Been In Brown Too Long
Ex-Package Donkey
Yes, you only think being close and filing paperwork is great, until you are actually retired. The weight that comes off your shoulders is incredible. Driving out of the parking lot I had a weird feeling. Thoughts of I never ever have to do that, or come here again, mixed with where did 31 years disappear to so quickly. Doesn't seem quick while you're doing it, only after it's over. I certainly don't miss any of it though. I feel as if my life is only now just beginning. That place was such an anchor dragging me down all those years.You probably thought the best thing ever was when you locked in your retirement where it was set in stone right? Only to find out the best thing ever is actually retirement itself!
Question is??? What are you doing too stay busy?
What am I doing now to stay busy? I just enjoy every moment. I always felt rushed before. Always had to get home right away, to rest before work. I spend lots of quality time with family. I play ungodly amounts of golf. Lots of projects around the house. I keep asking myself how was I able to do everything AND work before. I still don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. Lol.
Obviously, everyone has to do what is right for them and their family's future, but I recommend everyone leave that job at the earliest point possible for you! You'll thank yourself!! I could have gone a few more years and made a few more dollars, but the relief I feel, wouldn't trade it for anything that place had to offer.