Arizona's anti-imigration law...

Easy Tex, don't implode, and don't kick your dog. Take a step back and listen to yourself, you argue this is an open and shut case, absolutely nothing constitutionally was violated, and anybody who says differently are liars, racists (how ironic in this, didn't read the Bill, have no reading comprehension, and push extreme left wing stupidity.

No imploding here, and I don't have a dog. You say I am arguing that this is an open and shut case, that's just not true. I argue that I believe this to be a good law that will pass the Constitutional litmus test. Then I tell why I believe that to be so. Your argument is that the law (not a bill) is un American and anyone that supports it are Marxist, communistic and/or nazis. My little tirade was nothing but throwing a little of the hate speech back at you. Didn't like it much did ya? It is your refusal to show any comprehension of the law and continue to say it is encouraging profiling that is unfounded in any piece of fact. In other words, :show me the proof of profiling:.

The law is not just unconstitutional, its “facially” unconstitutional, if you know what that means.
Actually, I have never heard the word "facially" applied in this context. Of the face unconstitutional? concerned with or used in improving the appearance of the face unconstitutional ? Sorry, neither one makes sense.
States do not get to legislate intn'l/nat'l affairs. States legislate state issues, and the federal govt legislates intn'l/nat'l affairs.
And you’d know that if the Conservative Texas School Boards didn't keep changing content in our text books.
The Az law does not legislate intn'l/nat'l affairs, it supports federal law. I have said on this thread that if the AZ law was unconstitutional it would be so on the balance of powers between state and feds, I think there is a fine line there that will probably have to be decided by the SCotUS. I will bow to their decision, will you?
Now Tex, if your bent on displacing Mexicans in your own state, who's going to do the low wage jobs such as shoveling manure off your ranch ?...
Never said I was for displacing Mexicans from any state, nope, never said nor implied it either. I am for displacing illegal immigrants from the US, whatever country they are from or whatever state they are in. Hardly a racist stance.

Contrary to what your masters on hate radio ....Hate to disappoint youbut I don't listen to Mike Malloy or Peter Weibe. I also do not listen to Limbaugh or any of the other "conservative talk show people either. and fauxsnooze (do I get to make up senseless words too)may tell you, this law is not simply a “strengthening of existing federal laws”.. Its rascism for political points, and worrisom at the polls, pure and simple. How is this racism? I doubt many, if any, politicians do anything without "political points" in mind.They may just simply target “hispanics” right now, but whats there to stop officials from, lets say targeting people with a “european” accent? How does this law "target hispanics''? Now, I do understand that the law will effect mostly Mexicans because of the proximity to Mexico , but the law is clearly directed to all illegal immigrants. The facts are also clear that thousands of middle eastern Muslim extremists cross the boarders as well. Wouldn't it be nice to stop a few of them as well?
When we allow the rights of other people to be trampled on, we pretty much guarantee that our rights will be the next to go.
Please tell me exactingly what rights are being trampled on. You have made many unfounded claims of this but yet have not proven even one right that has been trampled on. But know, you asking for us to have faith in people like Sherriff Joe A-hole, that they'll do the right thing.... I'm pretty sure you have insisted that we trust Obama, even though he has proven time and time again that he is a liar. So what's the difference?

On a side note, speaking of toughguy sheriff of USA, Joe Arpaio and his aggressive tactics against illegal immigrants have been frequently in the news lately. 93 people were detained in the latest sweep, and officers suspected about 63 of them are illegal immigrants. This brings up the question – on what ground were the other 30 detained and if they are legals, isn't it an argument that "reasonable suspicion" doesn't work in certain cases?
I don't know what grounds they were detained on and you don't either. You are speculating that there were no reasons for the detainment when you know absolutely nothing of the circumstances. There are many laws that could have been broken by those 30 that have nothing to do with legal status in the US. You are so willing to believe that anyone that doesn't agree with your thoughts are racists (IMO that makes you a racist) and neo-nazis.
The law threatenes to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.
Basic notions of fairness are highly interpretive and ambiguous. Going outside of the lines that you draw does not necessarily create unconstitutional actions.

How bout this, deport the Repugs (the ones that are trying to destroy America) and keep the hard working Immigrants...
That still does not address the problem with criminal aliens.
You make me laugh out loud claiming that republicans are trying to destroy America, all they are trying to do is keep the liberals from giving it away
Someone talking with his heart... isn't that sentimental? Anyway. trplnkl haven't you read my posts dude? I've explained you everything you've asked for. "If you did post the answer I must have missed it in one of your run on sentences, but I digress." Oops, I guess you haven't. Or maybe you have, but you just ignore what goes against your political ideals. I am beginning to think you believe in what the Constitutions says, but I am still not certain that you have a clue as to what it does say. I ask again, what part of the Constitution has been violated, ignored, insulted or spat upon. Please be specific. Go back and read my posts. I've even refered to SB1070 (along with HB2162). I've told you how it does, and all you say is "that's not what it implies. You want me to be more specific. LOL, now you're gonna have a problem with "moreluck" LOL. " I really hate to tell you this, but this thread has been political from the very first post. The subject is highly political. You have no idea what my prejudices are, you might be surprised if you did know. You keep saying I'm ignorant about the Constitution yet you have only shown your disdain for people who insult it. That is not proof of your knowledge of said document, so how about put up or shut up? You tell me what part of the Constitution has been violated." Yeah, I know, and that's the first thing I've pointed out, you can't see beyond your nose, because you're too submerge into politics, and cannot debate in a neutral manner. I don't think I would be surprised of your prejudices, if you show that type bigotry to one group of people on an internet site, I can imagine how you are in real person. I've met several people like that. Oh, just remember the word "wetguys" you came up with. So you don't think I know anything about my Constitution? LOL, you need to read dude. Get back to my posts and read. I see you don't have a problem understanding, the thing is you don't read, maybe if you read you might be able to understand laws, who knows. You're running on a spin-wheel like a hamster, saying the same things over and over. Now, it's not my problem you ignore what it's not convenient for you, I'm not gonna' repeat things over and over. As I've said before, you guys tell me I write gibberish stuff, then tell me what's and how's gibberish what I write. Point me out things. Don't repeat the same questions over and over and over again. Oh Nay nay, I was dead serious, do you have any idea what the US Code is? I wonder if you're trained in some type of reverse-psychology. Get back and read my posts, I've already answer all your babble gabble. And stop using my own statements against me, because that doesn't work.

Oh, but I love this one:

OH you really got me, didn't ya?- trplnkl
Did I? On what part? The prejudice you have? The rights for people living under any jurisdiciton? Your insult to my Constitution? About the Political issue? Etc. etc. etc.
I'm sorry, in the future I will try to refrain from making facetious remarks.
I hope you will. FINALLY!

Hey, and stop mentioning me on the other posts... I have Contitutional Principles, you have Political ones. I can think in a neutral manner beyond all the political garbage you're submerged into. Now, if you think that a person still believing in the Principles of the Constitution is "naive," guess what? There are a lot of people that still believe in what our Founding Fathers struggled for, I'm not the only one. And please don't tell me to point you out where you mention me. You go back and look in the posts. READ.

I went back and read all of your posts, many times you stated that the AZ law was unconstitutional, that it violated the bill of rights and I forget what else now. However you never....not even once...said what part it violated. Was it one of the amendments, the preamble or somewhere in the main body? You've made the statements, the burden of proof is on you. I will not do YOUR research.
Oh & BTW, I will mention you in any post I like.


I don't think his remarks were off-mark, but considering Mexico's immigration laws he should evaluate his own domestic policies before speaking publicly on someone elses....Let alone Rich Americans can come and go basically unchecked but poor immigrants from Central and South America are more scutinized and tell stories of brutality......

That's like saying there's no intent on innocent casualties of war, but it happens to frequently.....I disagree and also agree. There is no intent but it probably will happen. There have been many men that have gone to jail for committing a crime they did not commit. No system is perfect because man administers that system.

I'm siding with the many other unsung hero Police chiefs against the Bill, who aren't looking for fame and recognition like Joe -A, I still would like to hear from all the legals his district picked-up and detained under the discretion of the Maricopa County dictator.....Darlin, you can side with whomever you wish. I will not deny the man loves to hear himself talk and he loves to see himself in the news but he is still effective in doing his job and cowtows to no one in the course of doing that job. He seems to be doing something right.

Right back at you Dill.....supporting the insistense that anybody who disagrees with Arizona's Immigration reform bill as liars, illiterates, racist, and extreme stupid leftist as your buddy Tex is conducting, well, your going to get the same thing back as well....Hey, you drew first blood but if calling Arpaio an :censored2: flips your switch go for it dude. Epithets and slurs seem to be a matter of course for you. Have I said some things that I shouldn't have? You're damn right I have and I have no problem admitting it. You wanna call me on it? Go for it. You won't hurt my feelings any. I know how to apologize if it is needed. Some don't.

Now, I find it convenient for so many here (mostly Conservative) to validate this claim of ownership that more Gov't is bad, less Gov't is good, yet when it suits their position, they welcome more Gov't with open arms and open legs, and professes to all "let's have faith in their desicion making"...At the same time, willing to relinquish security for the citizens/guests of Az...I am in agreement that illegal immigration is a drain on the system, but not as a result of rising crime rates, because that's just not true. And many do pay taxes, even for social services they will never recieve... However, if you put these people out of work and on the run, crime will increase and those who witness bad behavior will not come forward out of fear, including battered women.......We will see Constitutional challenges hopefully sooner than later, we all know how slow our Judicial system works, almost as slow as Congress....But I would not call either side of the Constitutonality of Az's Bill, liars or stupid illiterates, that's just like Jr High Sch mentality....But I will still call Maricopa County's Dictator Joe A an A-hole for his beligerent history and his obsession for attention and self serving purposes....

I think you overstated, just a might bit, no one coming forward out of fear. But, then again, who knows. I can say, from my point of view, that I will fear no man ever again. If someone wants to cross my property line, uninvited, they will see the business end of my 45's. I WILL protect that which is mine and if supporting SB1070 is going to help me protect that which is mine then I am all for it. I am not a racist. Yet you keep calling me one, by extension, because I support my governor in what she has done. Your damn right I support her. I applaud her for standing up to what is right. I noticed in the paper today that odrama is sending 1200 soldiers to the border. Now, my dear, if he is so right in his damnation of SB1070, why did he give in and send in troops? Maybe, just maybe, he has found out that this bill is not so wrong afterall. Time will tell.


Strength through joy
ILLEGALS Banned from Concert for Using Driving “Privilege” Card

Driving privilege cardholders turned away from concert
Dozens of people were denied access to a Latino pop concert at a venue where access hinged on having the proper ID.
Many in the mostly-Latino crowd used Utah’s driving privilege card as ID to get into Saturday’s Enrique Bunbury Show at The Depot in Salt Lake City. But state law prohibits using the card to get into a bar.
But for at least two dozen Latino fans, there would be no concert that night. Security staff checking IDs denied access to those using a driving privilege card, which are given to undocumented people.
The Utah driving privilege card does say on its face it’s not to be used as a valid ID.

In Utah, the Legislature has considered immigration crackdowns for years. It clarified the driving privilege card law in 2008, designating it for driving and insurance purposes only.
The driving privilege card statutorily is not an identification card, cannot be used for anything that requires proof of age or proof of identification.


Strength through joy
President Obama pledges to send 1,200 unarmed National Guard troops to the U.S./Mexico border in an attempt to fight illegal immigration and drug smuggling.


Strength through joy
Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services


Phoenix resident Brandon Slayton began a drive to refer SB 1070 to the November ballot. He needs more than 76,000 signatures by July 28 to stop the law from taking effect until voters can have their say in the November general election.

Quickly all those here who are against SB 1070, now is you chance to do something.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Now, I find it convenient for so many here (mostly Conservative) to validate this claim of ownership that more Gov't is bad, less Gov't is good, yet when it suits their position, they welcome more Gov't with open arms and open legs, and professes to all "let's have faith in their desicion making"...At the same time, willing to relinquish security for the citizens/guests of Az...I am in agreement that illegal immigration is a drain on the system, but not as a result of rising crime rates, because that's just not true. And many do pay taxes, even for social services they will never recieve... However, if you put these people out of work and on the run, crime will increase and those who witness bad behavior will not come forward out of fear, including battered women.......We will see Constitutional challenges hopefully sooner than later, we all know how slow our Judicial system works, almost as slow as Congress....But I would not call either side of the Constitutonality of Az's Bill, liars or stupid illiterates, that's just like Jr High Sch mentality....But I will still call Maricopa County's Dictator Joe A an A-hole for his beligerent history and his obsession for attention and self serving purposes.... [/COLOR][/B]

More gov't is bad and less is good is the typical liberal oversimplification for your spin on what Libertarians as well as other conservatives believe in. We believe in the RIGHT type of government. Govern by following the Constitution. To simplify it - The federal government was established to protect the safety of it's citizens from threats outside it's borders as well as inside it's borders. The government was not set up to regulate Americans to death. Each state establishes the rules, regulations and laws it feels is best for it's citizens within the scope of the state Constitution and federal Constitution.

In the case of Immigration - the Feds are not doing their job in securing the border of Arizona, so the state is taking control. I am sure that if the state had the money - it would build it's own wall. In fact, I would be more than willing to pay my fair share for that.

The donkey in charge is going to have a hard time and VERY EMBARRASSING time trying to prove it's case. This is why it is taking so long to challenge the law. They will probably attack one little section to limit the fallout. HEE! HAW!

This is one reason why we have one of the worst administrations EVER. HEE HAW does not know the first thing about leadership. He is polarizing America. He should be spending his time trying to fix the border and then go with immigration reform. If people weren't coming into this country illegally by the hundreds of thousands, I would be more open to reform.

FIX the border first! Everything else is secondary.


Strength through joy

Illegal aliens caught, then released by deputies
Noah Pransky
CRYSTAL RIVER, Florida – Citrus County deputies made a surprising discovery Tuesday – 13 illegal aliens riding together in a van. But unable to get U.S. Border Patrol to the scene, they had no choice but to let 12 of them go.


Strength through joy
Donations pour in for border protection
by Lynn Ducey

Arizona’s effort to secure the state’s border with Mexico has generated enough cash donations to require the establishment of a special fund.


Well-Known Member
Breathing in Brown while in Aryanzona ! (Now that's racist) Let's be clear, seperate the talk that nobody here is personally being called racist, except for me (ironically), but the Az Bill/Law seethes in racism.

SB 1070 violates the due process clause, the Supremacy Clause, and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Immigrants Rights Groups have already followed suit. MALDEF, the ACLU, and NILC announced their legal challenge to SB 1070 last week.

A preliminary analysis by the ACLU also found it unlikely that the law would be upheld.

Lets keep track of the legal challenges to SB 1070 that have been filed.

In addition, a group of law professors came together to sign onto a letter stating their belief that the law is unconstitutional.

Beyond being fiscally unwise and just plain bad policy, the Arizona law is likely to face numerous legal challenges. While the unconstitutionality of the law is yet to be heard/proven, this number of lawsuits that are sure to continue should at least keep the Arizona legislature and Governor Jan Brewer busy, as well give pause as other states considering similar legislation.


golden ticket member
My friend was awakened this morning at 5 AM. by the police knocking at her door. Her garage was broken into and her car window smashed and briefcase stolen. The first thing the police did was ask for her I.D. ....and she was the victim. They caught the guy & retrieved the briefcase. Now that he committed a crime the police will be able to check his citizenship!!


golden ticket member
People, it's crime, crime, crime !! If you commit a crime or a traffic violation THEN you can be asked for proof of citizenship. We need sledge hammers to drive that through your heads!!


Well-Known Member
Go back and read again my friend. But, first read my untouchable little babies: The Bill of Rights. From 1 to 10. And if you have time, Amendment 14th, Plyler v. Doe, Wong Wing v. U.S, Yick Wo v. Hopkins. And I still have a few more, but I won't overwhelm you with so much reading. I've cited your wrong statements saying "that illegals didn't have rights, and that they deserve to be discriminated," just to name a few. I pointed you out that illegal aliens also had individual rights under any jurisdiction, now, do I have to cite you the 14th Amendment in this. And do I have to cite you the laws been violated on every single statement I give you. You don't know what is racism? Racial profiling, etc., and that it isn't permitted by law. I thought you did know our Constitution. You seem to be a Patriotic US Citizen, but the problem is that you don't know the Constitution and what it implies. May be if you did, you would think in a different way... oh no, sorry, your prejudice and your political affiliations won't let you.
I've cited SB1070, you tell me "that's not what it implies." I thought you were going to tell me how it doesn't. You will not do MY research. You will do YOURS, and tell me how it's not what it implies what I said. And please, although I have zero tolerance about anyone touching my Bill of Rights, I want to know your point of view on the part of "Reasonable Suspicion," "The "solely," color, race, nationality," etc. crap. I've cited you part of the law, but you haven't explain me your point of view on how my statements don't imply to the law. I thought you were going to place the rest of the law (the rest that you said I ignore) and explain how in the world they write something like the "solely," color, race, or national origin, and all that stuff.
No problem dude, you can mention me in any post if that's what you want, then.

I went back and read all of your posts, many times you stated that the AZ law was unconstitutional, that it violated the bill of rights and I forget what else now. However you never....not even once...said what part it violated. Was it one of the amendments, the preamble or somewhere in the main body? You've made the statements, the burden of proof is on you. I will not do YOUR research.
Oh & BTW, I will mention you in any post I like.


Well-Known Member
Stop making up stories. Is as if I say that my auntie living in Arizona wants to hurry and finish up her Tango 101 Dancing Classes. Because she's afraid soon they won't let her dance Tango. Both stories sound real to the world, but they all know we're making them up.

My friend was awakened this morning at 5 AM. by the police knocking at her door. Her garage was broken into and her car window smashed and briefcase stolen. The first thing the police did was ask for her I.D. ....and she was the victim. They caught the guy & retrieved the briefcase. Now that he committed a crime the police will be able to check his citizenship!!


golden ticket member
This was not a fairy tale......My friend lives alone in Toluca Lake and when she received an e-mail from me at 5 AM, she knew I was up and she told me what happened to her. I don't need to make up stories and I don't lie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She also lost her condo & car in the Northridge quake......another lie, huh???


Well-Known Member
Alright, alright, I was kidding. My Aunt's story is also real. I hope she finishes her Tango classes soon. She lives in Tucson, and she's a teacher of the University of Arizona.

Glad your friend is alright. The condo and car are nothing compare to life. I'm glad she's fine.

This was not a fairy tale......My friend lives alone in Toluca Lake and when she received an e-mail from me at 5 AM, she knew I was up and she told me what happened to her. I don't need to make up stories and I don't lie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She also lost her condo & car in the Northridge quake......another lie, huh???
Alright, alright, I was kidding. My Aunt's story is also real. I hope she finishes her Tango classes soon. She lives in Tucson, and she's a teacher of the University of Arizona.

Glad your friend is alright. The condo and car are nothing compare to life. I'm glad she's fine.
Too late, you've already admitted that your story was a LIE.
but they all know we're making them up.
does a lot more than implying.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Go back and read again my friend. But, first read my untouchable little babies: The Bill of Rights. From 1 to 10. And if you have time, Amendment 14th, Plyler v. Doe, Wong Wing v. U.S, Yick Wo v. Hopkins. And I still have a few more, but I won't overwhelm you with so much reading. ..... BLAH BLAH BLAH

Breathing in Brown while in Aryanzona ! (Now that's racist) BLAH BLAH BLAH but the Az Bill/Law seethes in racism.

SB 1070 violates the ... due process clause... to the U.S. Constitution. - Immigrants Rights Groups have already followed suit. MALDEF, the ACLU, and NILC ... to SB 1070 last week.
...BLAH...Lets keep track of the lawsuits....that have been filed.

In addition, a group of law professors came together to ... a letter stating their belief that the law is unconstitutional.

Beyond being [blah blah blah...] the Arizona law is likely to face numerous legal challenges. While the unconstitutionality of the law is yet to be heard/proven, this number of lawsuits that are sure to continue should at least keep the Arizona legislature and Governor Jan Brewer busy, as well give pause as MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH....

:bow::bow::bow: It is so nice to have our very own Constitutional Scholars! With all this knowledge you should come on down to AZ and you can fix this problem for us.

After all... you have all the answers!!:salute:


Well-Known Member
Oh! trplnkl to the rescue. Don't you see my sarcastic point, dude? Hey, but you still could debate on it, it's surprisingly how that story could happen; Arizona is interesting. Oh man, will they ban Tango classes? People won't be surprised at all if that was to happen, as we can see.

I did mean this: Glad your friend is alright. The condo and car are nothing compare to life. I'm glad she's fine.

Too late, you've already admitted that your story was a LIE. does a lot more than implying.


Well-Known Member
I bet I could find a better solution than Mr. As*paio. Or at least I would have not sign a racist bill like Sexy Miss Brewer did. Man, I wonder if she has read the law. Or at least if she read it before she signed it. If she didn't I would excuse that lovely girl of such a thing.

:bow::bow::bow: It is so nice to have our very own Constitutional Scholars! With all this knowledge you should come on down to AZ and you can fix this problem for us.

After all... you have all the answers!!:salute: