Arizona's anti-imigration law...

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I just heard that a witness came forward and said that they saw the boats chasing the PWC. So now it is anyone's guess! Was the witness her lover or a legitimate witness? ....and why would you travel deep into Mexican waters after there have been many other incidents AND there have been warnings issued to exercise caution ??


golden ticket member
I'm skeptical......what idiots go where people are getting killed right & left?? I think she did him in! She said she couldn't get his bulk on her jet ski.......just grab a foot and float his body back with you. He's lost in the water because he's suppose to be lost. Heck, those shooters probably went and picked him up an dumped him in Mexico....beheaded.


Well-Known Troll
My first question....what in the hell was he doing in Mexico???? Stay out of Mexico if you value your life !!!

Maybe taking in some sights, visiting someone. So we have to stay out of there, but they can bring their murderous ways into OUR country and we're supposed to be okay with it? No chance

Maybe if we send all our Gangsters/Welfare recipients down to the southern area of all the border states they can all fight for the drug turf and wipe each other off the face of the earth


golden ticket member
Why would anyone with half a brain go somewhere with auto. gun fire and innocent people getting killed. We're suppose to stay away from danger not go to it.

As for them coming here....close the damn borders !!!! Deport the illegals who are already the one that Gloria Allred is harboring presently!!
Why would anyone with half a brain go somewhere with auto. gun fire and innocent people getting killed. We're suppose to stay away from danger not go to it.

As for them coming here....close the damn borders !!!! Deport the illegals who are already the one that Gloria Allred is harboring presently!!
and make her take Allred with her.


Strength through joy
How can this be?
Didn’t Obama & Napolitano assure us the borders are secure and that there is no spillover of the Mexican narco-terrorism violence?
Obama and Napolitano wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

One Old Veteran

Matamoros Gunbattles Too Close for Comfort

Reported by: Eddie Flores
A Valley resident says the drug war in Mexico is getting too close for comfort for he and his neighbors.
A man we’ll call “Fred” lives just a couple of hundred yards from the border to Matamoros. He says he can clearly hear battles taking place in the Mexican town and he has personally seen illegal immigrants crossing his area with weapons.
Fred and his family have lived in their home in Brownsville for more than 40 years. His house is just a couple of hundred yards away from the border fence equipped with remote cameras from above.
He says he’s been constantly hearing gun battles taking place across the Rio Grande in Matamoros, including some gun battles the last two nights in a row.

Fred says he hears more than just small caliber weapons going off in Matamoros, he says he hears machine gun fire and grenades.
“I know from the sound and experience that they’re automatic weapons pretty much small caliber going up to 50,” he said. “I’ve heard explosions. I’ve seen the military helicopters out here at night. That’s close!”
Fred says he’s afraid stray bullets could easily reach a home on this side of the border and hurt innocent Americans.


Strength through joy
Thirty Reasons You Should Support Illegal Immigration and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Thirty Reasons You Should Support Illegal Immigration and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Peter Gadiel

1. America’s emergency rooms and health care system are not crowded enough.
2. The U.S. needs more organized, violent gangs. Currently the U.S. has Salvadoran gangs; Vietnamese gangs, Filipino gangs, Armenian gangs, Russian gangs, Chinese gangs; Cambodian gangs; Bulgarian gangs, Dominican gangs, Mexican gangs, Haitian gangs. Continuing unrestricted immigration will increase this “diversity.”
3. The U.S. carbon footprint is not large enough. Millions more immigrants will swell the population to enlarge the country’s carbon footprint.
4. U.S. highways are not crowded enough. More traffic is needed.
6. Prior to the days of unrestricted immigration the U.S. lacked a sufficient “diversity” of serious diseases. Unrestricted and illegal immigration has remedied that situation by reintroducing diseases formerly wiped out in the US and introducing new ones never before seen here: Leprosy, dengue fever, West Nile virus, treatment resistant TB, polio,

7. The U.S. needs more 9/11 style attacks. The 9/11 mass murderers were able to hide in plain sight among millions of other illegal aliens. In order to help future terrorists we must maintain a massive population of illegals.
9. There is insufficient racial, ethnic, religious strife in the U.S. Immigration will provide a welcome increase.
11. The U.S. does not have enough front groups for Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist organizations. Continued unrestricted immigration will enlarge the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and groups like it to rectify this lack.
12. The demonstrated propensity of Latin-American illegal aliens to drive while drunk will provide the needed increase in DUI’s and additional deaths of innocent people
13. The ACLU favors illegal immigration.
15. The Communist Party and other extreme left wing groups support illegal immigration.
16. Americans who have lived all their lives in the US currently have far too much medical care available to them and their quality of life must be reduced. That reduction can most easily be achieved by legalizing 20 to 30 million illegal aliens so they are eligible for the “free” benefits” of Obama’s scheme. See reason 17
17. Obama’s appointment of Donald Berwick, supporter of rationing of health care and central planning, will mean that even more of America’s health care assets will be diverted from Americans who have paid taxes for decades to newly arrived lawbreakers.
18. America’s schools are not crowded enough.
19. Only fifty-five languages are spoken the Los Angeles public school system. The cost and confusion created by this diversity has lowered quality a great deal, but it is possible to do worse.
20. With millions more poor illegals there will be a greater need for social workers, welfare workers, public school teachers and aides, more school lunch programs, more prisons, more police, more government workers of every kind. This will enlarge the number of voters reliant on the government for paychecks and will swell the membership rolls of the National Education Association, AFSCME, SEIU and other Democrat organizations.
21. The Democrat Party needs more voters.
22. The U.S. needs more socialism/Marxism. Adding tens of millions of poor immigrants demanding taxpayer-paid services guarantees the continued descent into loss of individual liberty.
23. The U.S. already produces too much petroleum. A larger population will make us even more dependent on foreign oil.
24. There is not enough urban sprawl in the U.S.
25. The Catholic Church’s membership is increased by unrestricted immigration.
26. Not enough of Arizona’s citizens have been murdered.
27. The Police Chiefs of Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Phoenix and other political hacks don’t want to pick and choose which laws to enforce. More illegals will give them greater leeway to not enforce laws that adversely affect illegal aliens.
29. George Soros, a Nazi collaborator in World War 2 needs more lawbreakers in the U.S. who are beholden to his many open borders front groups.
30. Illegal alien gangs have not yet murdered enough African-Americans in Southern California. This process of ethnic cleansing is best accomplished by unrestricted immigration.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
When is somebody going to see that Mexican drug lords are controlling parts of Arizona ??...........that is sooooo wrong !! :dissapointed:

At some point in time in the not so distant future - Mexico will be governed by the cartels. The cartels will actually run the government and control the army of Mexico. The USA will literally have to defend our southern border from a war with Mexico. Does this seem far fetched???


Well-Known Member
Anyone ready for a tax increase specifically for securing the borders?

:sad-little:No --I pay way too much to the government already. Take our Troops --many "NATIONAL GUARD" which I am already paying for away from guarding the Korean Border. Also remove them from Japan, Germany,stop nation building in Iraq and get serious or get out of "Obama's War"


Well-Known Member
You want to use "weekend warriors" to defend our southern border? I am not in favor of militarizing our southern border but, if it needs to be done, it should be done with fully trained active duty personnel augmented with guard and reservists, if needed.

bbsam brings up an excellent point. Issues such as this don't matter to a lot of people until you start hitting their wallets/pocketbooks. I have stated many times that I have a disconnect on this issue as I am not directly affected by it.

DS will back me up on this--the situation on our northern border is nothing like this. The US/Canada border is one of the friendliest in the world.


Well-Known Member
These "weekend warriors" you speak of ----Are good enough to risk their own lives fighting two wars !!! I guess they are not good enough to guard our borders. We should not call them NATIONAL GUARD ???


Well-Known Member
These "weekend warriors" you speak of ----Are good enough to risk their own lives fighting two wars !!! I guess they are not good enough to guard our borders. We should not call them NATIONAL GUARD ???

The mission of the National Guard is to augment the active duty force. They go through basic training and then spend one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer training. That is not nearly enough for them to operate on their own. When guard and reservists are called to active duty they are sent for more training before being sent to their duty assignment.

I did not mean to use the term "weekend warriors" in a negative way and apologize if you took offense.

Do we really want (or need) to militarize our southern border? Would you want to deal with military checkpoints, not just at the border, but within a specified buffer zone of the border?


golden ticket member
You pay the taxes to school their kids and support their families on welfare...........are you saying there are no Mexican or Cuban or any other foreign illegal people in N.Y?? That would be the only way you aren't affected. You know darned well, you have illegal aliens in your say otherwise would make you naive!
There are probably illegal middle easterns attending your colleges and their student visas ran out years are paying for their education!!