Canada is much too slack, too.
As long as you say the magic word "Refugee" , the government will take care of you for about the next 3 years. (Up to 3 hearings that drag out).
They will supply you with housing, welfare, a temporary working visa, vistors social insurance card, healthcare.
By the time those 3 years have gone by, illegal women had "canadian" babies (born in this country makes them canadian). And the men marry any Canadian woman they can find.
It doesn't always work, and they still might get deported, but a lot of times it does.
But, lets say, if someone just crossed the border, didn't get caught, and tries to live and work here. It's almost impossible.
Without the social insurance card (like you SS card), you basically can't do anything.
Can't get a drivers license, neither open a bank account, or get a job.
I think our employment laws and fines are much stricter then those in the US.
We don't have illegals cutting the lawn, working in hotel services, or picking fruit. They are not part of our workforce, period.
Refugees, yes. But, again , only time related. That vistors working visa, runs out, and they can't get a job after that.
Now, if some was caught just crossing the border, and didn't say the magic word. Probably would be fingerprinted, spend the night in jail, and be driven back to US customs. Probably would face a monetary fine, too (that never gets collected).
About a year ago, we recently had a whole boat load from some asian country hitting shore in Vancouver.
I think they wanted to port in Seattle, but the US coast guard was there. So , they head north to Vancouver.
They got a place to live, food, welfare, etc. A year has gone by, still no outcome what to do with them all.