
Well-Known Member
'91 and I have March, April, 2 in June, July, and September. Could have taken an August if I wanted.....of course all of my former package buddies say Feeders is a permanent vacation so......

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Has anyone after reviewing their annual ride had to talk to Liberty Mutual afterwards?

I have to do my review tomorrow and was told I'd be speaking to them when I was done.
I asked my sup what it was concerning. He said they would want to know what subjects he covered during the ride,etc. I asked him, considering my being vocal on safety issues at the cach, if mgmt. really wants me talking to these people.
5 years in package then feeders? Sweet. Minimum of 25 years in package to get into feeders here.

I was fortunate to catch the wave going from PT to PC and then PC to feeder. Then again I always had my name on each list and when they said it was time to go I didn't hesitate.


KTM rider
I asked my sup what it was concerning. He said they would want to know what subjects he covered during the ride,etc. I asked him, considering my being vocal on safety issues at the cach, if mgmt. really wants me talking to these people.

I have heard of that. They want to know if the supe went over everything he/she is supposed to go over. That the training ride was an effective training ride. I had the same type of thing 5ish years ago. Wanted to know what part of the route the supe drove, what we covered while he drove and that kind of stuff.
I have heard of that. They want to know if the supe went over everything he/she is supposed to go over. That the training ride was an effective training ride. I had the same type of thing 5ish years ago. Wanted to know what part of the route the supe drove, what we covered while he drove and that kind of stuff.

I see how that's going to go then.


" I have no recollection of that ,Senator"

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
You would not like picking vaca on our feeder board unless you're used to crappy picks in package car also.

The best vacations, IMO, are the weeks no one else wants, because they wouldn't dream of taking a vacation in the middle of winter. They don't realize cruises and things are cheaper then, and far less crowded. And nothing like a well - timed vacation week that happens to fall when we get hit with a major snow storm; I actually pulled that off this year!

People also warn me about working weekends and holidays. My thought process is my weekend will be when I have two days off; Saturday and Sunday are days in my week, but they don't have to be at the ends; thankfully my wife kinda sees it that way. The hardest part will be scheduling around the kid's days off from school, although between the holidays (thank goodness for our many Jewish teachers, our district gets off for Rosh Hoshanna and Yom Kippur) and "Teacher Improvement Days"(read: no school), we will have our opportunities.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
To add to my post above, I now have enough seniority to get some of the peripheral weeks in summer, like in June, maybe one in August, but I still choose the weeks in Sept after school has begun, or sometime in Jan - Mar.

No sir, picking vacations won't bother me in Feeders. Not gaining weight, now that'll be a frustrating challenge!

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you in a small building but in our area the big buildings have the feeder drivers that cover the region.
We don't have a cover list. You either go feeder as a peak temp or a replacement driver and are trained accordingly. We have a board big enough to cover our vacations, 370+ currently.

Your peak temp hires who come from the inside would be on our Q-list. During peak, they work Feeders, no choice (going strictly by seniority, it seems like I can choose to do peak feeder driving in 705; here, we have no choice).

Outside peak, once sent back down to package Feeders needs are subservient to Package, i.e. they have to "ask" the center manager could they make due without that particular driver that day.

The "replacement driver" you mentioned sounds like a bidded position; that is what we on the q-list are waiting for. At that point we stay permanently in feeders.