
Staff member
Your peak temp hires who come from the inside would be on our Q-list. During peak, they work Feeders, no choice (going strictly by seniority, it seems like I can choose to do peak feeder driving in 705; here, we have no choice).

Outside peak, once sent back down to package Feeders needs are subservient to Package, i.e. they have to "ask" the center manager could they make due without that particular driver that day.

The "replacement driver" you mentioned sounds like a bidded position; that is what we on the q-list are waiting for. At that point we stay permanently in feeders.
We don't have your "A,B, and C" list, it's just one q list and FT seniority is the only seniority. Also here Feeders has priority, they don't ask package if they can have a driver for the week they tell them and that's the end of the conversation. I'm sure there must be some reason for it, but your system seems overly complicated.
Your peak temp hires who come from the inside would be on our Q-list. During peak, they work Feeders, no choice (going strictly by seniority, it seems like I can choose to do peak feeder driving in 705; here, we have no choice).

Outside peak, once sent back down to package Feeders needs are subservient to Package, i.e. they have to "ask" the center manager could they make due without that particular driver that day.

The "replacement driver" you mentioned sounds like a bidded position; that is what we on the q-list are waiting for. At that point we stay permanently in feeders.

Our peak temps come from PC. Our replacement drivers come from PC. When you get your 40 in you're here to stay.


Well-Known Member
Driver on the Eastern Shore opened up a set a few weeks back. There was a road closure and state police redirected traffic down a back road that he was not familiar with. The height of the bridge he went under was 12' 6" but it wasn't marked on the bridge....just a small sign a few hundred yards before the overpass. Both trailers had instant sunroofs.

I feel sorry for the guy. We all know how stressful and frustrating it is having to be detoured into an area you have never been to and don't know well. Hopefully that's a phone call I never have to make!

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promoted to mediocrity
Electronic/virtual hazmat shipping papers a suitable substitute for actual shipping papers?
I've been told that scanning hazmat pkgs under the appropriate function key is sufficient when loading a feeder, and do not have to pull shipping paper(s) for pouch(es). Mgmnt says it's a result of some recent settlement agreement, that hazmat info is somehow instantly available to all first responders if needed.
I'm skeptical, have any feeder drivers been told this?


Well-Known Member
Electronic/virtual hazmat shipping papers a suitable substitute for actual shipping papers?
I've been told that scanning hazmat pkgs under the appropriate function key is sufficient when loading a feeder, and do not have to pull shipping paper(s) for pouch(es). Mgmnt says it's a result of some recent settlement agreement, that hazmat info is somehow instantly available to all first responders if needed.
I'm skeptical, have any feeder drivers been told this?

I heard that they were going to do this eventually when they started having to F5 the hazmats. I have since gone from inside PT to feeders and haven't heard anything else. Seems to me that this would only work if the loader remembers to hit F5 before scanning the hazmat. Although, they seem to know when a hazmat gets loaded without hitting F5.


promoted to mediocrity
I heard that they were going to do this eventually when they started having to F5 the hazmats. I have since gone from inside PT to feeders and haven't heard anything else. Seems to me that this would only work if the loader remembers to hit F5 before scanning the hazmat. Although, they seem to know when a hazmat gets loaded without hitting F5.
  1. Definitely only works if properly scanned. I know it shows up on a report after the fact, meaning after it is unloaded/scanned at the next hub/center. (And I believe it's F3, for any loaders reading this)
  2. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some "agreement" allowing this. Mgmnt talked about it as if it were some great new technical innovation, I just figured the company got caught violating DOT regs too many times.
Wondering if feeder drivers are being told about this? Does it show up on the new IVIS somehow? Are first responders & DOT inspectors calling a centralized phone number to get this info?


Staff member
Electronic/virtual hazmat shipping papers a suitable substitute for actual shipping papers?
I've been told that scanning hazmat pkgs under the appropriate function key is sufficient when loading a feeder, and do not have to pull shipping paper(s) for pouch(es). Mgmnt says it's a result of some recent settlement agreement, that hazmat info is somehow instantly available to all first responders if needed.
I'm skeptical, have any feeder drivers been told this?
As far as I know, we still have to have a hazmat pouch with paper tags.
We need both copies and pouches to travel to the railyard but once their the rail pouch and copies can be pitched as they have already been transmitted electronically.


promoted to mediocrity
We need both copies and pouches to travel to the railyard but once their the rail pouch and copies can be pitched as they have already been transmitted electronically.
So the first shuttle driver & the RR are covered, good.
Maybe the next "settlement agreement" will figure out what to do for the driver that picks it up from the RR & moves it to the next hub?
So the first shuttle driver & the RR are covered, good.
Maybe the next "settlement agreement" will figure out what to do for the driver that picks it up from the RR & moves it to the next hub?

There's two copies Hondo. The set that goes in one pouch with the trip ticket for the rail yard and the second set that stays with the trailer. The driver on the other end removes it from the trailer for transport.


promoted to mediocrity
There's two copies Hondo. The set that goes in one pouch with the trip ticket for the rail yard and the second set that stays with the trailer. The driver on the other end removes it from the trailer for transport.
Gotcha, I knew that. I misread the part about "the rail pouch and copies can be pitched".

So I think I have it right now. The hazmat info goes to the RRs, the physical shipping papers are still necessary for the (public) road trips to/from the RRs. Mgmnt does not understand it this way. (or at least those instructing me). Mgmnt thinks only the scan is needed, not the papers. I think they're confused by having the 1 RR abutting the co. property.

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Well-Known Member
We need both copies and pouches to travel to the railyard but once their the rail pouch and copies can be pitched as they have already been transmitted electronically.

So this would be why I never have paper work when I pick up a load coming from CACH, eh? haha