Well I'll give you a pass on your condescending " After you done with those evelopes". You don't know crap about my route.I know Ground is brutal, but if you're Express you must know that you have to cover the route almost 3 times. Starting at 0900 to 1030 you have 25 P1. And then I get about 75 P2, and need to make the business SOS by 1500 and they're scattered all over this sprawling area .Then you need to break route around 1400 to get them done on time. The 2nd half is knocking out the remaining resi's..you with me so far? Good , all while making time for your early closing pickups and until recently, signature required resi and throw in a couple COD here and there. A lot of apartments, a couple bulks ,wicked traffic.Oh ,and plenty of construction and some trains to boot! 15 pick ups and a 1 hour lunch...Yeah man , mindless unskilled work anyone can do , right?..I know multiple routes SRA..no map no GPS! Oh yeah you also have to reattempt any business C8. Back at the station by 1700 with a 20 min stem.