Silent Killer pt II
So.....I am at the outbound phones at NEWPA waiting for the security guard to seal my trailer. He seals it, walks back to the tractor, and hands me my keys and paperwork.
I start the tractor and reach over to hit leave when I see it......chunks of black grease all over the tips of my fingers!
"What the
?", I mutter. "Where the hell did that come from?"
I look everywhere, steering wheel, gear shift, hand brake, air valves, my backpack....nothing, all clean.
I reach for my keys to turn the tractor off as this will take me a few minutes to get my hand degreased. As I turn them I feel more of the Silent Killer wrap her dark tenacles around my fingers.
All over my keys!
"BRUH!", I yell to the guard, "You greased my keys!"
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. The seals are covered in that stuff."
I just shake my head, clean off my hands and keys, and hit the road.
Greased by a yellow shirt.....sigh.