Engorged Member
Not to doubt you, but you're getting part of the story. That aside, she had a legitimate enough -in the legal sense- complaint against him (and he did against her as well). How do you back him up? I understand him reacting that way but if some idiot snatches my ID, I leave immediately and call the cops and my manager. Not going to stand around and wait.
The guy should have simply denied everything. Her word against his. Fifty bucks says he talked himself out of his job. Guaranteed.
FedEx helps you work yourself out of a job with their whole "investigation" process, starting with your written statement. HR and management can cherry pick it to find enough to get you out the door.
FM's example is perfect. That is exactly the type of He said/She said situation that will get you canned. FedEx seldom will back you up and will take the low-risk/no liability road that saves them money.
Too bad if you lose your job in the process. Fred's money gets protected.