the final days of the Presidential election. Then-candidate Obama
said that he was not against the possible deportation of his aunt. "If she has violated laws, then those laws have to be obeyed," he told CBS's Katie Couric. "We are a nation of laws."


Strength through joy
the MSM totally drop this story, she was living less than 1 mile from The Boston Globe's HQ and it was a foreign reporter who found and exposed her.
Check out her designer clothes and sunglasses, the reporter had to wait for her to return from her multiply travel trips to do the interview, she has grown children somewhere that she never answers questions about, she is currently living in her third public housing location, and she collects $700/ month for a system she never paid into.


Strength through joy
Local Students Crushed After DREAM Act Fails

Tiffani Helberg

Undocumented students at Miami-Dade College broke into tears Tuesday afternoon, after the U.S. Senate voted to keep the DREAM Act out of the defense bill.
Many of the students had hoped the measure would change their lives forever, opening doors to opportunity. So when the vote came in, devastation filled the room.
“I’m heart-broken,” said Esteban Roncancio, an undocumented student with tears in his eyes. “I thought finally we would get a chance to give back to this country that we all love,”
Nineteen-year-old Adan Quesada was also overwhelmed with emotion while watching the news. His parents brought him to the United States when he was just 19-years-old.


Strength through joy
Feds warn against travel to U.S.-Mexico border areas

Ottawa is warning Canadians planning visits to Mexico to avoid that country’s border areas with the United States, lest they become caught up in escalating violence associated with drug cartels.
The Department of Foreign Affairs issued an “official warning” on its travel website Tuesday that said Mexico’s northern states are to be avoided “due to continuously high levels of violence linked to drug trafficking in those areas.”
The warning also said “”Canadians should avoid crossing Mexico’s northern border by land, as shootouts, attacks, and illegal roadblocks may occur at any time. Criminals especially target SUVs and full-size pickup trucks for theft and carjacking.”


golden ticket member

Local Students Crushed After DREAM Act Fails

Tiffani Helberg

Undocumented students at Miami-Dade College broke into tears Tuesday afternoon, after the U.S. Senate voted to keep the DREAM Act out of the defense bill.
Many of the students had hoped the measure would change their lives forever, opening doors to opportunity. So when the vote came in, devastation filled the room.
“I’m heart-broken,” said Esteban Roncancio, an undocumented student with tears in his eyes. “I thought finally we would get a chance to give back to this country that we all love,”
Nineteen-year-old Adan Quesada was also overwhelmed with emotion while watching the news. His parents brought him to the United States when he was just 19-years-old.
If Esteban loves this country so much, he can do what it takes to become a citizen the right short cuts!


Strength through joy
Court Okays Longer Sentence For Illegal Immigrants

In a much-needed legal victory for the often defeated immigration enforcement movement, a federal appellate court has ruled that a criminal’s sentence can be increased if he or she is in the United States illegally.
The case involves a pair of illegal aliens (Hector Loaiza-Sanchez and Jose Luis Juarez-Gonzalez) who pleaded guilty in an Iowa federal court to drug felonies, conspiring to distribute and possessing with intent to distribute a substantial quantity of methamphetamine.
The appellate court dismissed the defendants’ suggestion that taking immigration status into account is national origin discrimination because the majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic. “A person’s legal status as a deportable alien is not synonymous with national origin,” the court points out in its 7-page ruling.
Furthermore, the ruling says, judges are allowed to consider all information concerning the background, character and conduct of an individual when sentencing them. Guidelines specifically point out that a sentence can be lengthened when the defendant’s criminal history does not completely characterize his illegal acts and entering the country without papers is an illegal act, the judges write.


Strength through joy
Mexican National Gets 57 Years for Holding 31 ILLEGALS Hostage at Tucson “Drop” House

Immigrant smuggler gets 57 years in Tucson case


Strength through joy
Mexican leader vows to protect journalists

Calderon vows safeguards will be in place by the end of October
With Mexico’s gangsters murdering and kidnapping them at will, President Felipe Calderon is now promising federal protection for the country’s besieged journalists.
Modeled after similar Colombian strategies that proved effective, the government will offer security protection to journalists who have received credible threats, make attacks on journalists a federal offense and toughen prosecution of those crimes.
Calderon’s vow follows last week’s killing of a novice photographer for El Diario, the leading newspaper in Ciudad Juarez, the bloodied and embattled city across the border from El Paso. And it comes just as the editor of a Juarez online news site announced he’s been granted U.S. political asylum because of gangster death threats.
could this be the start of another backdoor immigration policy ?


Staff member
Well if Mexico does legalize drugs, they will have an illegal imigration problem the size American's have never imagined.


Strength through joy
In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri . In November, 2008, nearly 90% voting in favor! Thus English became the official language for ALL governmental activity in Missouri .

No individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English.

In 2008 a measure was passed that required the Missouri Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be in Missouri illegally. Missouri law enforcement offices receive specific training with respect to enforcement of federal immigration laws.

In Missouri illegal immigrants do NOT have access to taxpayers benefits such as food stamps and health care through Missouri HealthNET. In 2009 a measure was passed that ensures Missouri ’s public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are illegally in the United States .

In Missouri all post-secondary institutions of higher education to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States .

So while Arizona has made national news for its new law, it is important to remember Missouri has been far more proactive in addressing this horrific problem.

Missouri has made it clear that illegal immigrants are NOT welcome in the state and they will certainly NOT receive public benefits at the expense of Missouri taxpayers!

WASHINGTON , Nov 05, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Missouri voters overwhelmingly approved H.J. Res. 7 yesterday [a constitutional amendment], strengthening the state’s official English law. The measure passed with more than 85 percent of the vote, as 2.4 million Missourians cast ballots in favor of the measure.

The approved measure makes English the official language of all official proceedings in Missouri.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
A Colorado tourist was shot in the head and thrown from his jet ski as his wife frantically tried to dodge bullets and escape from Mexican pirates marauding on a U.S.-Mexico border lake, according to a transcript from a 911 call released Saturday.

I will bet there is a lot more to this story as time goes on. You would have to be an expert sharpshooter with a high powered rifle to shoot someone in the head traveling 60 plus bouncing around on a lake on a personal watercraft. My bet is on the wife or her lover! PWCs can generally outrun just about any type of boat.