The other night I was woken up by "meows". Wouldn't stop, so I went to my patio back door which was open, but screen door closed.
It was about a 6mth old kitten (maybe less months - have not that much knowledge of cats, since I have never owned one).
Figured, ok, let it in, give it some water and feed it some pre-cooked breakfast sausages.
Kept the back door open after that, and even the front door wide open so it could leave.
It never did !
For the past 2 days, been leaving the back door open, while at work, but kitty is still here.
I had to go out and buy cat food & cat litter. Surprisingly, the small young kitty, is toilette trained already. - Went right into the litter box after I showed it to her.
Checked online for missing cats/kittys, but none look or describe mine.
What to do ?
Take it to a vet or maybe SPCA ? Wait for someone looking for it (as online or posters in the neighbourhood) ?
Odd, I hated cats, (allergic to them , too), but getting attached to this one, and it got attached to me.
Took some Reacton to fight the allergy, feeding it only beef & chicken feed (because I'm allergic to sea food) and hoping that will solve the cat allergy thing.
But, anyways, was this cat meant to be with me - picked me for a reason ?
Because, that's what I'm staring to believe.
So, what would you do ?